NY chicken lover!!!!

I have the same one and it only has one, rather big problem. The arm that controls the cradle rocker breaks. It has broken on me 2 times in 2 years.

Yikes! Well, luckily mine has a three year warranty, so if that happens they should replace it, at least during the first three years. I hope it doesn't break every year, though - that would be expensive to have to keep replacing.
Something tried getting one of my hens today. Upper part of breast near neck had been plucked and looked disheveled overall. Didn't do a hands on inspection, didn't want to stress her more by trying to catch, but didn't see any bleeding. And I see the area it happened next to the barn, grass flattened and feathers scattered. Starting to think a cat got my babies and went after this hen. Going to need a trail cam and/or trap. My luck I would catch the darn Sussex every day.
Something tried getting one of my hens today. Upper part of breast near neck had been plucked and looked disheveled overall. Didn't do a hands on inspection, didn't want to stress her more by trying to catch, but didn't see any bleeding. And I see the area it happened next to the barn, grass flattened and feathers scattered. Starting to think a cat got my babies and went after this hen. Going to need a trail cam and/or trap. My luck I would catch the darn Sussex every day.
Would your wi-fi reach that far? I have a survellience cam that works on wi-fi pretty well I bought off of Amazon when everyone was stealing from my farm stand last year.
I thought I would post a pic of my ducklings from yesterday. FYI the slop sink is very clean just old and stained. I only put the chicks in it to make a mess with the water bowl. Then it's easy to hose down.
I thought I would post a pic of my ducklings from yesterday. FYI the slop sink is very clean just old and stained. I only put the chicks in it to make a mess with the water bowl. Then it's easy to hose down.

Getting big already! Did you band the females so you can tell them apart? Can't wait for mine to hatch next week. Hope I can sell most of my khakis by then so I have room.
I did band the females. One of the boys is a runt. I put my 2 khaki Campbell's in with the 20+ week old chickens and they are doing fine. The chickens don't seem to bother them much at all. They are cute but not imprinted on people. Trying to get the boys homes.

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