O NO!!!!

If your 22 is an auto with at least 10 shots in the clip you may be able to kill the coyote. A good hit in the body and then a pull to the ear canal will do the animal in.

Coyotes are nothing to mess with. I would use a rifle at a range that is comfortable for you. I use a 6mm remington 700 bull barrel with a decent scoop for just such animals.

There are a few down here that actually hunt these guys.
They use calls and scent and shoot them with night vision scopes.
They are pretty serious about it.
I have killed over 200 yotes with a .22 hit em in the head but you you have to limit your range. A shotgun with dbl 00 buck is good. Good luck with that cage ! It anit gonna happen , I have only heard of 2-3 being caught by guys running hundreds of cages for bobcats in the west. I do wildlife control, you will have much better luck with calling or using foottraps or snares. But to use them right it takes hard earned knowlege. I would consult a professsional or a avid caller.
There are a lot of people who hunt coyotes around here and there are still way too many of the beasts around. I have a friend who has lost numerous livestock, including a couple of llamas, to one of the local packs. They just wait inside the treeline until an animal wanders close and then they jump out, bring it down and either feed right there or drag it away if it's smaller.

Calling coyotes is an art but it isn't very difficult to learn well enough to draw some in. It is best to learn from someone who is already really good at it though. You just have to be sure the coyotes don't see or smell you before they get into range. I think you can probably get calling videos if you can't find a local expert.

Most people use the same rifles used for deer when they hunt coyotes but I think that a .50 cal will do well also.

Shotguns are great if you are in fairly close to the coyote but lose accuracy before 50 yards and can end up just wounding at a distance because the pellets spread as they go farther out. Plus if you are shooting at the coyote with your animals near, stray pellets could strike your own livestock if they are right or left of the coyote. All that said, you can buy deer slugs for a shotgun, those can be fairly accurate to 100 yards, and they are a single projectile. I think a bit of overkill though!

I personally have never been able to hunt a coyote just to hunt one because they look like dogs to me and thus far have never done me any harm, HOWEVER, if a coyote, or even a dog, went after my animals I wouldn't hesitate to take it down!
I've killed countless 'yotes with a .22, shoot 'em in the head they aint goin no where. They gotta be pretty close though. The gun I usually use is a 30-06 though, just cuz theres a cougar around here and I aint about to start makin all sorts of dyin critter sounds and see that panther with only a .22 on me, I aint that dumb LOL!
The trick with the .22 is the ammo. Use CCI Hollow Point Stingers (silver casing). I killed 3 Coyotes last fall with a scoped .22 rifle. The longest shot was around 60 yards and was a heart/lung shot that dropped him in his tracks. It can be done.
I would try and trap the killer. The likelhood of you being ready with a gun before it takes down more of your family is not too likely. I hate to say it but use a live trap and then you can decide from there.
A friend of mine lost 6 dogs and 2 pygmy goats to coyotes in a 2 week period. I'm on the lookout for them on my property constantly and will definitely be making sure my coops are reinforced and well lit so I can see them.

I would definitely agree that you probably need something more than a .22.

Good luck trying to trap a coyote. Get yourself a donkey or a mule. They will take care of any varmints whether they be coyotes, racoons or just plain old dogs. The mule or donkey will stomp the predator into the ground.

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