NY chicken lover!!!!

She is doing well. No, thing 1 is sitting on 12 eggs. (Your hen) My little D'uccle is doing well Has recently developed a limp, but her eye is opening as the swelling subsides.

My eggs are due to hatch next Sunday. I hope they aren't early, cuz I won't be here. LOL
Hahaha I love that name 'thing 1'. She's such a pretty hen, too. :p She can easily do 12 eggs, so I hope they hatch!

Pictures of our chickens appeared on Mohawk Valley Living - Litchfield edition. :)
Ooooohh.....I had a beautiful light blue roo....Ray loved him....so did a Great Horned Owl. sigh. But I have waaaaaaaaaaaay to many chickens and I am not able to talk Ray into building another coop. HOWEVER I might have him talked into getting a full sized pickem' up truck....which I will drive for work and he will take my car....sooooo I could stop at some of these CL listings and pick myself up a dog house or two. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Did I ever meantion that in addition to my 35 ( + or - a few) I have a broody sitting on 12 eggs? 2 for my neighbor and 10 for me? OMG what was I thinking?
Were you thinking? I thought you had morehen's disease and doesn't that stifle part of the thinking process?....maybe you should try rancher's remedy....tin foil ............EVERYWHERE!!!!
Day 3 of no water....... Had our plumbing/heating guy out wednesday afternoon to do the annual furnace service and the water tank hasn't been heating as well. Heating element was shot, so drained the tank and replaced it. We get home from work, water pump is running non-stop. We have a 35' shallow well with jet pump, not your traditional well casing outside. When the pump runs non-stop, either something is wide open (like garden hose), or something is wrong. Last summer had an air pocket after the mother in law forgot to shut the water tank hose off and it ran for over an hour. Only took repriming the pump. This time, repriming isnt working. We dumped 20 gallons of water into the little hole to reprime it, but it never filled to the top. Plumber came back out to help, but didn't work. Started digging outside, but he couldn't find the well. We dug up the well this morning (tiny little pipe about 4' underground, directly off NE corner of house, about 5' out - remember that for future reference!) Called around 10am to let him know the pipe is uncovered (hoping for just failed check valve), said he would be out in an hour. It is now 12:30, hubby had to work, dropped little girl off to my parents. We need this to get fixed. I have water buckets and any other bucket set under the garage roof and horse barn eaves trying to catch the little bit of rain we got the past couple days. I had talked to the prior owner when we bought the house, who owned it for 30+ years, never had a problem with the well running dry. And he had multiple teenage daughters living here! We are hoping that we haven't run dry, because that would be $$$$. And the plumber just pulled in!
Oh, and I am going to the Luke Bryan/Jason Aldean concert at NYS Fair.
Guess I be a goat roper. :D

ETA: The well is NOT dry!!! Some previous 'expert' used steel fittings on the brass jet valve. Steel corrodes when in contact with brass, leaving a hole that the water would shoot back out of instead of drawing up to the house. Fittings replaced with poly fittings, primed the well and we are good to go! Just have to wait 3 hours for the sediment to settle back out before using any water in the house.
Yay!!! I Hate problems with the well.....it is so dry I think I will be showering at work!!!
Yay!!! I Hate problems with the well.....it is so dry I think I will be showering at work!!!
Hubby showered at work a couple times, but little girl and I went to my parents. So glad to be over that routine, really screws up the schedule. We have been conservative with our water use, just in case, but currently have at least 10' of water down there. Soooo glad to finally get some rain, because the garden was looking thirsty and the 2 water tanks under the barn eaves for the horses was down to the last drop. Crops around here look bad, but slightly less stressed right now that we finally got a little rain. The drought across the country is what has driven up current crop prices, as reflected in the feed prices. And it doesn't sound like it will get better any time soon.
I'm attempting to introduce the term "goat ropin' music" to a broader audience. One of my staff said the other day, "hey, isn't that goat ropin' music playing out there?" Success!

Although I am suffering from Morefowl Disease, that incurable condition closely related to Morehens, because things are currently crowded with ten growing chicks I'm successfully resisting it thus far. I still wanted to do something chicken-related, though, as my birthday is coming up and I figured I deserve a gift. So, I "bought" myself the "Flock of Chicks" gift option from Heifer International, which gives a recipient a flock of 10 to 50 chicks after providing extensive training in proper chicken husbandry. Spreading Morehens, one person at a time - it's the BYC Way!
DH and I are currently under going a treatment for morehens called fowl dispersal program and attending morehens anonymous meetings on the weekends. But I have a feeling once spring comes again morehens will be back with a vengeance.
I'm attempting to introduce the term "goat ropin' music" to a broader audience. One of my staff said the other day, "hey, isn't that goat ropin' music playing out there?" Success!

Although I am suffering from Morefowl Disease, that incurable condition closely related to Morehens, because things are currently crowded with ten growing chicks I'm successfully resisting it thus far. I still wanted to do something chicken-related, though, as my birthday is coming up and I figured I deserve a gift. So, I "bought" myself the "Flock of Chicks" gift option from Heifer International, which gives a recipient a flock of 10 to 50 chicks after providing extensive training in proper chicken husbandry. Spreading Morehens, one person at a time - it's the BYC Way!
Way to go Amy!!!! The Heifer International program is a good one!!

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