NY chicken lover!!!!

Off to the insanity of work. It looks like I may not enjoy thanksgiving as I have to work that day. Wish everyone would stay home and not shop.
Yeah, I have to work thanksgiving also, I work at a dairy plant, wish them durn cows would give the poor farmers the day of and then maybe I could also!
Morning Everyone,
Haven't posted in a while, been busy with a little opportunity I came across and I'm doing everything in my power to make it happen.
DH and I were on the subject on dogs again a month or two ago and we have always said that our next dog would be a Great Dane. Since we're looking to buy a house of our own next summer, I of course started looking. I came across a breeder not too far from me and she actually has one pup left that was suppose to go to a show home but the woman backed out two weeks ago after asking the breeder if she could hold onto him until he was 3 mos old. She did and when 3 months came the woman who wanted him informed her that her working from home arrangement with her company wasn't going to be as often at home as she would like and therefore doesn't want to take in a dog that will be stuck in a crate all day. So this pup is 4 months old, house trained already, crate trained and I actually went to see him yesterday. So calm and mellow, didn't even attempt to jump on me. The mom was out when I came in. She just walked over to me, stuck her nose right up to my chin and walked away. Of course she was my best friend the minute I sat down and all she wanted was to be petted. Not over bearing tho at all. Some larger dogs just really push and push for attention, not these two. If I stopped petting them they just sat that, calm cool and collective. I am so in love with them. So we're going to get the pup. I'm going back to get him Friday. I need to go shopping this week for some things.

On the chicken front, no more attacks so I'm thinking of the loss of that blue sizzle was in fact a rooster fight. I keep seeing feathers all over the place when I go to lock up at night and it's driving me crazy. Are the roosters fighting? Are birds molting? Have I mentioned yet that I HATE not having them in my own backyard. You know what's so funny too is my landlord actually mentions all the time why not just put them right over there (as he points to the back corner of the yard when he's been here the last few times) and I actually have to remind him that they are just simply not allowed in the lake communities. And he agrees that it is just so bogus. So here I am living in a house yet again where another landlord would actually allow me to have them here but I can't because of these stupid lake community rules. Anywho, I still only have one egg layer - one of my Silkie/Polish cross girls. They've been on feather fixer for over a week now tho and I already see a big difference in Ella my blue Orp who was molting and Little Fella, her son who was getting picked on when we first came here. he's got little tail feathers coming in now, his neck feathers are in again after getting them picked out by the others, and he's about 3/4 the size of Stella already!! My lights seems to be working perfectly so hopefully Stella will pick up laying soon and maybe I can hatch some her eggs, although I don't think Kota, the new Spash roo has attempted to mate with anyone yet. Usually when I let them out the morning Elvis is the first to run to the ladies and do his little dance. Kota main concern is finding the water. As you can see from this morning, he wouldn't even let me finish filling the bucket up.

Well I hope all is well with everyone and their cheeps!! Oh! And if anyone is looking for Seramas or know of anyone who is. My friend has like 6 she is looking to part with. She thought it was a breed she wanted to add but she just doesn't like them at all. If anyone wants more info feel free to PM me.
funny you mentioned great danes ..we were at the tractor store yesterday a fella had a jeep liberty with 2 full grown danes in there ..it looked like a comic strip with those 2 big guys heads sticking out both side windows ..they need a bigger truck to hual those big buggers around ..the were black and white ..pretty awesome looking dogs ..but as soon as i read your post ,that picture jumped back in to my brain ..lol good luck with your new family member and i hope you own stock in the dog food industry ..lol

Tab, missed the pic, very cute. Travis is on a good start for No Shave November, but he has a way's to go. CBS had a blurb on the Beard Competition. Yes there is such a thing. Nora just turned one didn't she? DD just found out she's having a girl and she's not 100% happy being a high school teacher and all. She says the girls are the worst.
Serves her right after what she put us through.
Henry has decided what he's going to say when she's born. "Happy Birthday". He's so funny.

Beer, a farmers lot is an unthankful one for sure. Which is why I dropped out at Alfred Tech in '70. No way I could tip a cow or stick my short arm down a horses pi-toot. Still they have my admiration. I just hate how the most important jobs pay the least. That's just my op.

Sorry to those who lost birds. It always gets me down.

