NY chicken lover!!!!


Got 3 of 6 now laying
DH bought me some cukes at a farm stand yesterday so I made 4quarts of pickles today. He bought a tent off craigslist for the chicken get together we're going to host next spring/summer. I'm thinking May sometime. I have to wait for the vacation list at work. Hopefully I'll have our meaties processed this week too. They're dirty smelly birds. I don't think I like them much.

Got 3 of 6 now laying

I'm happy for you.

I'm getting worried about this Marans hen. She should be laying by now. Her comb is a red as can be, but no eggs.

Now I will admit to keeping them in with the older girls and she may have gotten some layer feed, but it couldn't have been much to upset things could it? For the most part they've been on Grower/starter.
DH bought me some cukes at a farm stand yesterday so I made 4quarts of pickles today. He bought a tent off craigslist for the chicken get together we're going to host next spring/summer. I'm thinking May sometime. I have to wait for the vacation list at work. Hopefully I'll have our meaties processed this week too. They're dirty smelly birds. I don't think I like them much.

I just sprayed my cuke plants with Sevin. Something is eating the ends off the vines. I suspect either mice or rabbits. There are far to many rabbits for my liking this year.

Oh new chick hatched. Not sure what it is.
Evening all. Dh finally caught the egg eater with yolk on her beak. He opened the nest box doors to get eggs and there she was, sitting on the egg and dipping her beak under her to eat it. He threw her out of the coop. We processed her a little while ago. Interesting thing was that it looks like she herniated at some point as all of her organs were not in her abdominal cavity but outside it. We took pics and dh will probably post them. Found one egg in the ovaduct without a shell and lots of yolks. I salvaged those and cooked them up for the others. She also had a lot of fat on her, compared to the roosters we did. A lot of fat and I am not sure why as they freerange and only get layer feed. We will eat the breasts tomorrow.

I gave everyone some cat food mixed with oatmeal tonight as a protein booster. They all like that. Roger, however, used my distraction to his advantage and tagged me on the back of my calf. Hurt like crazy. I turned around and lauched him with my size 10. I then pulled out the cockeral correction tool and warned him that all bets are off and I will be gunning for him every day until he learns some manners. Washed up my wound when I got in. Chicken momma dont play that. If he doesnt straighten up,I still have his brother wild bill.

Baked 4 different kinds of cookies before 11 this morning to take down to GA to my girls. Making bread for me now and will make banana bread and egg bread on tuesday to take down. Been cleaning like a mad woman in preparation for our trip. My friend is kind enough to come up and take care of the cheeps for us.

Rancher--thanks for the chuckle. I hope your marans lays soon. Rabbit is tasty, especially with pickles.

Jlaw--nice pics and nice job on the brooders. Tis that time when everyone starts looking to downsize. I usually downsize into my freezer.
I'm happy for you.  

I'm getting worried about this Marans hen.  She should be laying by now.  Her comb is a red as can be, but no eggs.  

Now I will admit to keeping them in with the older girls and she may have gotten some layer feed, but it couldn't have been much to upset things could it?   For the most part they've been on Grower/starter. 

It should be ok if she eats some layer. Hopefully she will lay soon. I hope my squash are ready soon I know some won't be till later in the year with my pumpkins. we've always had a lot of rabbits and such around here.

TAB that sounds yummy

Stony rabbit and eggs I have to try

PhArm I'm glad you found the egg eater cookies, I'm making some now.
Here are the photos of the hen we culled today. There appears to be a herniation, it was hard to tell the condition was this severe with all the feathers on. She was still producing eggs.


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