NY Gay Pride Weekend

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IT appears the parade was really an extra happy occasion this time.

I CANNOT even hear 'doogie's' name with out thinking of his character in 'Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle'. In my brain he will ALWAYS be putting on those sunglasses and saying, 'Where ever the Lord takes me, man'.
Please forgive me for being ignorant about "my husband" or "my wife" comments. How would one person determine the husband and wife? Does it have something to do with chores? Decision making? Role playing? If one gay couple, lets say both of them are women, would they say "my hubby and my wife" or woudl they both say "my wife"?

I hate to come up to someone like a gay couple and say "Oh that is your husband, how nice?" and it came off wrong that it is the "wife". The introduction part would throw me a curve.

I have alot to learn about gay folks, many of them are so nice! I'd rather have them for a friend or neighbor than a mean, cranky uppity person, anytime and anyday! And keep gay folks closer to you than enemies!
You know, I've met some really nice straight people too! I even have some as neighbors!

Each couple chooses their own terminology. In general if gay couples are married, or view themselves as married you would have 2 "husbands" or 2 "wives." Many long time couples prefer "Partner" since marriage hasn't been been allowed for most. The safest bet, is to just ask. It's no more sensitive than asking a straight person if their significant other is a "boyfriend" or a "husband." Gay folks tend to have pretty thick skins.
You know, I've met some really nice straight people too! I even have some as neighbors!

Each couple chooses their own terminology. In general if gay couples are married, or view themselves as married you would have 2 "husbands" or 2 "wives." Many long time couples prefer "Partner" since marriage hasn't been been allowed for most. The safest bet, is to just ask. It's no more sensitive than asking a straight person if their significant other is a "boyfriend" or a "husband." Gay folks tend to have pretty thick skins.

they have to develop thick skins. The world is a hostile place for people who are different from a cultural understanding of what constitutes gender stereotypes
Well put. Some of my straight friends always make a point of taking their kids to the Pride parades just to experience other people so they're more open minded. It's certainly refreshing to see after the way I was raised. Nothing is going to phase those kids!
Thanks, it would save me the embarassment in asking. I have two cousins of mine (both are females) that are gay and one has a daughter. Both of them are not civilly unionized yet but hopefully soon because they have been with their partners for a long time. A new thing now, as I learned from my cousin and her wife, is having children at the closest way possible by blood (in this example, her un married, un attacted brother who willingly donated his sperm and signed off his parentage rights, so his sister and her partner would be the sole parents of that little girl). Talk about really generous! So, see more of that happening and AI would be on the rise for gay parents who wanted the closest bio children they possibly can have. That little girl, I will see her this summer at the family reunion and can not wait to see her! She is very happy girl! Hogwash those "so called experts" saying that "gay-ness" would make children gay. What a lot of bologna!
Well put. Some of my straight friends always make a point of taking their kids to the Pride parades just to experience other people so they're more open minded. It's certainly refreshing to see after the way I was raised. Nothing is going to phase those kids!

I realized I was bi later in life. (only the past few years)
Growing up my parents were always compassionate and understanding towards other people. I was never taught that this sort of thing was bad or wrong. They judged people on how kind they are to others, animals included, not on small cultural, lifestyle , belief differences.

In high school my friends and i step up for people of different religions and gay people who may have been harassed. Wickednerd was always one of the first to step up and take someone under her wing who was alone or ostracized.

Raising one's kids to love others is essential. Kindness is important.
if that is true does "straightness" make children strait? Apparently not because lots of strait parents have gay kids.

Exactly! I remember their parents were so disppointed but accepted them once they get to know them and their partners better. Even they don't believe in their lifestyle but as they said, they are OLD enough, out of my house, they can make their own decisions whatever life throws at them and most of all, I want them to be happy.

One relative crudly puts it which it does make sense in this world, they won't reproduce. Well, if there is a way, there is a way!
One of my favorite movies is BirdCage with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane. Their apartment over the night club is sterotypical of what a homo-phob would think a gay couples house looks like. The Nathan is neurotic "wife" who gets all hysterical when he finds out that "their" son is straight.
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