NY chicken lover!!!!

I despise our whole "P.C." culture. It has gotten truly out of hand and doesn't just border on the ridiculous, it IS ridiculous. Anyway, I have heard several interviews with Nugent and actually have some much-aligned political views and philosophies. Being sensitive about reading hunting stories, I probably would pass on the books, but having listened to him talk, I can imagine they are very entertaining. He's a very interesting guy.

when i read his 1st book, the one I mentioned I was in a bad place. Low self esteem, dead end low pay job I hated, marriage trouble, worked 3 jobs to get by. Barely. My early 20's. 2 young kids to boot. What I got out of the book wasn't just hunting stories as that isn't the intent of the book. It is chock full of life lessons, how to deal with life, how to grow your own self respect and how to do well as well as appreciate everything in life. That book in all honesty turned my life around.

I agree 100% on the PC culture. Out of control. I couldn't stand how PC things were getting in the late 90's and it is SO MUCH worse now.

One of his books, can't recall which one gives ways to get real life bow hunting experience. And one of the ways is to go to auction, buy rabbits and chickens and let them go, the same day you are going to hunt them. Real life practice on a moving target. While I didn't do that my 1st bow kill was a wild turkey on the run. I practiced by having someone roll a tire down a hill with a target in the center. My goal was to hit the target as many times as possible before the tire either fell over or was out of range. My best was 3 arrows in the target at 30 yards, rolling tire. I was pretty good back then
. That turkey was certainly impressed
Speaking of pigeons... yesterday one of my husbands costumers gave him a pigeon coop. Yup a pigeon coop! I guess her husband used to race pigeons? I never heard such a thing. But anyways he says it will make a nice home for chickens. Its 5x10, should be big enough for at least 20 chickens. That's one less coop we will have to build
Gotta love free stuff

Check this out - makes me want pigeons!

Well my bator just went into lockdown. Fingers are crossed!
I need to find some egg customers. I have 12 dozen in my fridge and I'm out of room. I give a lot away but would like to make some of the feed money back. I live on a back road in the woods so I'm not sure a sign will help but I'm gonna try. I may make some flyers up. Not a lot of people like fresh eggs these days. They just don't realize how much better they are. I'm gonna sell them for 2.50 since there is few people around who sell for 3.00. I get 2 dozen a day now and in July when my chicks start laying I will get twice that! LOL good thing my kids love eggs.

Good luck!
I do like my Dels. Now DW called to say that a co-worker got a blood egg from the Orps. I've been holding back the BR's cuz I know one of them is laying one,but i don't know which. I just gave DS three dozen BR's cuz I can't use them all.

I was considering dumping the BR's if I can't get some hatched. I figured any new hens aren't likely to lay blood eggs since they won't hatch.

Which orp it is I don't know.
Anyone got any advice?
Haven't read the whole thread yet, but if no one has suggested this already you could try candling the BR eggs you get so you don't sell eggs with blood in them. THEN, if you really care, you can go the food coloring route to find out which hen lays which egg and then candle them again to find out which hen has the internal problem that is putting blood in the eggs.

Have you ever noticed (back when you bought your eggs at the store) that you rarely to never got an egg with blood or meat spots in it? That's why they like white egg layers for production farms .... they are easy to candle. My sister in law did it for a local production farm for years and said it was very hard on the eyes. Her eyes, not the chicken's.

My eggs go out with a short note regarding my little farm and it says, in part, that if you find anything inside the egg that is to yucky to scoop out and still use the egg to let me know and I will replace the egg with or without another purchase. My eggs are very very hard to candle, given they are all dark colors....so that is my answer for blood or meat spots in my eggs.
Check this out - makes me want pigeons!

Good luck!

My two older brothers raised and raced pigeons for years. My one bro. died and my other bro. got old. They did have these birds but called them "Tumblers". They also had Fan Tails and homers.

They were members of the Syracuse Pigeon club. I would take rides with them to far away places like Magraw, Marathon, Tully and Waterloo to release them for training. You did not want to be late getting back or it was off with your head.

They had clocks that you put the bands in when the birds got back. I never really got interested in Pigeons though.

I think this video is in slow motion cuz they tumble much faster.
Ok at first I thought that first one got shot! What is the purpose of doing that? And where on earth did they learn to do it!? LOL that is one of the strangest things I've ever seen.

My two older brothers raised and raced pigeons for years. My one bro. died and my other bro. got old. They did have these birds but called them "Tumblers". They also had Fan Tails and homers.

They were members of the Syracuse Pigeon club. I would take rides with them to far away places like Magraw, Marathon, Tully and Waterloo to release them for training. You did not want to be late getting back or it was off with your head.

They had clocks that you put the bands in when the birds got back. I never really got interested in Pigeons though.

I think this video is in slow motion cuz they tumble much faster.

These are so neat! No more room, no more room, no more room!
Just catching up on messages after work. I definitely need egg customers, as I am getting 3+ dozen a day! I have a few regulars, but not enough to justify keeping this number of chickens. Not home enough to do the craigslist thing and got pretty awful prices at the auctions. Will probably have to downsize the flock instead! I charge $2.50 for the most part although my DH is selling them for $5 in manhattan for me to his coworkers. :)

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