NY chicken lover!!!!

Well darn it I lost another Legbar pullet to the cold. This time she had a heat lamp to go under and just didn't, don't ask me why. Well, guess I'll be picking up some eggs in the spring or if I'm lucky a nice breeding trio. I do still have my little white pullet though and since I wanted to focus on the whites anyway at least I have that going for me. Funny that the white one seems to be hardier than all the others. I also lost my older cochin rooster and one of my older buff orp hens. The rooster was five and the hen at least four so they were starting to get up there and I guess the extreme cold we were getting for a while was just too much for them. I swear if we could have one weekend without snow I would dance for joy. It's always Sunday too which is when I work.
I was pming with a guy in PA about C. Legbar eggs. Since things are more than tight here I'll have to wait til early summer.
Well darn it I lost another Legbar pullet to the cold. This time she had a heat lamp to go under and just didn't, don't ask me why. Well, guess I'll be picking up some eggs in the spring or if I'm lucky a nice breeding trio. I do still have my little white pullet though and since I wanted to focus on the whites anyway at least I have that going for me. Funny that the white one seems to be hardier than all the others. I also lost my older cochin rooster and one of my older buff orp hens. The rooster was five and the hen at least four so they were starting to get up there and I guess the extreme cold we were getting for a while was just too much for them. I swear if we could have one weekend without snow I would dance for joy. It's always Sunday too which is when I work.

I was pming with a guy in PA about C. Legbar eggs. Since things are more than tight here I'll have to wait til early summer.  

If you're interested, I'm going to be getting some eggs from a really good breeder sometime around spring or early summer. Her birds are really nice and she breeds to the proposed standard, so her color is correct and the birds are mostly correct as well. I'd be happy to split an order with you if you'd like. She's in NH, so the eggs won't have to travel far to get to me. I might even go pick them up.
If you're interested, I'm going to be getting some eggs from a really good breeder sometime around spring or early summer. Her birds are really nice and she breeds to the proposed standard, so her color is correct and the birds are mostly correct as well. I'd be happy to split an order with you if you'd like. She's in NH, so the eggs won't have to travel far to get to me. I might even go pick them up.

I didn't know there was a standard. I am interested of course. I mentioned to him I was planning a trip to PA for some orpingtons. I've not hear back from Jody yet. Not sure if I'm even getting through.
I didn't know there was a standard.  I am interested of course. I mentioned to him I was planning a trip to PA for some orpingtons. I've not hear back from Jody yet. Not sure if I'm even getting through. 

Yep, there's a proposed standard now! It's not finalized of course since they haven't been accepted into the APA yet, but it should become the standard if and when they are accepted. A lot of the birds that are floating around have the wrong color since most of the birds originally imported had way too much chestnut coloring, but hers are really nice and are cream as they should be. She also has birds from the newly imported Jill Rees line and I may get some eggs from her from that line too.
Yep, there's a proposed standard now! It's not finalized of course since they haven't been accepted into the APA yet, but it should become the standard if and when they are accepted. A lot of the birds that are floating around have the wrong color since most of the birds originally imported had way too much chestnut coloring, but hers are really nice and are cream as they should be. She also has birds from the newly imported Jill Rees line and I may get some eggs from her from that line too.

My interest was purely in the xesing of them. It would be nice to be able to xes the chicks immediately.
: Sorry to hear this ...did you ever close up your coop more ? or is it too closed ...?
I know last year you had snow blowing in

I really Appreciate that the coop is close to the house this time of year ...less shovelling
Sorry to hear this ...did you ever close up your coop more ? or is it too closed ...?
I know last year you had snow blowing in

I really Appreciate that the coop is close to the house this time of year ...less shovelling
We stopped getting eggs mid summer so I slowed feed down because cash is short atm. We then lost 4 female ducks and a few chickens because they decided to sleep out side over a few weeks. I stupidly keep with food every other day since not getting eggs we was wasting feed and then in winter a few died so we moved them all inside. Now I'm going to move them back out side in a few days and build a better pen down in the basement for the chicks we have growing. We are done with large breeds and going with bantam cochins and silkies since we cant depend on eggs atm. I figure less feed needed for smaller birds for the kids to show.
Yep, there's a proposed standard now! It's not finalized of course since they haven't been accepted into the APA yet, but it should become the standard if and when they are accepted. A lot of the birds that are floating around have the wrong color since most of the birds originally imported had way too much chestnut coloring, but hers are really nice and are cream as they should be. She also has birds from the newly imported Jill Rees line and I may get some eggs from her from that line too.
Pyxis I would also be interested in some eggs let me know the details.
Well darn it I lost another Legbar pullet to the cold. This time she had a heat lamp to go under and just didn't, don't ask me why. Well, guess I'll be picking up some eggs in the spring or if I'm lucky a nice breeding trio. I do still have my little white pullet though and since I wanted to focus on the whites anyway at least I have that going for me. Funny that the white one seems to be hardier than all the others. I also lost my older cochin rooster and one of my older buff orp hens. The rooster was five and the hen at least four so they were starting to get up there and I guess the extreme cold we were getting for a while was just too much for them. I swear if we could have one weekend without snow I would dance for joy. It's always Sunday too which is when I work.

Sorry!! That really stinks!

We have had only one die this winter. She was 4 and a Mille deFleur. They excluded her and weren't very nice so she probably got shoved off the roost.
I'm sure if you put the word out, someone will 'take them off your hands' at Chickenstock...
thanks but i am not going to chickenstock ..i am to far away and my wife's not really into driving that far and with birds it would drive her crazy-er..lol i am waiting to hear back from a friend who does 4-h and i am hoping she wants them ..not even sure which 5 to get rid of ..i have 11 of them ..if i sell them to some one what should i charge any idea ..i thought like 10 bucks ..but if the friend from 4-h wants them i'll just give them to her ..shes always been real helpful to me in the past ..

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