Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

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Good point!
Someone has missed out on a real opportunity, here...Survival coaches, selling everything from hot chocolate to electric socks and tarps.
Someone has missed out on a real opportunity, here...Survival coaches, selling everything from hot chocolate to electric socks and tarps.

Are you offering to coach the marine, Medicine Man, that is headed for Oakland?
Someone has missed out on a real opportunity, here...Survival coaches, selling everything from hot chocolate to electric socks and tarps.

Are you offering to coach the marine, Medicine Man, that is headed for Oakland?

No. You know, like the roach coaches that come around jobsites at breaktime and noon.
Hmmmm...OWS folks didn't really know what to make of this guy, did they?
Thanks for sharing.
Oh please!!! Peter Schiff is a huckster and a snake oil salesman. As far as I can tell everyopne who ever invested with him or has taken his advise has lost substantial amounts of money. The only one who has ever made money is Peter Schiff selling his books and radio shows. This guy was the economic consultant for Ron Paul the same guy whose economic solutions are widely considered a bad joke. Peter Schiff should be the main reason for the unrest exhibited by the OWS movement. Schiff should be in jail. It would be a real treat if your report was that he was admitted to Bellvue Hospital for electric shock treatment.
That woman just can't get past the one talking point....Talk about Bush Derangement Syndrome...We need to get rid of the Bush taxcuts.

Wouldn't you like to be a 1%er? ah ah ah.
Dr. Paul's economic policy is widely considered a bad joke? Well, DUH. Government intervention is widely considered a good idea, but look how THAT turned out.

As for Schiff, he predicted this collapse. So did Dr. Paul. Your beloved Establishment economists (Krugman, anyone?) that think Dr. Paul is a bad joke didn't see this coming when it was staring them in their delusional, Establishment-funded faces. Their policies are being followed. Who's the bad joke now?

You people just continue on with your government relief programs, your socialism, and your corporatism. This country is GOING DOWN anyway - why not just speed up the process with your crony capitalism? It astounds me that people like you have not seen through the disguise and realized that underneath all the big talk, America is a rotting corpse. Government has its tentacles in almost every aspect of our lives. The police are increasingly eager to clock protestors in the head with tear gas canisters. Few aspects of our economy are free anymore.

Nice job, Amerikans. Have fun with your dead country.
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