NY chicken lover!!!!

Stopped at Keystone Mills in Cortland, trying their layer feed. It is a mash, so hubby insists they are wasting it (because he feeds them too much which leaves feed out overnight for the rats). The high protein layer 120 came out to $12.13 per 50# bag with the tax. I know everyone is always looking for alternative feed options.


I get 17% layer mash from our local mill, $10 and change, nice stuff. I ferment it, no mess no waste. I would suggest at least soaking it.
I probably will feed dry when it gets freezing though.
Stopped at Keystone Mills in Cortland, trying their layer feed. It is a mash, so hubby insists they are wasting it (because he feeds them too much which leaves feed out overnight for the rats). The high protein layer 120 came out to $12.13 per 50# bag with the tax. I know everyone is always looking for alternative feed options.

Can I suggest you mix it with water to make it less wasteful. I do this with chick crumbles after the chicks reach a certain age. There is less waste and they grow faster since they're eating more. I like the black rubber tubs that TSC sells.

If I were using mash I would do this. The older birds don't have a problem switching when there are young birds in the coop.

I also pick up the dishes at night and put them up where the mice can't get to them. Maybe you can have hubby add a shelf up high to put the dishes on or use chains that can be used to raise the feeders at night.
Hi everyone! Just browsed the thread and would love a little advise.... I typically don't hatch any later then Sept, and that's ideally under a broody. This year I ordered some Silkie eggs off eBay for my final hatch. Unfortunately the breeder had a little oopsy and half the chicks turned out to be mixes. He was a real stand up guy and offered to replace or refund me for the eggs. Of course I wanted more eggs!!......but know I'm thinking these poor little duffers aren't ever going to be able to go outside. It's going to be the first week of November when they hatch. Does anyone else in Upstate NY hatch this time of year? How do you keep them? I love having chicks around, but most my existing flock are bantam Cochins. They spoil me by doing all the work most the time.....

Hi!! My sister lives in LaFargeville. I did the first year I started hatching. Had a hatch in November. Then kept them in the house for the winter and vowed never to make that mistake again....lol I don't hatch now past the end of July unless it's for someone else.
Hi!! My sister lives in LaFargeville. I did the first year I started hatching. Had a hatch in November. Then kept them in the house for the winter and vowed never to make that mistake again....lol I don't hatch now past the end of July unless it's for someone else.

Small world. LA isn't very big, we've probably ran into each other!!! Ugh, I'm not excited about the dust.
I get 17% layer mash from our local mill, $10 and change, nice stuff. I ferment it, no mess no waste. I would suggest at least soaking it.
I probably will feed dry when it gets freezing though.

We've considered the fermenting. He wants to mix with water, I worry about the leftover molding in the feed trough. In winter we have to feed my old horse soaked "hay stretcher" pellets, so it becomes a soft mash. But cannot let it set in the house, because the dog will eat the dry (large) pellets. Will try soaking a small amount of mash though.
Can I suggest you mix it with water to make it less wasteful. I do this with chick crumbles after the chicks reach a certain age. There is less waste and they grow faster since they're eating more. I like the black rubber tubs that TSC sells.

If I were using mash I would do this. The older birds don't have a problem switching when there are young birds in the coop.

I also pick up the dishes at night and put them up where the mice can't get to them. Maybe you can have hubby add a shelf up high to put the dishes on or use chains that can be used to raise the feeders at night.

We have a hanging feeder in the coop to entertain them until they are let out, then are fed in a 8' metal trough on legs in the barn. A shelf or raised feeders are pointless, rats can climb. That is how they get in the horse tack room, over top of the 8' wall. I've watched one do it. Nasty things. Just need to find the right balance of amount to feed without leftovers and without them thinking they are starving (always).
@Lapeerian I haven't had any mold. I usually don't feed them much more than they'll eat and if there is still some the next day I mix it with the new. Nice thing with the mash grains compared to pellets or crumbles if you ferment is you can add extra water to leave a water barrier on top of the bucket. When I fermented pellets too much water turns it to soup, I kept it more oatmeal consistency, either way the air gets to it, and potential for mold though I never saw any. The mash can have inches of water over it and scoops out nice, water runs off.

We've considered the fermenting. He wants to mix with water, I worry about the leftover molding in the feed trough. In winter we have to feed my old horse soaked "hay stretcher" pellets, so it becomes a soft mash. But cannot let it set in the house, because the dog will eat the dry (large) pellets. Will try soaking a small amount of mash though.

We have a hanging feeder in the coop to entertain them until they are let out, then are fed in a 8' metal trough on legs in the barn. A shelf or raised feeders are pointless, rats can climb. That is how they get in the horse tack room, over top of the 8' wall. I've watched one do it. Nasty things. Just need to find the right balance of amount to feed without leftovers and without them thinking they are starving (always).

I did not know rats climb. I haven't seen any. In either case did you read my post from the Mother Earth News about rats and Coca Cola?

So if you've followed some things I've said about getting back issues of Mother Earth news, I found this about mice that I did not know.

"Looking for safe to have around rat poison? Jim Thorgensen just places jar lids filled with some carbonated soda pop ( the Mission Hills California" varmit like Coca-Cola) to strategic areas. The rodent eagerly slurp up the sugary liquid........but, since they can't burp, eventually pop and die. And you may well wonder does Jim's bubbly exterminator really work? Well, a friend of his tried the ploy in a service station one night...and the next morining shoveled away three bushels of rats!"
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@Lapeerian I haven't had any mold. I usually don't feed them much more than they'll eat and if there is still some the next day I mix it with the new. Nice thing with the mash grains compared to pellets or crumbles if you ferment is you can add extra water to leave a water barrier on top of the bucket. When I fermented pellets too much water turns it to soup, I kept it more oatmeal consistency, either way the air gets to it, and potential for mold though I never saw any. The mash can have inches of water over it and scoops out nice, water runs off.
Longs as it is stirred and you add water it doesnt mold ..
It does react to the air ...so it gets darker ..
I too add the new fermented feed to what is left in the dish ..
I leave it over night and it is fine ..
Where do you get your feed ?
it is 17% ? does it have soy in it ?
I have been going to tractor supply ..getting theirs
I found some fresh organic feed ...which was wonderful & close to me ..
found out they add 1/3 soy ..so i would rather not use that .
This was the YEAR OF THE BROODY ! aaahhh..

aNYONE WANT 3 CUCKOO MARAN / Mix roosters ..? 5 months ..
Drove me nuts today chasing my little Sumatra Hens ..
They range by them selves more so they are away from my main rooster who would protect them from the Randy Boys ..
@Lapeerian I haven't had any mold. I usually don't feed them much more than they'll eat and if there is still some the next day I mix it with the new. Nice thing with the mash grains compared to pellets or crumbles if you ferment is you can add extra water to leave a water barrier on top of the bucket. When I fermented pellets too much water turns it to soup, I kept it more oatmeal consistency, either way the air gets to it, and potential for mold though I never saw any. The mash can have inches of water over it and scoops out nice, water runs off.

We have a feed mill close by? Please share where so my flock can eat better quality. Thank you.

Oh I also have 2 cx set aside for you. They are beautiful girls, fully feathered no leg problems and love to forage. Just let me know. I can keep them until spring if you like.

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