NY chicken lover!!!!

Well I had 5 eggs from last week from my Miss Layla. I cracked them all open today for breakfast and one looked clear as day fertile!

However the rest did not, so I'm thinking that egg may have been the last/newest egg she's laid. Which means any she lays from here on out should be fertile. I got one today and I'm holding onto it. Going to start collecting them to get a batch ready for the bator when this batch is done. Can't wait!!!! Hopefully I'll have some lavender babies soon!!!
Hey NY peeps:)

So this is an odd question, I know. I am not from NY, but live in Toronto Canada for the summer and then down in Merritt Island, FL for the winters (6 months in each place roughly). We have a house down in Florida and a condo up in Toronto. At the house in Florida now, I just got my first baby chicks, so very very excited and also so VERY VERY ATTACHED.

The plan is to have a friend stay in her RV at our house in Florida for the summer while we are gone and look after the house and the chickens (she has experience with them and I trust her entirely). Some things have come up for her, and while she is still 80% in, I am looking at possible backup plans....

There are some other RVing folk that could come just in case she can't make it, but now I am looking at other options....even taking them across the border with me back to Canada to stay at a friends house close by, since she wanted to get into chicken keeping anyway. Toronto, however, has laws against backyard chickens, however her neighbour keeps them so I think the folks around them are ok with it! So that is one thing to look into, I'll have to call the border and see what the dealio is! Not even sure what it takes to get them across, but my husband already seems dead set against it, so we'll see. He loves the chicks and is super attached but we have been through enough issues with our cockatiel alone, soooo....

We often camp just across the border in NY....near Lewiston....so the Niagara area. Was just thinking of it the other day and thought I'd explore the option of having someone keep them for me just across the border so I could see them over the summer when we camp, etc. I'd pay for the extra coop if needed (so they can stay separate of other hens if need be), all the feed, etc etc....we can make some kinda of deal. If anyone reads this is, or knows anyone who would be interested, let me know:)

As it stands, I am super over protective over them, so no free ranging unless it's super closely supervised....they would be fine in a permanent run, which of course I would pay for. It would only be during the months of May-end of October. I have one Black Australorp, and one Easter Egger....they are currently a week and one day old. They are tame, and should be super friendly still in a few months....I am trying to raise 'lap chickens', and they should even be 'diaper trained' for the odd trips inside! In the odd chance I go for this option, they would need lots of attention to keep them friendly and social, of course:)

Anyhoo, just putting it out there. If anyone has any thoughts on it, or ever hear of a set up like this, I'd love to hear about it!

ahhh...get back to us when they are still alive at one month. Not all chicks make it, for sure.
Well I had 5 eggs from last week from my Miss Layla. I cracked them all open today for breakfast and one looked clear as day fertile!

However the rest did not, so I'm thinking that egg may have been the last/newest egg she's laid. Which means any she lays from here on out should be fertile. I got one today and I'm holding onto it. Going to start collecting them to get a batch ready for the bator when this batch is done. Can't wait!!!! Hopefully I'll have some lavender babies soon!!!
very exciting!
I have tons of thoughts. Some of which I can offer here.

You could find a small used camper with good wheels and convert it into a tow behind coop. Provided of course you keep just a few chickens. You can use the coop, while in FL and then tow it to Canada when you come up. Chickens don't like change so using the same coop in both places will reduce the stress. I would cover them in a dark cage while traveling but it may not be necessary I don't know. Just google "camper coops". I'm sure you'll find something that will work. Now if you cross the border and they ask if you have anything to declare be sure to make some clucking sounds so they think it's you and not the chickens.


Now that's a great idea. I miss my chickens when I go on vacation. I could just take them with me when I travel. Woohoo!!! (I just bet the neighbors in the gated community will LOOOOOOOVE it. LOL)
I don't know much about chicken/bird laws, but I used to take Harley and Zu-Zu (dogs) to the beach in Canada all the time when I was still living in Amherst. It was no problem just to visit and papers were never even looked at. I am sure it is very different for birds though. I hope your new babies are doing good.
So. The incu is in lockdown but since I took the turner out it's down to 99.3/57% on the highest thermo. If I toss a blanket over the thing the temp goes up to 99.5, but the humidity goes up some. Will it be okay, do ya think. ?

Before removing the turner it was at 100.5 or thereabouts. The other Thermo is at. 97.9/56% .. I've been averaging them out. Average this way would be 98.6*

Room temp is 80*
So.  The incu is in lockdown but since I took the turner out it's down to 99.3/57% on the highest thermo.  If I toss a blanket over the thing the temp goes up to 99.5, but the humidity goes up some.   Will it be okay, do ya think. ?  

Before removing the turner it was at 100.5 or thereabouts.  The other Thermo is at.  97.9/56%  .. I've been averaging them out.   Average this way would be  98.6*  

Room temp is 80*     

I've tossed a heavy bath towel over my genesis before to help hold the heat. I don't think 99.3 is that bad if you have a forced air incubator. I guess you should decide which thermometer you trust and get rid of the other. I've found that 2 of them cause me unneeded stress.
I've tossed a heavy bath towel over my genesis before to help hold the heat. I don't think 99.3 is that bad if you have a forced air incubator. I guess you should decide which thermometer you trust and get rid of the other. I've found that 2 of them cause me unneeded stress.

the lowest one is brand new. I just got it from the same place as the original one. Incubator Warehouse. Thanks for the advice.

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