NY chicken lover!!!!

I had a BR hen with a broken leg last February. I was worried about doing further damage or incorrectly wrapping and causing circulation problems, so did nothing to set the leg. Her leg was broken, but not flopping around. I brought her in the house by herself in the brooder cage, which is one of those big indoor plastic rabbit cages. I had hay and straw for her, food and water dishes. She just hung out in there for a few weeks, mostly just setting. Food and water was within reach to begin with so she didn't have to really move much, but then moved further as she slowly healed and was dumping them over. After a few weeks, she was moving normal enough to go back with the flock. Her one leg has an obvious bump, but no lameness or limping. Sounds like your girl needs it set if it is flopping around. Try to find where it is flopping from, either break in bone or dislocated in joint. It will be painful for her, so try to pinpoint as quickly as possible without further damage. If she is ok with it, keep her in a small quiet warm place by herself so the others don't knock her over and she doesn't have to complete for food. Not sure how her Leghorn personality will take to being confined by herself though. Warmer place because her circulation through the toes may be compromised, don't need cold toes with these colder temps. Good luck!
I had a chick that I left to mama and nature to heal or not, it healed quite rapidly. I tried a tiny splint which was just in the way. Kept that family confined for a few days, and each day it looked better. Unfortunately I think it has grown to be a roo, no crowing yet.
I had a chick that I left to mama and nature to heal or not, it healed quite rapidly. I tried a tiny splint which was just in the way. Kept that family confined for a few days, and each day it looked better. Unfortunately I think it has grown to be a roo, no crowing yet.

She is still very alert, just resting. She laid an egg today which was nice!
Good news is the hen that I thought this morning was a goner for sure has shown a bit of improvement since I left her this morning. She now lifts her head and even walked herself into the crate where I'm keeping the leghorn to go visit her haha

something about stones on the side of the road .. ...my reg chickens check out this one area ..at our house
I have trained my chickens to recognize a car as danger ..
When a car is coming down the road ..I do a clear your throat sound or a roo danger sound rrrrrooooooo.
They look up for the danger ...see the car & will move away from the road

I found a few ticks on my cat this week too ...the dog kind
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Someone came barreling up it way too fast and hit my ducks as they were crossing the road to get a mud puddle in the neighbor's driveway. Apparently someone also hit and injured their dog a little while ago, probably the same person. They never even stopped, just kept on going.

It's a big bumble too - she wasn't walking funny so I only just noticed it because it's trying to come through the top of her foot now.

So sorry about your ducks ...they do tend to wander ...& they made those choices to be there ...too bad the idiot driver couldnt have been more careful .
That is a big bumble foot ..got pics ?
Quote: I think my Sis in law has a small trap...if I need it ...They havent bothered the chickens so far ...so I wont bother them .
Critters dont seem to come up to our house / coop at night ...the 2 are very close together ...and I do have a motion sensor light on the coop if anything does .

this is the view from my back deck
Until the last couple weeks I have never seen a tick, only when skinning deer occasionally, and I spend a lot of time in the woods and fields. I have gotten one on me two different times just walking outside my house. Maybe I'll get guinea's again this spring. I had a some before and they are awesome birds. But for some reason they like to get hit in the road. Our house, their coop a couple hundred yards from the road and huge fields all behind our house.
Why the heck do they play in the road?
They are picking up small stones from the road. If you provide them with plenty of grit, they don't go to the road as much. I didn't have one single one hit by a car, darn it. (they got one of my ducks instead, blasted speeder)
They are picking up small stones from the road. If you provide them with plenty of grit, they don't go to the road as much. I didn't have one single one hit by a car, darn it. (they got one of my ducks instead, blasted speeder)

They have plenty of grit, stones walking down our hundred yrd or so dirt driveway. When my brother saw we had guinea's he said they were going to get hit in the road (referring to a Mexican family in our town that has tons of them getting hit in the road all the time). I didn't think it would happen, but it did.
I do miss them, my wife doesn't, my male would charge her like he was going to attack, and then do a turkey like strut by her feet, she hated them noisy birds. They say they make good watch dogs, and I didn't know they could fly until I woke up one morning at barely daybreak to my male guinea making all sorts of noise, went outside and it was on our second story chimney making all kinds of ruckus! The farmer a mile and a half down the road male pitbull mix was running around outside. My wife didn't think I should call them and wake them up, but I figured their mean (they told us not to go near him,usually chained up with a log chain) woke us up, it was only fair. Good bird!, to bad it played in the road along with the rest of them. My chickens don't go nowhere even close to the road.

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