NY chicken lover!!!!

For some reason I"m not getting up dates so can't follow what's going on. I expect everyone is busy with chicks and gardening and working. Lots of old folks have dropped out of sight. That is sad. Didn't do a garden this years as I'm working and it's just me since DW passed. Neighbor came today with Cilantro and lettuce. That was nice. Hope all is well elsewhere for those on this thread.
Well, Rancher, I find that I work more since I retired than when I was working. :lau Then there are two regular gardens, a raised bed, flower bed and a new raspberry trellis to work on. Hatching chicks for myself and my daughter, selling or processing culls, and repairing all the coop and fence damage from the heavy snow we got near the end of winter.

I'm not liking this newer platform because most of the time I don't get updates and I forget to check for new posts. Noticed that a lot of previous posters have disappeared and I wonder if it is because the notifications don't work well and things aren't as user friendly.

My new chicken adventure for this year is turkens!


This is Peanut, the runt of the hatch from shipped eggs who needed three sink showers to get unglued after needing help hatching and then getting stuck to the bottom of the incubator.
For some reason I"m not getting up dates so can't follow what's going on. I expect everyone is busy with chicks and gardening and working. Lots of old folks have dropped out of sight. That is sad. Didn't do a garden this years as I'm working and it's just me since DW passed. Neighbor came today with Cilantro and lettuce. That was nice. Hope all is well elsewhere for those on this thread.

Hi Rancher, wondered how you were doing, yes busy with work, got some tomato plants, asparagus and herbs, but no big garden here this year either.

Thanks to BYC, I have been able to work out that my 1 year old Sexlink chicken Ginger, has pendulous crop. Done a few tests taking food away overnight so she can't start eating early in the morning before I get to the coop, and her crop definitely isn't emptying fully overnight, but has been a variety of sizes. I can massage it easily, no straw or grasses in there, and none of the smell / lethargy mentioned with sour crop. She's had very loose stool for months, and lost weight, despite a ravenous appetite, but she's still lively and energetic. So thanks to BYC been able to learn about several assessments to do, to monitor her crop, and how to make a crop bra out of vetwrap. Very pleased she's one of my calmer chickens and sat still on my lap for her first fitting this morning. She got used to it quickly, and has been out free ranging tonight, even took a dust bath in it.

If anyone has experience with this and wants to share tips, feel free, it's the first time I've ever come across it, one thing I really couldn't work out is exactly where to fit it, I couldn't tell if I made it wide enough to encompass her whole crop, I left it as loose as the instructions said, so I could fit 1 finger underneath any part of it. Not sure though if that lifted it enough, hard to compare as the chicken model on BYC is a bantam.

Ginger staring crop.jpg

Crop Bra lesson.jpg

Ginger crop bra.jpg

Ginger sideview crop bra.jpg

I had a very exciting Saturday, thanks to @myfivegirls I am finally the proud owner of 2 Catskill Homesteaders, once again we split the long distance driving, for a Wegmans, Elmira parking lot handover! Last year when I hoped to get some, they were already sold, however I was able to get my Easter Eggers from her.

These 2 have a lot of adjustment to make, having hatched there last October and recently been living as part of a large flock. After riding in 2 different cars and landing somewhere with different people, a new coop to live in, new road traffic noises, and planes overhead they are still quite nervous, flinching and generally quite scared of me.

Pleased to say they have now mastered accessing the coop via the ramp in the floor, after 3 hours of them pacing about on their first morning here, I had to catch them and 'post' them down the hole! They are navigating the tunnels between the 2 pens fine, and enjoying the shady area under the coop.

I've been spending a lot of time just sitting nearby, reading and talking quietly to them, throwing little fruit treats, and they are gradually getting used to me. Tonight used my step in posts and netting to make them a little grassy area to peck and scratch on, they took a while to settle down then it was 'bottoms up'.

The resident chickens are down in the chicken tractor in the veg garden, neither group is aware the other exits at the moment, so in a few weeks time, once these girls are more settled, we'll bring the tractor closer for some 'look but don't touch' intro before trying to merge them in future.

New chx tunnel.jpeg

New girls nervous.jpg

2 new girls on grass.jpg

Was reading through the New Member intro's yesterday and spotted several people from NY who have just joined BYC, so replied and mentioned this group.

That's it for now....

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