NY chicken lover!!!!

Hey guys, just wanted to provide a PSA on dog health. This week we almost lost our beloved german shepherd due to bloat. I was unaware of the issue (as many pet owners are). How quickly it can kill our pets.

Bloat, also called stomach torsion or twisted stomach, is the number two killer of dogs, after cancer, yet many, if not most dog owners are not familiar with it or aware how serious a problem it is. In the most serious stage, the stomach rotates partially or a full 360° on the ligaments that support it. Now the clock is really ticking. The esophagus is closed off, as is the duodenum, the upper intestine, and there is no way to release the pressure. A major vein that passes through the stomach is pinched, cutting off blood to the stomach and other organs, leading to tissue damage and destruction. Worse, blood to the heart is reduced drastically, and a heart attack is imminent if surgery to correct the problem and repair the damage is not done soon. At this point, even surgery may not save the dog. There is no direct cause and affect with this problem, such as a bacteria or virus that a vet can treat with antibiotics or vaccinate against. Bloat is usually the result of a combination of factors that might have no affect on most dogs, but can bring about a life-threatening situation in others. Owner awareness of the problem is the first step in preventing its occurrence. The most common time that dogs get bloat is between 2:00 and 6:00 AM, 7 to 10 hours after eating and while the owner is sleeping. It is thought that drinking a large amount of water after ingesting a large meal may cause the dry food to expand in the stomach to a mass that the stomach was not intended to hold. Active exercise should be restricted for one hour before and two hours after eating. Be aware. Know the risk factors. If you have a large male dog that gulps his food, drinks lots of water after eating, and likes to play actively after eating, you may want to make some changes in his routine. Feed smaller portions two or three times a day, limit water after eating, and prevent vigorous activity for at least two hours after eating, crating the dog if necessary.

$3k vet bill later, and I'm just so thankful our girl is okay. I would have paid any amount of money for her to survive. But be careful folks. It happens fast and the signs don't seem super concerning. I only knew of the urgency after telling my sister of her symptoms. My sister truly saved my dog's life by stating the urgency and telling me to go to an emergency vet right away, that i did not have time to wait for my regular vet to open.
Hey guys, just wanted to provide a PSA on dog health. This week we almost lost our beloved german shepherd due to bloat. I was unaware of the issue (as many pet owners are). How quickly it can kill our pets.
Thank you for sharing ..I am glad he / she is okay .
I have been told it is a problem with German Shepherds ..
I have a friend who raises them ...he feeds his dogs raw chicken to avoid this problem
Wow! Sorry to hear that. I watched, actually my kids watch it just catch parts some times, the Dr. Pol show where they have dealt with cows with twisted stomach bloat.
I've always fed my dogs free choice right from a pup. Don't ever over eat or eat like their starving and never have a problem with someone or another dog being near their food.
OH ...Well Lucky my rooster has mites ...
Probably didnt help he is a old Dude ..
I havent seen him dust bathing since he has been de throned .
I have been spraying under his neck and vent ? with Cat flea shampoo -
1/2 strength = 1/2 water and 1/2 shampoo with Pyrethrins
I dont want to use anything real toxic on them
I did dust him once with garden and poultry dust ..which has Pyrethrins too but the spray is much easier .
and put the garden and poultry dust and borax in the litter / bedding .
If it is nice tomorrow I think I will take out all the bedding

So i checked the rest of the flock ..some have almost none and some have more ..
So before everyone exited the coop today ..they got a neck and vent spray too .
I sprayed down the roosts and the wood beams near the floor
I think it is because The wild birds have been in our yard this year more... as I had a feeder up for them
And they brought it to my flock
No power for atleast 3 days on my road. Power lines are down and trees knocked poles over.

Is everyone good to go after the storm last night? I hope all birds and critters are ok.
we had quite the storm but everyone seems fine, I checked on my hen with her chicks and they were good the others were in the big coop so are fine. No trees down that I saw but man was that wind and rain and lightning something to behold... we were lucky
No power for atleast 3 days on my road. Power lines are down and trees knocked poles over.

Is everyone good to go after the storm last night? I hope all birds and critters are ok.

Sorry to hear that! You have chicks under lights?
We had quite the storm & other places had trees down, but our road / electric was uneffected.

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