NY chicken lover!!!!

You didn't fail the chicks - some get it - prone more from shipping at an early age is what I think ... just wipe 'em up and keep going.

Sounds to me like you are fussing actually too much - You can fuss certain to death or bad behavior.   All my adults are outside and fine - other than not enjoying walking on the snow - they are milling about waiting for breakfast and not looking affected at all ... and one side of my coop is completely hard wire and open ... one whole side ... and it's been that way for years .... the fresh air but wind break has kept my flock very healthy over the years.   Of course, I feed them well and extra in this extreme cold.   I'm going to scatter some scratch right now   :)  

You don't want to get carried away and over do things like I have done.  Watch the temp with those 250 heat bulbs or you'll cook your chicks. Just give them commercial starter and water and that will be enough. Shipped chicks do get pasty butt from the stress of travel so that is not on you. It's just the way life is. DO NOT add things to their water they don't need.  The industry is in it for the money, selling this and that.  Just feed and water. 

I wish you well, 

They are only 75 watts ... It kept the side at 93 turned second off when hit 95 this am. Used to keep pythons :). I wanted a 100w heat emitter I like those better but couldn't get one before chicks came... May still get one... Gotta take them in and wash heinys this am.. About how long does it last? And man do they make a mess lol... Gonna go wash them... I'll take ur advises and not fret (try) birds ain't reptiles lol ... Way too cold to take them outside for day lol...
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I thought there might be a loss of chicks and ducks what with the accident of the postal truck on 481 yesterday, but I doubt the news would report it if it had. TSC did get a shipment of BO's and others. No new ducks though.

I am freezing my butt off. Well fingers.  EE's did lay three eggs yesterday.  I may set them even though I didn't collect them til late.  Eggs are so cold I wonder if they'll be damaged. 

As long as they didn't freeze, there shouldn't be any damage. I store my eggs in the fridge before I hatch them and I get a high hatch rate. My last hatch was 17 out of 20 eggs in the fridge and some were three weeks old before I started incubation. Just threw 2 dozen more in the incubator today.
I'm near poughkeepsie, if anyone is interested in making the zoning laws more flexible
I grew up near there!!! I lived just outside of Hyde Park!!!
Still have a few family members down there,
As long as they didn't freeze, there shouldn't be any damage. I store my eggs in the fridge before I hatch them and I get a high hatch rate. My last hatch was 17 out of 20 eggs in the fridge and some were three weeks old before I started incubation. Just threw 2 dozen more in the incubator today.
Thanks I would be glad with a hatch rate that good. I hadn't planned to hatch but Spring just makes me crazy.

I wanna get a couple ameracaunas, olive eggers, and Marna's just for eggs not to breed. I just want pretty eggs, lol. Is there anyone in NY that has these for sale? I love the blue ameracaunas or something with a little color. Let me know if anyone has anything. I'm in the southern Adirondacks so closer to me the better unless you ship.
So being a new chick mom and knowing its stupid cold tonight (-25 wind chill) I can't sleep....its chilly in here to me.... Check on chicks.... Had to add another heat lamp.... As the one ain't enough.... And swab heinys.... When I checked on the round 10 they were fine.... Now 11 out of 15 starting and in pastybutt.... ***....so... Now I'm hoping we are good til am... Dunno if I'll be able to sleep cuz now I'm all paranoid. And come to read (apparently I should of done more research (even though apparently 10pm-3am for three weeks on here and other sites reading all I can wasn't enough and taking notes ) I should have looked up more on pasty butt) I didn't know chicks from hatcheries needed probiotics.... Now feeling like I failed my babies....

Are these The just delivered chicks ? Less than a week old ? out in a coop ? with heat lamps ? You could bring them inside <- I would do this ...
Do you have a large plastic bin or Lg Cardboard box ( line the inside with plastic
or a shower curtain - A used one - the new ones stink to High Heaven ) or a extra tub .or Shower ?
It would give you peace of mind ..You would NOT need the extra hot lamps if they are inside

From my chicken Medicine File -
A blocked vent is sometimes due to temperature fluctuations suffered by young chicks or more fragile breeds and can be due to stress. There may be other causes, as well. With young chicks, check the temperature in your brooder to ensure it is not fluctuating significantly.
A blocked vent is fatal if not taken care of quickly. A chick suffering pasty butt must be checked on throughout the day and will probably need treatment several times a day for several days.
Clean use a damp rag to remove poo from vent. If the poo is hard, you can soak the chicks bottom in a dish of warm water or put the chicks bottom under warm running water to help remove it.
Dry thoroughly dry the chick. Leaving a chick wet can reduce its immunity and leave it vulnerable to illness or infection.
Olive Oil on the vent once the chick is dry, use a Q-tip to gently apply olive oil around the vent to help prevent poos from sticking too hard.
Apple Cider Vinegar several BYCers add a drop or two of apple cider vinegar to drinking water to
prevent or reduce the severity of pasty butt.
If you have ACV with mother it is best ..if you dont just use the regular stuff
Well well well. I was in TSC a little but ago and started talking to a nice lady that was in the chicken isle. Had a good convo with her along with my wife. She told me about the ag way in Pulaski that had chick days going on. Said they had barred rocks. Guess who has 6 new barred rock chicks now? Yep. That's me. Haha.
Well well well. I was in TSC a little but ago and started talking to a nice lady that was in the chicken isle. Had a good convo with her along with my wife. She told me about the ag way in Pulaski that had chick days going on. Said they had barred rocks. Guess who has 6 new barred rock chicks now? Yep. That's me. Haha.

Cool Score ! thats on my list of chickens this year

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