NY chicken lover!!!!

Had to say goodbye to my one hen that wasn't right woke up and she was laying in run on side at least she not suffering now tho

Sorry for your loss - I too, lost one today. She was acting oddly yesterday and today stayed in the nest box all morning. She was dead shortly after.........
With all due respect, I'd much rather have them go quickly than linger on.

That said, chickens pick up many things and I wonder if they've eaten something that they've found. Someone mentioned "Tomcat" mouse things. Some of them have poison and while it may kill the mouse it may also kill anything that eats them as they lay dying.

Be sure to pick any nails or screws or other things laying around. I've seen an xray where the chicken ate a 1" screw.

Mine have picked at the plastic that I've covered the run with. Those drp clothes are out this year as they're to flimsy.

I've noticed my chickens pecking at the wood on the coop. Splinters may not go come out so well in their system.

Point being ranged birds are likely to pick up many things. It goes with the territory.

Not that it makes losing a bird any easier.
I think we go through a 100 lb bag every month...we have 21 birds.

Speaking of feed...many of you mention pellets. I've been buying layer ration from our Community Feed store and it's crumbles, not pellets. Does that make a difference?

We have very little wasted food here. Hubby built a gravity-fed feeding station and its high enough off the ground that birds can't dig. Plus he fashioned some covers, which allows them to get their head in there, but not their feet...lol. Our feed consumption dropped considerably after he built it.

Water's another story...my birds are drinking well over a gallon EVERY DAY!
With all due respect, I'd much rather have them go quickly than linger on.

That said, chickens pick up many things and I wonder if they've eaten something that they've found. Someone mentioned "Tomcat" mouse things. Some of them have poison and while it may kill the mouse it may also kill anything that eats them as they lay dying.

Be sure to pick any nails or screws or other things laying around. I've seen an xray where the chicken ate a 1" screw.

Mine have picked at the plastic that I've covered the run with. Those drp clothes are out this year as they're to flimsy.

I've noticed my chickens pecking at the wood on the coop. Splinters may not go come out so well in their system.

Point being ranged birds are likely to pick up many things. It goes with the territory.

Not that it makes losing a bird any easier.

Yes - I agree wholeheartedly, but I think she simply died of 'old age'. She had been looking a bit tatty lately, but since some of the others are molting, I didn't think much of it. She was weak yesterday, allowing me to pick her up (usually had to chase her round the barnyard) and ate from my hand, so I knew then it was something serious. She didn't seem to be suffering, just made herself as comfortable as she could and waited it out. What really surprised me was the reaction of a couple of the other chickens. They seemed like they wanted to be by her side, settling in beside her for a while and squawking at me very loudly - almost like they were telling me something was up...........or am I reading too much into it??? Who knows - anyway - Desdemona will be missed.
I forget you have the girls and school is now open. I've only been on cuz I'm not doiing the things that need doing.

GD started school this year and she's sick already. Good garden o' peas!!

Well stay in touch when you can,

When DD started school she got sick every week it seemed. I am a SAHM and she was never around to many other kids and was never sick till she went to school. We think that it was because her immunities hadn't been built up to fight a simple cold. When she got one she really got it good. We ended up having some blood work done cause we thought that she had a weak immune system, but she does better now (2nd grade). School is now in it's first full week and DS (Pre K) has only been there 4 days and he already has a cold...It is going to be a good year
When DD started school she got sick every week it seemed. I am a SAHM and she was never around to many other kids and was never sick till she went to school. We think that it was because her immunities hadn't been built up to fight a simple cold. When she got one she really got it good. We ended up having some blood work done cause we thought that she had a weak immune system, but she does better now (2nd grade). School is now in it's first full week and DS (Pre K) has only been there 4 days and he already has a cold...It is going to be a good year

We have been lucky. Little Girl started Early Head Start at 2 months old. She got sick with colds often the first 2 years, but it got so much better. She has some sniffles now, but suspect allergies (of unknown origin). Now her immune system is strong. She started UPK last week. :) And is taking swimming lessons twice a week till end if October.
When DD started school she got sick every week it seemed. I am a SAHM and she was never around to many other kids and was never sick till she went to school. We think that it was because her immunities hadn't been built up to fight a simple cold. When she got one she really got it good. We ended up having some blood work done cause we thought that she had a weak immune system, but she does better now (2nd grade). School is now in it's first full week and DS (Pre K) has only been there 4 days and he already has a cold...It is going to be a good year

The best thing for the immune system is either Pre-School program (even 2 days a week for 2.5 hours helps) OR an older sibling. Once they have had all the germs once they stop being ill so often. The bad news is there are over 300 cold viruses, so you can have that many colds in your life and not duplicate the germs. I am NOT looking forward to winter.

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