Oak Ridge, TN Responsible Dog Ownership Festival


11 Years
Mar 4, 2009
Hello Guys!

I am working on organizing a Responsible Dog Ownership Festival in Oak Ridge, TN on September 25th and 26th, 2010 at A.K. Bissell Park in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A while back they attempted to pass a law in Oak Ridge making it legal to own a few hens in your back yard and it failed. I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in attending and setting up a booth/handing out information on the benefits of owning chickens. Since I am in charge of the festival I can't really man a booth other than the main information booth and if I can't find anyone willing to come do an informational booth then I can just put information about it on my table but I thought it would be much more effective if there was a booth where people could ask and have their questions answered about chickens. There will be press coverage of the event, I have around 30 rescue groups (coming from out of state even) and am working on getting Sponsors, Vendors, and more rescues to attend. If anyone is interested at all please reply to this post, contact me here on BackYardChickens or at OakRidgeAKCRDO@gmail .com or if you just have any ideas/suggestions about the booth or festival in general please let me know! I have never organized anything like this before and what I expected to be a small 1 day event has transformed into a much larger 2 day event!

Thank you ahead of time everyone !!!

Whitney Newman
[email protected]


I hope that works out for you! That's a great idea.

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