Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

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I spy a Kalashnikov.

While I most certainly support this man's choice of a Kalashnikov-pattern rifle as his weapon, I must respectfully disagree with going to a protest with it - that is certain to invite a massive police crackdown. The AK should be kept well hidden until it's needed.

lol I dont think he has anything to actually do with the protesters. Hes an Open carry promoter I believe. He was there because there is a large group of people there an he wanted to enlighten them on there gun rights in Ga. I think its also an attempt at support for the gun rights people in California.

Your right though Q9, even though what he did is completely legal an the protesters have been breaking the law sense day one, the Mayer is using him as a excuse to throw the protesters out of the park.

Edited to add that what I said was my interpretation. Read this if you care to hear what he said himself. http://www.georgiapacking.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=65835 Hes Sine Nomen by the way.
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well he's not helping them any... california legislators REALLY don't care what some guy in GA does... they don't care with the people who voted them into office think, so some guy in the south? HA! they wouldn't even sniff in his direction. ok, well, they might laugh and point. you know, it IS the south, after all, and you know how THEY are.

Royd, Q9, I think I love you guys.

I've heard some remarkably *dumb* things come out of the occupy folks. things like "they need to give everyone $20 per hour jobs". back to back with the kill the corporations rhetoric. wonder who they think is going to be giving them the jobs once all the corporations are gone. oh, right, the government.
that and the guys with the ipods and iphones who want to destroy the corporations. somehow they seem to miss the irony in that. and BOY are they going to be bored once the iCorporations are all dead.

when I was in college, there was a spate of graffiti on campus - showed up on windows and lockers and newspaper sale boxes - it said "anarchy creates a free society." and it was carefully spray painted on with a perfectly lined up, clearly readable, evenly centered, block-lettered stencil, exactly the same, everywhere it was painted. I always wondered if they were deliberately being ironic, or if they were too dense to get the joke of it all. you know, anarchy, with uniform precise identical lettering, always the same every time.
well he's not helping them any... california legislators REALLY don't care what some guy in GA does... they don't care with the people who voted them into office think, so some guy in the south? HA! they wouldn't even sniff in his direction. ok, well, they might laugh and point. you know, it IS the south, after all, and you know how THEY are.

Royd, Q9, I think I love you guys.

I've heard some remarkably *dumb* things come out of the occupy folks. things like "they need to give everyone $20 per hour jobs". back to back with the kill the corporations rhetoric. wonder who they think is going to be giving them the jobs once all the corporations are gone. oh, right, the government.
that and the guys with the ipods and iphones who want to destroy the corporations. somehow they seem to miss the irony in that. and BOY are they going to be bored once the iCorporations are all dead.

when I was in college, there was a spate of graffiti on campus - showed up on windows and lockers and newspaper sale boxes - it said "anarchy creates a free society." and it was carefully spray painted on with a perfectly lined up, clearly readable, evenly centered, block-lettered stencil, exactly the same, everywhere it was painted. I always wondered if they were deliberately being ironic, or if they were too dense to get the joke of it all. you know, anarchy, with uniform precise identical lettering, always the same every time.

No, why don't you tell us? I am quite curious to know. I was not aware the everyone from the south was a collective "way".
well he's not helping them any... california legislators REALLY don't care what some guy in GA does... they don't care with the people who voted them into office think, so some guy in the south? HA! they wouldn't even sniff in his direction. ok, well, they might laugh and point. you know, it IS the south, after all, and you know how THEY are.

Support for what people in Ca are doing.....
I'm sorry, which stereotype are you referring to? Please be specific...Are you referring to the "Southerners are all stupid, gun wielding rednecks? Or we're all backwards hillbillys?

I do declare, I just do not know what you are referring to! *fans herself with her hand in her best Scarlett O Hara impression*
I personally can't stand Scarlett....I have a friend who teases me that I AM Scarlett...drives me nuts because it would be considered an insult would it not?
side note: I did roll up on "Occupy Chico" today. Surprisingly, the Chico PD was nowhere to be found. They're infamous for rollin' up 5-deep on a fool with expired registration, or harassing a bicyclist for riding the wrong way on a one-way street, but they're nowhere to be found with regard to "Occupy Chico".

I did, however, meet a very nice fellow Marine who was displaying a protest sign which conveyed his discontent with a system in which his choice essentially boils down to either reenlistment or living in poverty. At least he is young enough to have the option. I tried to reenlist last year, but was denied for being too old - in spite of the fact that I'm in better shape now that I was 20 years ago. That's what the economy has brought me to....from 1% to attempting to reenlist in the Marine Corps. Is this any indication that something is amiss?
well he's not helping them any... california legislators REALLY don't care what some guy in GA does... they don't care with the people who voted them into office think, so some guy in the south? HA! they wouldn't even sniff in his direction. ok, well, they might laugh and point. you know, it IS the south, after all, and you know how THEY are.

No, why don't you tell us? I am quite curious to know. I was not aware the everyone from the south was a collective "way".

clearly you don't live in CA or you'd KNOW...

oh, sorry, did you miss the fact that I was mocking that attitude? maybe I didn't have enough of these
in the original post

there are lots of reasons I'm FROM california, not IN california. that'd be one of them.
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