NY chicken lover!!!!

Not necessarily. I've had one or two of these without a rooster around. 0% chance of fertilization. It can also be caused by small amounts of bleeding when the egg is forming, usually from a ruptured capillary. It can also be a sign of reproductive problems starting in a production breed hen, especially if she is a bit older. It is disturbing, but harmless for consumption. I would not blame someone if they tossed said egg though.
that is clearly not a small amount of bleeding. I have always had roosters and have only seen this on eggs I obviously missed from the day before.
I have a hen that is going to be one in 2 weeks. I have never seen her lay an egg, go into a nest, be mounted by a rooster. In fact I have never seen her do much of anything besides eat. Is that normal?
I have found it may be a yeast infection ...as I try to give the flock a little yougurt with their treat ...every day & havent had them do that with eggs in a while .
Treat - , grated carrots , grated cabbage , chopped veg / fruit & peels peels, raw onions ., Left overs , ground egg shells , etc
I have a pail that is in the frig of mixed stuff I call chickie gruel ..I mix some of that with bread cubes & a little yougurt & milk as their treat
Quote: I do grated carrots ( like you would for a cabbage salad ) so they are little pieces . You need to mix it with other stuff , like Bread cubes / crumbs, Sunflower seeds , Etc , moisten it with a little milk or yougurt .
They are more apt to eat stuff they dont like if it is mixed in with stuff they do ...
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I do grated carrots ( like you would for a cabbage salad ) so they are little pieces . You need to mix it with other stuff , like Bread cubes / crumbs, Sunflower seeds , Etc , moisten it with a little milk or yougurt .
They are more apt to eat stuff they dont like if it is mixed in with stuff they do ...

Thanks for the tips Gramma. I will try this. Kinda like kids, huh? Got to hide those healthy veggies in something else! I still do that, even for my big guy who is 16! Yesterday I made pumpkin muffins, and added a good bit of grated carrot to the batter.

TOB, I usually mix the carrots into the warm oatmeal. They do eat the peelings on their own, maybe mine just like their veggies!
I'm looking forward to another Miss Chumley column! Maybe she can discuss egg decorating!

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