NY chicken lover!!!!

Recently, my sweet roosters have turned into bullies. In several pens.
The one particular group I have 4 BCM/BI roosters that are getting large and kinda mean.
Is it time for the stew pot? Should I separate them from the flock? They look stunning...but, I won't breed aggression.
Boys seem to mature sooner than girls . Young Roosters are more aggressive sexually .
They tend to attack rather than court .
They arent attacking you are they ? if they are they should be soup !
what And why are folks buying from catchwords? Sandhill does have some good lines,but not most hatchery.

Didn't want to but couldn't find the breed I was looking for, white jersey giants. Not on BYC and not on the National Jersey Giant Club anywhere nearby. No one seems to have the white ones. only a couple big hatcheries have them, and I didn't want theirs. After I ordered them I found one breeder in PA, ohh well. SandHill's are a closed flock of the Golda Miller line, a well known breeder of giants. Maria Hall ended up with her blacks after she died and sells black blue and splash at premium prices, but her birds are close to perfect. SandHill admits some of their whites will not meet SOP standards, I'm hoping they don't mean for size, I will work with them IF I get them. Why do I want them? Giant capons, what they were bred for. You want to see some jacked up prices check out how much capons go for, and I guarantee they are not giants, $79 each! Crazy! Not saying I'm going to get into that market but for now I can fill the family freezer IF I get them. IF I get them It will be over a year to figure out the breeding stock and start hatching for capons anyway.
So I guess I am allergic to straw for the second time handling it I have giant welts allover my wrists and arms... so pine mulch/ shavings it is... any other choices available???

For bedding I use dry grass clippings from our lawn, dry leaves - Im still using the ones I gathered from last fall.
A neighbor generously allowed my to harvest his leaves too .
I have a lawn rake to collect it then I put it in paper leaf bags
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For bedding I use dry grass clippings from our lawn

Good Idea, I use all the saw dust from my firewood and the dried up tree leaves in the fall. Going to add dry grass clippings to keep the poop off the eggs. I, well the oldest daughter charges me five bucks now to mow it, I think I'm getting the better end of the deal LOL three acres of boring mowing, lots of dried grass!
Morning all. Finally got the two aprons on the girls who needed it most. Almost dieD from laughter watching the one run around frantically trying to escape it! She was beside herself over it. All is well this morning though. Guess they decided it wasn't going to eat them. Little monsters are really growing now and the boys are getting on everyone's nerves. The Duke went over to their run yesterday and gave them the stinkeye. Message was received because the shenanigans stopped and the boys prudently moved to the far side of the run. Duke did do a walk around just to be sure they were all behaving themselves.

Silkie babies are doing well and the broody silkies are sitting tight on a whole bunch of eggs. Still haven't looked to see how many or candled. I have the other coop locked up cause Splash insists on laying and sitting in the run. I will keep them locked up for a few days so she gets the idea that inside is better.

Off to the pharm today. Have a good one!
A friend of mine had one of his chickens hit by a car yesterday. He thought that he was going to be getting out of chickens as they die off of old age, but he has a change of heart as his demand has grown. He is looking to get 4-5 Buff Orpingtons about 1 year-1.5 year max near Syracuse, NY area. He is just looking for the buff orps...I told him that if he asked me to look or him a few weeks ago I'm sure that I could have gotten them at Chickenstock

Anyone have anything close buy that might fit his description. I'm sure that I could travel a little for him, but don't want to go to far. He is a good guy and lets his birds free range all day with a nice big coop setup to lock them up at night...
Good Idea, I use all the saw dust from my firewood and the dried up tree leaves in the fall. Going to add dry grass clippings to keep the poop off the eggs. I, well the oldest daughter charges me five bucks now to mow it, I think I'm getting the better end of the deal LOL three acres of boring mowing, lots of dried grass!

I hear you with mowing! I always let the grass get a little long so there is plenty of clippings for mulching & the coops.
WHAT!!! Does that mean if I have ordered chicks I'm waiting for from SandHill in Iowa that I won't be getting them??!!
They were supposed to be here May 5, I also put down all of June hatch dates ok. They only answer calls a couple days a week for only certain hours.
Time to do some digging!

Wait, is hatchery to customer considered private sales? Is it only commercial ban??

Although it's a 'private order' you are ordering from a business - that makes it commercial - sorry!
Has anyone in the central part of the state sent anything to auction lately? I was getting rid of a few extra roosters, a nine month old, and 3 2 month old babies, and I was pleasantly surprised by what they went for. I have not sent anything off to auction for a while.

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