NY chicken lover!!!!

It snowing here and I am mad as heck. My chcikens delivery is late. AGAIN!!
This is the third time. I don't know how the PO can expect people to use their service if they can't get things here on time. With express mail it's guaranteed or they refund you money.

I suppose if your the shipper and the chicks get there all alive and you got them delivered late and got you postage free you wouldn't care. In fact I wouldn't mail chicks any other way because the seller told me that of 6 shipments 4 were late. Those are pretty good odds. He got $120.00 (est. ) of free service.
It snowing here and I am mad as heck. My chcikens delivery is late. AGAIN!!
This is the third time. I don't know how the PO can expect people to use their service if they can't get things here on time. With express mail it's guaranteed or they refund you money.

I suppose if your the shipper and the chicks get there all alive and you got them delivered late and got you postage free you wouldn't care. In fact I wouldn't mail chicks any other way because the seller told me that of 6 shipments 4 were late. Those are pretty good odds. He got $120.00 (est. ) of free service.
and the USPS wonders why it loses money.....

hope you get your chicks soon
5 inches of snow on the ground already...learned that the hard way....didn't roll my pants up high enough. Sigh.

Chickens are mad as heck and *say* they aren't going to take it any more. I say "good luck with that chicks"

This best melt by Saturday, cuz I have to go get chicks from Annie in V-ville and it's all up hill from here. LOL
5 inches of snow on the ground already...learned that the hard way....didn't roll my pants up high enough. Sigh.

Chickens are mad as heck and *say* they aren't going to take it any more. I say "good luck with that chicks"

This best melt by Saturday, cuz I have to go get chicks from Annie in V-ville and it's all up hill from here. LOL

The early pipper (pipped at day 18!) died.
We do now have 2 pips that are peeping and already starting to zip! OM Goodness! Exciting! If we have a snow day tomorrow we can stay home on "hatch watch"
The snowing and blowing started this morning while I was in urgent care with my youngest and it has gotten progressively worse. Hannah has had a cold since saturday and an ear infection started. My poor little girl looks awful! (it's probably because she isn't sleeping or eating well) Last night my mille fleur d'uccle pullet that had the prolapse died.


Congrats to the new chicky parents! We have chicks due this weekend.

Greymane--do you know any crossgroves?

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