NY chicken lover!!!!

Here is a pic of the two chicks. The darker one hatched over a week ago and was the only one. Stripe took it willingly while sitting on her eggs. She only had one hatch out but has two chicks she will raise. She is a very good momma and has my 6 ft daughter too scared to lift her so she can see the baby!

Here is a pic of the two chicks. The darker one hatched over a week ago and was the only one. Stripe took it willingly while sitting on her eggs. She only had one hatch out but has two chicks she will raise. She is a very good momma and has my 6 ft daughter too scared to lift her so she can see the baby!

The mini-Yeti chicks are so adorable. Good mama, Stripe! I also love the coop - that's really nice!

I think my ducks need a coop of their own at some point. I have the impression that they drive the chickens batty at night sometimes, as they're prone to getting up at night and wandering around the coop as a flock while mumbling to themselves, especially when I go down for a check. The chickens all sit on the roost just staring at them like, "seriously, guys, could you just GO TO SLEEP?" There is one advantage, though - the roosters are quiet in the middle of the night, as they're probably worn out!

Holy cow, my noisy chief doodle is only now sounding off, and I let them out of the coop 45 minutes ago. That's some sort of record for him. He's getting to be pretty vocal, but his crow is deep so it doesn't carry very far. He also tends to react to things (kids playing, rooster across the road and up the hill from us, crows being noisy, the Evil Green Inflatable Frog of Doom), so if he's running his mouth he thinks there's a good reason for it. We recently did the rounds of our immediate neighbors to see if the boys annoy them, and the answer was universally "nope." In fact, the guy behind us wants to try chickens again, and would like his own roo.
Hen--my daughter likes the mini-yeti designation. You have also impressed her with your frog of doom. Did I mention she is going to college in ga for pharmacy???

Ginny--While I would love to rent him out, I dont thing his back would be up to the task again! Like I said, we still have a lot of little things to do and one big thing...the run. Digging the post holes is going to be a killer as our soil is clay and rocks.
This is me looking at your coop pharmchickrnmom.

happycountry-- ditto!

Ginny--I'm glad that the babies ameracauna babies turned out to be hens and keepers! Good luck deciding on the others. It will be tough!
Took the big girls out for a bit of free ranging. I was standing guard over them and really had it in mind to put them in the electric fenced area. That was apparently a foolish idea, since they had the other side of the yard in mind. But, they zeroed in on a wet area that I haven't tamed, and enjoyed a good many snails! Yes! So maybe I should move the fence over there. If only they would decide they like slugs, life might be perfect.

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