NY chicken lover!!!!

Anyone interested in a quad of porcelain silkies from CJ lines? I'm picking up a trio in Albany this weekend and she would rather sell to someone local than have ship them.
Why do you tease me so...
...I have to be strong........no
Well we are refinancing the house to 15 year loan cuts 55k in intrust. Going to try and pay off within 6 years then sell cheap for a down payment on another house.

Sadly we are putting our rescue dog down tomorrow. He's growled at my son when he was trying to get food out of sons backpack. Then today he lunged at sons face as my son went to get the bannana bread from the dog. Bread was on stove and dog bowl is always full. Busted sons gums and i hear a tooth hit under eye but not bleding there. The dog has had problems and we have fixed a few but i wont stand for any dog biting a kid and i wont chane it in someone elses house.

Both tough decisions but good decisions. I commend your good sense to remove a potentially dangerous animal before anyone recieves serious injury. Sometimes they can be rehabbed, sometimes not.
I grew up with border collies, always had one on the farm. Loved the intelligence and trainability. But I also know they need constant exercise and entertainment, or else they make up their own games. And that doesn't fit with our home-work life balance. Harvey the Humane Society dog has worked out well for us. His shedding is currently driving me nuts in the house, but he has been a good boy.
Lynzi---thats just mean.
At least offer a coop to go with them.
Then I could take them.
Wait...I heard Rancher was looking for some silkies. Ask him.

Jlaw--so sad to hear about your dog and your boy. I am glad you didnt pass off a problem on another person.
Lynzi---thats just mean.
At least offer a coop to go with them.
Then I could take them.
Wait...I heard Rancher was looking for some silkies. Ask him.

Jlaw--so sad to hear about your dog and your boy. I am glad you didnt pass off a problem on another person.

How did you know? I've no money for silkies. Do they come with barf bags?

The plan is to get some more CR eggs and duckses. Maybe some Geeses. Just don't tell DW she doesn't know.

I do like Sizzles though. But I only keep Frizzle hens.
Lynzi---thats just mean.  :th  At least offer a coop to go with them.  :barnie   Then I could take them. :D   Wait...I heard Rancher was looking for some silkies.  Ask him. :lol:

Jlaw--so sad to hear about your dog and your boy.  I am glad you didnt pass off a problem on another person.   

Yeah lady on face book is wanting me to take the dog to humane society or a rescue so they can place dog with someone who dont have kids. Only ptonlem is you never know if kids will go into yard or dog get loose. I was thinking of it but i dont want to chance someone elses kids. Never know person may pass the dog on and not tell next person he dont doo well with food and kids around it.
I think I need to euthanize one of the chicks from my hatch last week, but I wanted to stop in here and talk to everyone first. The leg is getting worse, the problem isn't just the club foot anymore the hock seems to be large and abnormal and the hip seems almost as if it's dislocated. The chick almost never puts weight on the foot except to get up or when it can not maintain balance on the good leg. It still eats and drinks and doesn't seem to be picked on more than the usual chick pecking. Thoughts?

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Yeah lady on face book is wanting me to take the dog to humane society or a rescue so they can place dog with someone who dont have kids.

I'm not trying to influence one way or the other because I think you are being responsible either way JLAW. Just a thought, a reputable rescue (I say reputable because many aren't & it is sometimes hard to tell! My own dog came from one of those type. Now out of business :)) & the Humane society both would do temperament tests on the dog and only adopt it out if it passes.
You know what is best in your situation, kudos on doing the right thing. So glad your boy's face wasn't injured worse!
I think I need to euthanize one of the chicks from my hatch last week, but I wanted to stop in here and talk to everyone first. The leg is getting worse, the problem isn't just the club foot anymore the hock seems to be large and abnormal and the hip seems almost as if it's dislocated. The chick almost never puts weight on the foot except to get up or when it can not maintain balance on the good leg. It still eats and drinks and doesn't seem to be picked on more than the usual chick pecking. Thoughts?

I'm far from an expert on chicken feet but our Fredo was unable to stand up for a few days. I did what I would do for a human baby, I evaluated for hip dysplasia, then knee abduction/abnormality, then the foot. It may have been a hip problem, not sure, but I tried very frequent physical therapy. I abducted the leg at the level of the thigh/hip and rotated the hip internally (inward) and placed the foot upon the ground with hip in the more internally rotated position. Continually. After a few days Fredo was able to stand without tipping over. I don't know what a hock is so can't help you with that. I'm not sure how important a perfect leg for a chick is, Fredo flies a lot now and his legs are both nice and functional, I've seen seagulls with 1 leg doing just fine. I know not all birds are the same but I figure that God gave them wings to help them get around, so a bad foot may be compensated for. I'm sure most others here know much more about this sort of thing than I do. Best of luck with your chick!

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