NY chicken lover!!!!

Ugh... the late sunrise is awful!!! I can't even get myself out of bed... can't imagine if I had a cow... thank goodness I don't.
So, a fisher cat? Those things are dangerous and aggressive... I recall a few years back where a woman in Glens Falls NY discovered one in the back of her garage and it tore her leg open. We have seen one or two dead here in Albany area, and lots of trail cam shots and stories...
My cats come inside at night. I am too fearful of fishers and coyotes to leave them out. If they don't come at dusk and try to get extra time in the dark, we freak out. There was a bear spotted down the hill in town a couple nights ago. With the creek and waterfall behind the house, I worry about our land being a thoroughfare for big game and predators. I am designing my run to be extra strong with deep sides to counter diggers. Still planning how to secure the door, but I have a good idea.
We are thinking about getting a trail cam to set up. Hubby's hunting ladder stand that was in my parent's woods for 7 years went missing sometime this summer. And there is new neighbors with 4 juvenile delinquents. Pretty certain it was them, but can't prove it. They did steal my brother's bulldozer that was parked in the woods last week and take it for a joy ride across the meadow. Thankfully dozers leave big tracks to follow. They couldn't figure out the safety override on the combine parked in the open field, but left the fan running. Which all was found when a brush fire was started. Just bought another stand this weekend, but don't want it walking off again. Any recommendations on a good, cheap trail cam for security purposes? Will likely get a cable lock or log chain to wrap around the stand this time too. Otherwise hubby will be going the 5 gallon bucket seat route. Bow and rifle hunting this year.
i went out last nite after putting everyone to bed ..i leave the window open near my chair to hear anything that mite get after my birds ..well i heard something so i walked out and some animal ran across the yard ..the first thing i thought was it was a fisher..not sure still ..it had a red ting to its fur as it ran away .the fur was kind of standing up..it was black but the way the street lite hit it made it look like it had red highlites ..anyways it moved like a farret or weesle ..i keep a few rocks on the porch and there was an old piece of wood i grabbed and threw it at it ..it went into the wood ..i was a bit worried so i kept going out to check things out ..and wouldnt ya no as i walked back into the house my cat darted past me and went right in the dirrection the strange animal did ..so then at midnite , i am out there trying to cokes the cat back in ..she finilly came home ..i dremped all nite that i opened my coop this morning to find a blood bath ..but everyone was good ..i looked for tracks but didnt see any ..i told my wife we need to get some gamer cameras and some lights with sensors and put them all around the coop..this thing was pretty good sized .bigger then a cat ..but it moved close to the ground i thought ..

all this talk of fishers this morning .got me a bit nervous ..
I have doors that slide up & down. Attached with nylon cord that runs up through the metal roof grooves then through the ceiling past the human door to the coop. I just pull down the cord outside their coop, that has a loop on the end, and hook it over a nail to hold open, then let it loose so the door slides down & closes. Haven't had anything be able to slide the door open yet.
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Hope everyone is doing well. I haven't taken much time to be on the computer the past few weeks with putting up my garden stuff, working on the house, and school stuff for the girls. We went to the Cobleskill show yesterday and managed to not bring anymore birds home. We even saw some of our fellow BYC'ers and friends which was a bonus. It's always fun to go see the birds and get to visit too.

Speaking of fishers, we saw one a week ago a couple miles from home. It crossed the road in front of us when we were driving.

Lap-That stinks about the ladder stand. Someone stole my brother's a few years ago off my cousin's property. My dad just set one up at my house this weekend and put a cable on it so it couldn't just walk away. You never know who will be trespassing on your property. My neighbor has his tree stand on the property line facing into our back hay field. I thought if they shot a deer on your property they had to ask permission to go get it.

Pharm- Home grown always seems to be the best. YUM!

Rancher--How is DW? (you also)
We are thinking about getting a trail cam to set up. Hubby's hunting ladder stand that was in my parent's woods for 7 years went missing sometime this summer. And there is new neighbors with 4 juvenile delinquents. Pretty certain it was them, but can't prove it. They did steal my brother's bulldozer that was parked in the woods last week and take it for a joy ride across the meadow. Thankfully dozers leave big tracks to follow. They couldn't figure out the safety override on the combine parked in the open field, but left the fan running. Which all was found when a brush fire was started. Just bought another stand this weekend, but don't want it walking off again. Any recommendations on a good, cheap trail cam for security purposes? Will likely get a cable lock or log chain to wrap around the stand this time too. Otherwise hubby will be going the 5 gallon bucket seat route. Bow and rifle hunting this year.

Wouldn't it be a shame if one of the juvies ended up with an arrow in the rear??
A Fischer,what part of NY are you in? I didn't know we had them,they would rip open a hen house.

I believe Fishers' are pretty much all over NY state. I have seen them a couple of miles up the road. Fortunately, there aren't too many of them and they tend to stay away from human habitation. They are superb hunters tho' - almost the ultimate predator!

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