NY chicken lover!!!!

If you suspect your chicken has
Two different References I have Saved

Treatment Laxatives
The purpose of laxatives is to flush the digestive system of toxic substances, in this case yeast.
Molasses: Offer one pint of molasses to 5 gallons of water free-choice to the affected birds for about four hours. Treat severely affected birds individually if they cannot drink. Return the birds to regular water after the treatment period. (Solutions Used For Poultry, 2008)
Epsom Salt: 1 lb Epsom Salt per 15 lb feed or 1 lb Epsom Salt per 5 gallons water for 1 day. Give the epsom salt feed mixture as the sole feed source for a one day period. This feed can be used only if the birds are eating. If the birds are not eating, use the water solution. If the birds are unable to eat or drink by themselves, use individual treatment with 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salt in 1 fl oz water. Feed the bird with a syringe. (Solutions Used For Poultry, 2008)
Castor Oil: Dose individual birds with .5 oz castor oil. (Solutions Used For Poultry, 2008)
TOXIN FLUSHES are something everyone should be aware of, and have the needed items on hand to mix and offer. We would rather you be informed and prepared than to be in a panic and in need.

Epsom Salt Flush:
3 Tsp. Epsom Salts.
1 ½ Cups water
¼ – ½ gram vitamin and electrolyte powder * Optional
2 – 3 times a day for 3 days or until a full recovery is made.

Molasses Flush:
1 cup Molasses
2 ½ gallons water
5 – 6 grams vitamin and electrolyte powder * Optional
! !Do not exceed 8 hours ! ! After 8 hours replace Molasses flush with vitamin and electrolyte water

Activated Charcoal Slurry
1 tsp. Activated Charcoal Powder
8 oz. – Pure Water
Dose 6 – 8 times daily

**These flushes will cause slight to moderate dehydration as they work to expel toxins and foreign matter from your birds system. After giving a flush, offer a steady supply of vitamin and electrolyte fortified water until a full recovery is made.

we prefer to use steamed oats (quaker like humans eat) and mashed egg when a bird is ill. Isolated into a dog kennel, covered to keep darker and quiet and keeping stress to a minimum.
So sorry to hear about your Stella, AQHAChick!
That's the running theory...or some kind of bad infection. Either way she didn't make it through the night...
RIP my little Stella. I just wish I knew what was wrong with her. It was so sudden and by the time I got to her I guess it was just too late...

Sorry for your loss AQHA.........she still has a place in your heart tho'
Sorry AQHA :hugs You did what you could.

I'm annoyed because I still haven't been able to do the bumblefoot surgery. Someone stole my scalpel for something and it's missing, and it would appear someone threw out my vet wrap, so now I have to go shopping before I can do it. It looks like it'll be Tuesday before I can do the surgery, poor Lemon.
I used to be able to get guinea eggs cheap from someone local then hatch them myself or have a broody hen do it. If I can get eggs still do you want some too?
Would love some! What kind are they? I think I had the pearl grey.

I bought mine at Frog Pond Farms Bainbridge NY, large open air produce/greenhouse/kinda farmers market. One family runs it, its cheaper than a grocery store, especially fruits and vegs. in bulk, and they do carry local produce when in season, breads, cheese. The pickles in the barrels are awesome, the half sours are unreal fresh and crispy. I think I paid $5ea. for the guinea$ there. It's pretty cool place to shop. You put all your stuff on the counter and the owner rattles off the prices like a auctioneer, adds it up all in his head, uses a metal cash box, no register. Then he has many helpers carrying stuff to your car even if you say you can get it they carry it anyway. The place is usually busy no matter the time of day or if it is raining.
Well another cold and rainy day here in CT.
I went to check on the chickens this morning since I didn't get home last night until midnight from my parents house. Took the kids trick or treating there and left them there for the weekend so I could get stuff around here. I left the coop open since they have this run now that is pretty secure. I don't plan on being lazy with it every night but nights like last night where we left here around 4 and didn't get home late I'm not going to sweat it too much. So I got there in the pouring rain and every single silkie is soaking wet and outside their coop, just hanging out in their run. I have no way of "locking them up" in the coop I found on CL. They just come and go from their coop to run as they please. So it's freezing, they're all soaked and I'm not nervous they're going to die due to being this wet in these cold temps. Brought them all back here, detached on of their runs to their coops and threw that in my suv, decided to bathe them since they were already soaked, and blow dried them out. They're all nestled nicely in my garage in their run that I brought home with me. I really need to figure something out for winter. If it were just hens I would keep them here in the garage in the pen I have set up down there but I have not one but two roosters now in that pen. One is a blue silkie who is already crowing and the other is a blue smooth sizzle from my hatch back in July. They're going to be crowing away in my garage.

Has anyone ever had to bring a rooster inside for any reason - injuries, quarantine, etc and have them crow in the house/basement/garage? Is it loud? Is it something you think my neighbors would be able to hear?
Hello everyone been quite a while since I posted been busy with work and the animals. Canned like a mad fool this summer plus just put up some meat birds got some more to do this coming week and in a couple weeks will do the meat turkeys they are getting huge about 40 lbs and let me tell you they are great foragers. All my other animals are doing great chickens are freeloading again but the older girls are molting and the new ones are just starting to lay. Rancher how is the wife you and her are in my prayers. I hope everyone else is good. It is snowing here tonight am so not ready for this cold .
Has anyone ever had to bring a rooster inside for any reason - injuries, quarantine, etc and have them crow in the house/basement/garage? Is it loud? Is it something you think my neighbors would be able to hear?
I would think the garage would be the worst place... it would echo ...The basement should be good & sound proof longs they arent standing outside your house .
I dont even think I heard mine crow in the cellar ...my son who has his room down there did ...LOL

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