NY chicken lover!!!!

Well JUST cause the chicks will die is JUST cause as far as I'm concerned.  If you think the folks at the PO don't do illegal things you are wrong. I've seen them purposefully hold up someone check. I've seen them NOT deliver packages and mail because they were being mean. 

Anyhow chicks that will die is reason enough for anyone with half a brain. How about calling the ASPCA?  Wonder what they'd do? 

My father WAS a post master. I know how that runs with oswego and a few others.... Trust.... Some will call and ask others dont care
Does anyone have a good article on why it's better to eat fresh eggs over store bout? Or a good article on why it's good to raise chickens period. Trying to convince someone why raising chickens is a good idea? Someone I know says it's wrong to eat there eggs and they could never eat eggs from chickens they raised (or anyone who raises backyard chickens)
Does anyone have a good article on why it's better to eat fresh eggs over store bout? Or a good article on why it's good to raise chickens period. Trying to convince someone why raising chickens is a good idea? Someone I know says it's wrong to eat there eggs and they could never eat eggs from chickens they raised (or anyone who raises backyard chickens)

Good luck with that battle. Being from the dairy industry, I see way too many anti-livestock comments in social media.
Does anyone have a good article on why it's better to eat fresh eggs over store bout? Or a good article on why it's good to raise chickens period. Trying to convince someone why raising chickens is a good idea? Someone I know says it's wrong to eat there eggs and they could never eat eggs from chickens they raised (or anyone who raises backyard chickens)

Let me count the Ways ...
Better for us
Free Range Eggs Have
• 1/3 less cholesterol
• 1/4 less saturated fat
• 2/3 more vitamin A
• 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
• 3 times more vitamin E
• 3 times more vitamin D
• 7 times more beta carotene
B vitamins -- folate, vitamin B-12.
More lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants important for eye health.



Also Old Chicken Bedding is good for a Organic garden . Naturally high in Nitrogen
They eat all your food scraps , Etc that would normally go to a landfill . you have less garbage
They Eat most of the bugs around your house ...even Ticks

Store bought eggs most likely come from Tortured Chickens..
Who are not allowed more than their own body of space ..which they never leave ..
They Are feed antibiotics because they are kept in un safe and inhumane conditions
Many people who have their own flock ..Practice Safer and Cleaner conditions for their chickens .
Many use Natural remedies...that dont effect the eggs .
Apple Cider Vinegar in water , Herbs , Hot Pepper SEEDS , Garlic , Etc
Example :
Most Battery Cage Operations use ..Do they Toss the Eggs ?
use Anitibiotics ? cant eat eggs for a week
use some wormers or other Medicine ? cant eat eggs for a week or more
Last edited:
No matter where you work ...There are some people who care ..and some who dont care ..
 One thing I have noticed some PO are run like they are in the Military ..

Alot of the carriers are also vets... And alot of ur post masters are as well... Some pretty laid back... But yea... Most are pretty strict ... Yet ya get those few morons no matter where ya go. But if ya know the ins and outs how it all works it helps big time
Let me count the Ways ...
Better for us
Free Range Eggs Have

• 1/3 less cholesterol

• 1/4 less saturated fat

• 2/3 more vitamin A

• 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids

• 3 times more vitamin E

• 3 times more vitamin D

• 7 times more beta carotene

 B vitamins -- folate, vitamin B-12.

More lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants important for eye health.



Also Old Chicken Bedding is good for a Organic garden . Naturally high in Nitrogen
They eat all your food scraps , Etc that would normally go to a landfill . you have less garbage
They Eat most of the bugs around your house ...even Ticks

Store bought eggs most likely come from Tortured Chickens..
Who are not allowed more than their own body of space ..which they never leave ..
They Are feed antibiotics because they are kept in un safe and inhumane conditions
Many people who have their own flock ..Practice Safer and Cleaner conditions for their chickens .
Many use  Natural remedies...that dont effect the eggs .
Apple Cider Vinegar in water , Herbs , Hot Pepper SEEDS , Garlic , Etc
 Example :
Most Battery Cage Operations use ..Do they Toss the Eggs ?
use Anitibiotics ? cant eat eggs for a week
use some wormers or other Medicine ? cant eat eggs for a week or more

Diatamacious earth i use for my dog and have for yrs....and just found out can use on chicks and ducklings.... So yea... Love how well it worked for dog ...doubt will be disappointed with birds
Does anyone have a good article on why it's better to eat fresh eggs over store bout? Or a good article on why it's good to raise chickens period. Trying to convince someone why raising chickens is a good idea? Someone I know says it's wrong to eat there eggs and they could never eat eggs from chickens they raised (or anyone who raises backyard chickens)

Mother Earth ran an article a few years back, we also ran an item in www.thehappychickencoop.com last year - I'll try to find it for you
Does anyone have a good article on why it's better to eat fresh eggs over store bout? Or a good article on why it's good to raise chickens period. Trying to convince someone why raising chickens is a good idea? Someone I know says it's wrong to eat there eggs and they could never eat eggs from chickens they raised (or anyone who raises backyard chickens)
Yes I do but don't have time to type it up right now. Commercial chickens may never see the light of day, nor eat the things that are best. Commercial feeds are not a equal.

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