NY chicken lover!!!!

I have to share these pictures with you guys, cuz they are just too cute NOT to share. My sister sent me these photos from CT. My mom is huge into gardening and flowers, and loves bird houses! Ever spring she plants the most beautiful, unusual flowers all around her house, all over the deck, etc. Well she has all sorts of neat planters too, most of them country/antique looking. Well my sister sent me the first photo last week of these 4 robin eggs. A robin a had made a nest in one of my mom's planters! Which is weird, because it's not covered or anything. Well today she sent me another of two of the eggs that had hatched! Soooo cute!

Oh, how sweet!
Morning all. I came here first thing this am because I have good news. My broody silkie, Stripe, hatched out her egg some time last night! When I went out this morning (early because the stupid dog had to go out), I opened the door to check on her and when she moved a little, out fell the new chick! I was only able to get a quick peek before she tucked it back under. She seemed very proud this morning and didnt try to rip my hands off so I think she wanted me to see what she had done and was rewarded with praise and a good petting. The other chick in there, who is a week older, seems to be fine with the newbie as well. I will go out later and really inspect the newbie. I guess I just learned a lesson about being patient and marking the calendar when I let a hen sit! I am so excited! I still have the dividing fence up so dad doesnt try and kill them. I will be building a broody box though as its easier on the hen and less stressful for me!!!

Hen--glad to hear your patient is recovering. Hopefully with enough time and treatment, she will have a full recovery and not have it happen again.

Cass--sounds like some interesting crosses you have.

Off to serve the masses again. Getting slammed every day so far because of the holiday weekend coming up. No rest for the weary.

Congratulations to Stripe! She's doing a better job than Daphne, that's for sure.

The last three eggs remain unpipped. I'm positive at this point that they're duds or dead-in-shell, but I'll give them one more night and pull them tomorrow, and then the clumsy wannabe is going to be stuck in a broody-breaking cage for a couple of days to cool her backside. I may not even crack them open - I've seen quite enough dead chicks over the past few days for a while without adding to it. Oh, who am I kidding - I'll open them and try to figure out what happened.
Speaking of backsides, there have been NO, count 'em, ZERO prolapses today!
Clem (short for Clementine - she looks like a little mountain man with the Faverolle beard) had quite a bit to say to me when I got home from work. I'm sure none of it was complimentary. Too bad for her - she can cool her heels a couple more days to make sure she doesn't relapse when she gets around to laying an egg. Hooray for raw honey, saline, Epsom salts, and Preparation H!

The three eggs under my second broody BO are due Tuesday. Let's hope she does a better job than this epic fail of a mom did. I figured out what happened to the fourth egg. I found a broken shell in the middle of the playroom with the contents gone. At the time, I didn't look for the Sharpie mark, as the girls lay in there all the time, but now I suspect that that was the missing egg. Either it was a dud or she accidentally booted it out and it broke - either way, someone must have sucked down the contents. Eeew.
My third BO's four eggs are due the week after. She's a big hen, but, being a BO, motherhood is in her blood - I'll bet she succeeds. As for Gladys and the Peeps, those four little monsters are having a growth spurt now that they're three weeks old. Gladys is a dinky little Orp, so she's looking a wee bit uncomfortable when they jam themselves under her now.

The light outside is turning yellow - storm light. Maybe it'll take down some of this humidity. Bleah.
Life is still hectic for me. My oldests' last day of school was today and I have to have her back for closing program at 6:15. Everyday seems to have something going on and then I try to go to bed early because I'm wupped. Oh weekend I look forward to you!

Java-- I was thinking of tires for squash too. Waiting for DH to cut off some side walls of a few so I can flip them inside out (so they look more like planters).

Ginny-- I was just curious if you were going to keep the chick that looked similar to my avatar. We don't really need any back, chicks coming out our ears.
Tab, the one that looks like your avatar is my husband's favorite! My farrier lusts over her saying that he wants her feathers for fly fishing!! Anyway, it will come down to who lays the best eggs!!!

edited to say" I hope you get some rest soon"!!!
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Hope everyone does well with their current hatches.

The robin babies make chicks look even cuter.

We are working on lawn and garden in between ten hour work days and on-call. Tired doesn't even come close - as I am sure Tab's would agree.

Should have chicks arriving tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. Norwiegen Jahourns are on the way!

EE's and Ameraucanas are doing well. Still can't tell girls from boys. They are four weeks old now.

Time for beddie bye.......
Is it wrong to be happy about a pert pink chicken bum? If it's wrong, I don't want to be right!

Wait - what am I saying? Around these parts, it's MANDATORY to be happy about pert, healthy-appearing chicken bums!
Should have chicks arriving tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. Norwiegen Jahourns are on the way!
I had to look those up. What pretty little birds!

I'd like to try Russian Orloffs at some point. I would think they would do very well in our climate, plus they look pretty nifty. They're supposed to be "indifferent" layers, but if I wanted nothing more than guaranteed egg production, I'd load up on Leghorns.
Okay--so here is the new coop. Its not done yet as the run has to be built and trim done, etc. but the terrorists seem very happy in it. It is a woods style coop that is 8x12. The base and all the framing lumber was milled by my dh from the trees we dropped last year.


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