NY chicken lover!!!!

Out of curiosity I looked and found their Facebook page...here's their post about ordering chicks

Ok, back to Sickie Chick. So her foot looks a little better. Still swollen and funky, but not quite as swollen. She's limping less, too.

DH finally got out to the feed store and picked up an antibiotic. He got Tetroxy HCA-280.

The package says not for use with laying hens, but Google says there's a withdrawal period (but I couldn't get a clear answer on how long).

But didn't somebody here recommend a different antibiotic? She isn't laying right now anyways, but still. I'm not set up to isolate her too easily, either. I suppose I could move all of the bantams in with the big birds and just hope the rooster doesn't try to mate with one of the wee sebright hens, lol. That would free up the grow-out pen/coop for Sickie.

Anyways, do we have the right antibiotic? Or should we use something else?
Took awhile to find it, I asked last yr who they order through, remembered what the site looked like and I questioned their 'araucanas', pretty sure they're easter eggers.
Ridgway Hatchery in Ohio. Pretty sure M&W price was a little lower than on Ridgway's website.
Don't know personally how their cornishX are but the 15 RIRs (production reds I'm sure) got through them were very healthy, and the egglayingist chickens I've ever encountered, I don't see how a leghorn could lay more.
The broad breasted white turkeys we went into with my inlaws, wow super huge, grew fast, no health problems, they're not like cornishX frankenchickens, free range just fine. Had one hen or whatever a turkey girls called lived a couple yrs (I couldn't chop off her head, she followed me around like a dog, well more lika cat) laid tons of big eggs, biggest pickled eggs I ever made.
@Sweetpea3829 sorry never medicated a chicken myself, no help. Hope you get it straightened out, looked bad.
And good luck with that rat. They're smarter than I thought.
He got Tetroxy HCA-280. a withdrawal period -USUALLY 1* -2 WEEKS

Duramycin-10 (tetracycline hydrochloride) broad spectrum antibiotics for use in chickens and other livestock. See the drug label information for dosage and usage information. When antibiotic treatment is complete, feed plain yogurt or buttermilk to restore good gut flora.
Tylan 50 labeled for cattle or swine use to treat bacterial respiratory infections such as coryza or mycoplasma. Dosage is 1/2 1 cc per chicken. When antibiotic treatment is complete, feed plain yogurt or buttermilk to restore good gut flora.
ANTIBIOTICS: People with chickens should keep a supply of antibiotics in case of upper respiratory or other bacterial infection symptoms. We recommend two prescription antibiotics:
a) BAYTRIL. Give one 22.7 mg (milligram) tablet per five pounds of bodyweight twice a day, morning and evening, for 10 to 14 days. DO NOT STOP GIVING AN ANTIBIOTIC AFTER A FEW DAYS WHEN SYMPTOMS SEEM TO DISAPPEAR. THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO IS TO STOP THE ANTIBIOTOC TREATMENT BEFORE 7 - 10 DAYS: THE INFECTION WILL MOST LIKELY COME BACK STRONGER THAN EVER AND MAY THEN BE UNTREATABLE. (In our experience 10 – 14 days is best.)
b) METRONIDAZOLE. Each tablet 250 mg. Give smaller birds ½ tablet by mouth once daily for 5 days for respiratory infections. Give ½ tablet once daily for other infections. If the bird is 8 pounds or heavier, try one whole tablet once a day for 5 days.
The dosage is 5mg/lb. So, if you have the Amoxidrops and your chicken is 5 pounds, you give .5mL (one-half mL, NOT five mL), which= 25 mg. If you want to try to give pills, give one-half of a 50 mg pill once daily. One study said twice that is safe.
Spectram Injectable
Respiratory antibiotic, 1/2cc subcutaneously and 1/2cc in the breast for 7 to 10 days to treat CRD.

Tylan 50
Respiratory antibiotic, is 1/2 cc just under the skin in back of neck also for 5-7 days to treat CRD.
Hey all you Hudson valley residents... I'll be receiving eggs some time this week (they ship out Monday from way up state) and I've only got a few coming. I was wondering if anyone has any large egg layers, preferably a unique egg color. I'm in 10524, will PayPal and hope you're within an hour of me so I could pick up but not a must! I'd like them by this Friday. Thanks all!

I could collect eggs for you, but I am farther away and have never mailed hatching eggs before. I have BLRW, golden cuckoo maran (some blue golden cuckoo too), a variety of OE (frizzle, NN,regular), and mixed breeds. My birds are not consistantly laying right now either. Most of my eggs are coming from my mixes right now.
There are a number of reasons. This past december I got really sick and had a hard time taking care of them. I nearly ended up in the hospital. DW was sick too. Bronchitis again. AND the Son and his family are now in Alaska. I haven't seen them in a few years. Didn't go to see them in Florida. AND my daughter is in TX and the baby is getting big. I'd like to go see them. I could stay a few weeks. The cold is getting to me. Though these days it has been very nice. Mario and Luigi were Black Orpingtons. The Daisies are nice birds. I think they're more content to free range. Some breeds don't like to be confined. Right now they have no run to be kept in. They come into the garage and knock on the back door. I've found them on the step more than once. I think if I left the door open they'd come right in. I expect with the right amount of attention they'd make great pets. They're not a big breed but not bantam size either. Anyhow having someone to take care of the chickens would be easier if I had less coops to tend.
Rancher, Sorry to hear you and your wife have had some health challenges. At least the weather has been mild this winter which could have made things even harder on you if it had been more typical. I hear it's supposed to get bitter cold towards the end of the week and into next. I am NOT looking forward to that. Below zero means I will be greasing up the girls' combs and wattles. There has been nothing close to frostbite weather here to deal with yet. The marsh daisies are adorable. Very pretty color. Stay well and I hope you can achieve a good balance between your chickens and your wish to travel and visit family. An Alaska trip would sure be a great adventure. TOB

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