NY chicken lover!!!!

Hi everyone. At what age should I start giving my chicks grower feed?
I usually start them with a bag of medicated starter and then switch to Dumor 20% chick grower/starter. I keep them on that until they are near or start laying.

If I have young ones in with the Delawares I switch everyone to Dumor 20%, unit the young ones are laying. Delaware are easy going and I can stick the young ones in there with no trouble.

Right now I have two EE's in with them, since I'd originally put them in there. I moved them but they kept hanging out outside the run so I just said the heck with it and let them back in.

I'm torn between setting eggs or not. The incubator is up and I just need to clean the turner. I reckon if I had someone to take care of the chickens while I was gone it would be an easier decision.

In other news: You may or maynot care and that's alright.

My DIL is coming from Alaska next week to see her Grandparents who are elderly and it may be her last time to see them.

Too, my SIL's brother is having surgery for Testiclar cancer. He's in his 30's.

Too, Becky a young friend who graduated with my DD, was found to have another tumor. She'd been cancer free for a short time after having treatment for colon cancer. Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer not long ago.

I guess I'm just in shock right now.
  Cancer sucks so bad! We desperately need a cure. I am sorry it has hit your family & pray that things work out okay.

X2 rancher.
Yeah we put man on the moon 50 yrs ago, talking about putting them on Mars soon. Cancer, well science has gotten better. But no cure...
Thank you both. It's just that I can't beleive how many people I know that have it. Since my wife got it, at least three people we know have gotten it. Now four.

Please be sure you and yours have your tests. Don't not call the doc if something seems off.
It's sad but true that everyone seems to know someone with cancer or are directly affected by it. I almost went to oncology nursing, but decided it would have been too hard emotionally.
Yup, the wife and I have lost more to cancer than to old age/natural causes recently. Well, my gramma was old, just turning 90, still working and driving though, and could still kick butt. Chit chatted with her at the post office one day, everything fine, hospital next week and gone. She never told anyone she had Leukemia, didn't want anyone to worry.
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Um.. I might need help from one of you close to me. I have someone who wants to buy 30 dozen a month . I only get 30-35 dozen a month. And I still need some to feed my family. Who is close to Harpursville area that might be interested in selling a couple dozen eggs a month?
Rancher--You and your wife are in my thoughts. I know how awful cancer is, for me it is heart ache for the rest of my life. Life keeps moving though and it doesn't hurt as much when you stay busy and focus on what you still have to be thankful for.
Thank you both. It's just that I can't beleive how many people I know that have it. Since my wife got it, at least three people we know have gotten it. Now four.

Please be sure you and yours have your tests. Don't not call the doc if something seems off.
I think you hit the nail on the head there, Rancher. Women get so focused on their lives and caring for others that they poo poo symptoms...and sometimes it is too late. Men do the same also. Especially those who say...I am only 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 it couldn't possibly be. Whether it is cancer,heart disease or something else don't ignore those symptoms.

...and remember Doctors are not God's. The are not always right so seek attention from several different people.

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