I'm feeling better but not great. I'm so far behind in my work. Country Max has shavings on sale today for $3.99 a bale. Today's the last day. I'm headed out there.

We don't have dogs or cats, so I don't deal with Ticks. I'm sure they're there though. Do they get on Chickens, should I be checking? The can suck the life of animals faster than my ex wife.

Demp4 , how are those birds doing? Is that rooster still alive?

Take care everyone. Looks like the weather might be okay to have a week to catch up on the winter preparation chores.

Love ya,

Chris---nice looking birds! I want to see your blues.

Luv--dh is doing a great job. Its going to be a nice coop for those ducks

Beer--Yeah, I know farmers never have a day off. My dad was one. Now if only the cows could hold their milk till the next morning you would be all set!

Stepped out the door to see what the big coop was up to. The Duke is walking around like he hit the lottery. I suppose he did since he has gone from 6 girls to 21! I told dh not to be surprised if Duke shows up at his mancave looking to get away from them girls for a while. They are running him ragged! A couple of them just dont shut up. Good thing he has a brother in there with him!

Going to look into that food save and attachment. While Im not a prepper, its not a bad idea to buy dry goods (like flour) when its on sale and pack it away for emergency times (like when we lost power for two weeks). Going to can some beef stew and chili and hopefully some venison if dh gets one this year. The fireplace outside is done and we could cook on it if need be as I have a dutchy and cast iron pans. Never hurts to have some food stored away for such times. Have to put some dollars aside for shoprites cancan sale.

Getting itchy to hatch again but thats a march project. With my silkies rearranged and my heretiage rir setup, I am hoping for a decent hatching spring with some real nice chicks. Of course none of my silkie girls ever go broody when I need them to. They are broody now! Sigh. Im just hoping that I get a good hatch this spring because last spring was terrible for silkies.

Okay--off to fling coffee. Just looked at the ad for the store so I know its going to be busy. Have a nice day everyone.
The parents.


The chick's aren't as easy to get pics of yet. As expected from blue to blue, I got every shade of blue. Some will be too light to keep and some will be entirely too dark to keep.
Morning Everyone,
Haven't posted in a while, been busy with a little opportunity I came across and I'm doing everything in my power to make it happen.
DH and I were on the subject on dogs again a month or two ago and we have always said that our next dog would be a Great Dane. Since we're looking to buy a house of our own next summer, I of course started looking. I came across a breeder not too far from me and she actually has one pup left that was suppose to go to a show home but the woman backed out two weeks ago after asking the breeder if she could hold onto him until he was 3 mos old. She did and when 3 months came the woman who wanted him informed her that her working from home arrangement with her company wasn't going to be as often at home as she would like and therefore doesn't want to take in a dog that will be stuck in a crate all day. So this pup is 4 months old, house trained already, crate trained and I actually went to see him yesterday. So calm and mellow, didn't even attempt to jump on me. The mom was out when I came in. She just walked over to me, stuck her nose right up to my chin and walked away. Of course she was my best friend the minute I sat down and all she wanted was to be petted. Not over bearing tho at all. Some larger dogs just really push and push for attention, not these two. If I stopped petting them they just sat that, calm cool and collective. I am so in love with them. So we're going to get the pup. I'm going back to get him Friday. I need to go shopping this week for some things.
I'm jealous!! I have always wanted a Great Dane. DH won't let me cause he says they don't live long enough...I don't care I love them!!! I'm sure the kids are going to love him..
Hi I'm near endicott. Planning on trying to breed in the spring mostly for feeding my family but fully aware there may be more chicks than I can handle so if anyone is interested. I have black sex link females but am unsure of my rooster's breed.
I do have a couple of pics of him that she sent me. So it's finally a go and I'm going to pick him up Friday! I'm so excited. Here are a few of the ones she sent me. (He just had his ears done a month ago and bandages will come off in another couple of weeks)


At 8wks old...

I'm actually very fascinated with his lines/background. His grandfather is an International Grand Champion. I really wish I knew more about showing dogs because I would definitely take him to be shown, especially knowing he was suppose to go to a show home.

Free to good home. Must be gone tomorrow. The neighbors are complaining. 5 month old EE Roo. Very gentle with hens. Just trying out his new cock a doodle do to loud. I'll deliver tomorrow am within 30 min of buffalo. PM if you would like him

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