NYCE meet up (New York Chicken Enjoyment)

Do we have an update on how many are coming and bringing what?

Also how much stuff do you need for your auction thing? Any suggestions on what to bring for it or not to bring for it.
My DH and I have decided to have a get together with our chicken folk friends. Chicken talk, food, wine tasting, birds, chinese auction, and what ever else we come up with. It will be fun and whoever decides to come is welcome. I will PM my address to any who are interested.
Keep in mind that this get together is for fun and enjoying each others' company. People don't always agree, thus my one rule for this event is that everyone be civil and polite to one another. ( This is not meant to offend. Just a precaution.)

Save this date: Sunday August 26, 2012 noon to whenever

update 4-28-12: Lowell Rd, Rome, NY, 13440

We do have plenty of space so if anyone coming from far enough away wants to pitch a tent or camper we can arrange it.

3 lb bag of hoffman hotdogs (best ever hot dog)- Tabs
tomato mac and cheese (cooks country recipe on PBS)- Tabs
some sort of desert (applecrisp?)- Tabs
2 watermelon- Demp4

Drinks and other things:

BYOB- bring your own beverage (update 6-30-12)

raffle tickets- Cass
utensils- Henicillin
paper plates- Henicillin
napkins- Henicillin
cups- Henicillin

Chinese Auction items:
piece of handmade jewelry- Tabs
handmade ornament- Tabs
chicken holding a chalkboard- Tabs
wine basket- Henicillin

I went to edit my own post and the edit option was gone.

So above and now below:

Cass- burger rolls and chips
Jerseygirl1- coffee urn, coffee, cream and sugar
Glasshen- pork and beans
Rancherhicks- burgers
vmdanielsen- green salad
JayLyn07- fruit salad
1mommahen- a desert
This is what I have so far. Plus people are bringing some assorted baskets and crafts for the raffle. I don't have a limit for the raffle. I am just happy for any contribution that anyone wants to donate.
The for sure number count so far is 25, but there are others that have said they are coming that haven't posted since before I asked for the head count.

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