Obsessive Chicken Disorder (OCD) help and support thread 😂😅🐔

Raven's broody and it's so hard to stop myself buying eggs! I'm hoping I accidentally forget to collect an egg and she ends up hatching it but I can't
Seems you already have to many birds, I think its time to downsize your flock.
Answer? You buy Serama eggs! Everyones happy!
Definitely have Obsessive Chicken Disorder. You forgot one, double counting and triple counting at night.
One night I counted over and over again, and there was one missing! I was getting hysterical, and then I heard a noise up above my head. One of my EEs had flown up onto the rafter! That's the only time she ever did that, but I still make sure no one's there!
One night I counted over and over again, and there was one missing! I was getting hysterical, and then I heard a noise up above my head. One of my EEs had flown up onto the rafter! That's the only time she ever did that, but I still make sure no one's there!
One time I counted them about 7 times to find on roosting on the windowsill.

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