NY chicken lover!!!!

Grandma, Thanks for posting this photo. A neighbor gave me two hens.
She just loves Chickens and DOES NOT KNOW THE BREED. My two young
hens 4 months old (very thin) look like your Maran. Thanks again. Aria
Longs as it is stirred and you add water it doesnt mold ..
It does react to the air ...so it gets darker ..
I too add the new fermented feed to what is left in the dish ..
I leave it over night and it is fine ..
Where do you get your feed ?
it is 17% ? does it have soy in it ?
I have been going to tractor supply ..getting theirs
I found some fresh organic feed ...which was wonderful & close to me ..
found out they add 1/3 soy ..so i would rather not use that .

I stir some, the minerals separate with this stuff so stirring is necessary anyway. All summer I've mostly just been one day fermenting, leave some and mix in new, gets working pretty quick.
This place is in Sidney so long ways from you. I was buying TSC, then found out this place is cheaper. Not sure if it has soy in it, doesn't say. Does say plant protein products so possibly I'd have to ask. Also has fermentation products and fish meal so I have doubts if there is soy. I also see whole legumes in the mix, so protein there also. I'll have to ask next time I pick some up if there is soy in it. Nobody has went broody feeding it all summer.
We have a feed mill close by? Please share where so my flock can eat better quality. Thank you.

Oh I also have 2 cx set aside for you. They are beautiful girls, fully feathered no leg problems and love to forage. Just let me know. I can keep them until spring if you like.

McDowell & Walker, I get it at there Sidney store. I believe their mill is in Afton, also have a store in Delhi I believe. The mash has been between $10-$10.80, I heard the price varies according to current grain prices, they get it cheaper the pass the savings on, vice versa.
You still have those cornishX! !!
I figured you gave up on me and ate them. I did make a trip to Gary's for a back windshield a few weeks ago but had no time, had to go to my sister's wedding in Afton that day and we actually arrived late as it was...
Been wondering how I was going to get some by spring, really want to see what a cross of them and my white naked neck will produce and don't want to put it off.
$$ has been tight and DW was not too happy with feed bill, adding a couple birds...
I've finally got the bill down, culled all non-breeding stock besides our EEs. Have the one white giant rooster and two hens and three nice pullets I hatched to add. Culled the 15 NNs to the biggest cockerel and two cleanest necked pullets, and the white NN cockerel and one white NN pullet, left two giant/silkie pullets with them.
I've put over 30 birds in the freezer. ..
I really really want to add those cornishX, sometime soon maybe so you don't have to keep feeding them. I'm more than willing to pay. If I don't get them from you I'll have to pay for a couple somewhere.
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Don't remember if I posted these hear.




Didn't really plan on keeping the white two but I can't part with them :-D
Egg Producer Feather Fixer

Crude protein 21% 18%
Lysine 1% .75%
Methionine .32% .35%
Crude fat…………………..3% 4%
Crude fiber………………..4.5%………………………………...........6.0%
Calcium……………min. 3.45 max 3. 95.…………………………..min 3.25 Max 3.75
Phosphorus……………..min.0.8%……………………………….........min 0.45%
Salt. …………………min. 0.3% max.8%......................................min 0.25 max 0.65%
Sodium………………….min 0.28% max 0.34%……………………….min.0.15% max 0.23%
Vitamin A……………min 4,500 IU/LB……………………………..min. 3,300 IU/LB
Vitamin D3.…………min. 1,500 IU/LB……………………………..Min 1,000 IU/LB
Manganese min. 110ppm
Selenium min 0.3 ppm
Vitamin E min 20 IU/LB
Lactobacillus Acidophilus min 5.1 CFU/LB
Lactobacillus casei min 5.1 mil CFU/LB
Bifidobacterium thermophilum min 5.1 mil CFU/LB
Enterococcus faecium min 5.1 mil CFU/gram

Can anyone explain the difference? and why I should pay more for the Feather fixer? How do these other things promote feather growth?

EE hatched out more chicks. I took an egg that was nearly hatched from another hen who I doubt will be hatching any chicks. The eggs got cold and I think that did them in. I'll wait a bit longer but I am not hopeful.

The EE finished the egg that the Frizzle had nearly completed. The ee also had two more left but one was clearly bad and I tossed it. It was rotten. She has one more that may be good I'll candle tonight and see what's what.

I ran a cord to the half hoop and added a heat light for added security. So now all coops have electric.
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Don't remember if I posted these hear.




Didn't really plan on keeping the white two but I can't part with them :-D
your NN and my cx just might make a cute couple. Like I said, I can keep them fat and happy until spring (well mating time anyhow) so you don't get in trouble.

I am going to talk to my boss about maybe getting me feed from M&W when he goes there for his livestock feed. He's the local feed/bedding delivery guy around me. And of course we want the best for our dinner to eat.
Egg Producer Feather Fixer

Crude protein 21% 18%
Lysine 1% .75%
Methionine .32% .35%
Crude fat…………………..3% 4%
Crude fiber………………..4.5%………………………………...........6.0%
Calcium……………min. 3.45 max 3. 95.…………………………..min 3.25 Max 3.75
Phosphorus……………..min.0.8%……………………………….........min 0.45%
Salt. …………………min. 0.3% max.8%......................................min 0.25 max 0.65%
Sodium………………….min 0.28% max 0.34%……………………….min.0.15% max 0.23%
Vitamin A……………min 4,500 IU/LB……………………………..min. 3,300 IU/LB
Vitamin D3.…………min. 1,500 IU/LB……………………………..Min 1,000 IU/LB
Manganese min. 110ppm
Selenium min 0.3 ppm
Vitamin E min 20 IU/LB
Lactobacillus Acidophilus min 5.1 CFU/LB
Lactobacillus casei min 5.1 mil CFU/LB
Bifidobacterium thermophilum min 5.1 mil CFU/LB
Enterococcus faecium min 5.1 mil CFU/gram

Can anyone explain the difference? and why I should pay more for the Feather fixer? How do these other things promote feather growth?

Egg Producer is not meant to be used as a complete feed, it is to mix with your own grains to create your own ration.
We have a feed mill close by? Please share where so my flock can eat better quality. Thank you.

Oh I also have 2 cx set aside for you. They are beautiful girls, fully feathered no leg problems and love to forage. Just let me know. I can keep them until spring if you like.

Keystone Mills that I posted about above is in Cortland. Not far off Route 81. That would be about 1.5 hr for you.

I bought a couple more bags, but instead went with the middle protein option for layers which came in pellet form. Getting only 2-3 eggs daily, even my reliable green egger has completely stopped. But getting an occasional Spitz egg now. The sickly-looking chicken is still hanging on, thinking it may be an injury rather than egg impaction. Keeping her in the brooder bin in my tack room, may just cull her. Still moving the Spitz daily from the barn rafters to the coop. Anyone need a Spitz roo?

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