NY chicken lover!!!!

Pharm - I was up early which for me is crazy cuz I don't work outside the home. I usually just get up go let everyone out and go back and lay down but I just can't sleep.

Stony - I've no where for more chicks or chickens. So far the count is 10 Br's, 2 Slw's , 4 lav orps, 1 BBs orp, 2 blk orps, 1 lav Amer, 5 Del, 5 BM's, 1, RIR, 1 BO, 2 friz, 5 EE's, (39) Old enough to lay. 6 CR's, 3 EE's, and approx 15 Dels. not old enough to lay. Plus two Del chicks in the brooder. (25). Not all will be staying.

Something here has ripped the tarp over the run but I don't know what. I think it was a Squirrel. I noticed the two corners were ripped and though perhaps the sun dried it out and it ripped, but I noticed claw marks yesterday and more across the top is torn. I have seen a squirrel and figure if it was something else it would have just torn everything in one night and there would be a bigger mess. Not to mention I found the other birds out yesterday morning and surely something bigger would have gotten to them. I'm being more mindful of locking up these days.

Lynzii - DW came to the door while leaving for work and due to the squawking and I saw two deer in the back. They've done this before when the neighbors cat crossed the yard. I hope this dry weather doesn't cause more critters to move into the area. I do intend to run some chicken wire fencing to keep them in the yard closer to home. It's just a matter of money.

Marsq - I have a method of poisoning but don't use it often and haven't in years. I'm to afraid of someones cat or pet getting it. Unless I see something I won't either. Saw a baby coon in the road this am, and when I see a dead squirrel I run it over again for good measure.
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Rancher, you can never be too careful. Those zombie squirrels are everywhere!
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Pharm - I was up early which for me is crazy cuz I don't work outside the home. I usually just get up go let everyone out and go back and lay down but I just can't sleep.

Stony - I've no where for more chicks or chickens. So far the count is 10 Br's, 2 Slw's , 4 lav orps, 1 BBs orp, 2 blk orps, 1 lav Amer, 5 Del, 5 BM's, 1, RIR, 1 BO, 2 friz, 5 EE's, (39) Old enough to lay. 6 CR's, 3 EE's, and approx 15 Dels. not old enough to lay. Plus two Del chicks in the brooder. (25). Not all will be staying.

Something here has ripped the tarp over the run but I don't know what. I think it was a Squirrel. I noticed the two corners were ripped and though perhaps the sun dried it out and it ripped, but I noticed claw marks yesterday and more across the top is torn. I have seen a squirrel and figure if it was something else it would have just torn everything in one night and there would be a bigger mess. Not to mention I found the other birds out yesterday morning and surely something bigger would have gotten to them. I'm being more mindful of locking up these days.

Lynzii - DW came to the door while leaving for work and due to the squawking and I saw two deer in the back. They've done this before when the neighbors cat crossed the yard. I hope this dry weather doesn't cause more critters to move into the area. I do intend to run some chicken wire fencing to keep them in the yard closer to home. It's just a matter of money.

Marsq - I have a method of poisoning but don't use it often and haven't in years. I'm to afraid of someones cat or pet getting it. Unless I see something I won't either. Saw a baby coon in the road this am, and when I see a dead squirrel I run it over again for good measure.
I'm coop building soon again. Gotta make room.

lol, run it over again for good measure
Gotta question for you all.

I'm out doing my thing in the garden , watering and what not, and I see a rabbit come out of the woods cross the yard and then goes back into the woods. Not running mind you just hops out and I suppose coming to get water which is in a black cement mixing tub in the yard. I've seen him before just hopping through the yard like it's no body's business. What's up with that?

I always thought they were nocturnal. Saw two deer today and that's unusual as well. Scared the chickens til I went out and calmed them down. We no longer have cats here but the neighbor does and we don't have any dogs either so I suppose they've nothing to fear.
Gotta question for you all.

I'm out doing my thing in the garden , watering and what not, and I see a rabbit come out of the woods cross the yard and then goes back into the woods. Not running mind you just hops out and I suppose coming to get water which is in a black cement mixing tub in the yard. I've seen him before just hopping through the yard like it's no body's business. What's up with that?

I always thought they were nocturnal. Saw two deer today and that's unusual as well. Scared the chickens til I went out and calmed them down. We no longer have cats here but the neighbor does and we don't have any dogs either so I suppose they've nothing to fear.
a front approaching? Critters predict the weather and feed/drink before a storm hits. You really see it in the winter. I trust them over the weather guessers

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