Octagon 20 ECO success for first time hatchers


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 1, 2010
Pass Christian MS
Thanks to ChooksChick's post, we're one of the many that ordered the Octagon 20 ECO, with turner. We set 12 eggs, and only had to cull one clear. Starting at 1:10 this morning, I heard the first peeps. So far 5 have hatched, and three more are pipping and zipping. All so far are hearty and strutting their stuff. All the BYC folks that said this is idiot-proof were right on the mark. Our new chicks are a mix of Barred Rock and Red Leghorn roosters with Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, and Red Leghorn hens. Two buff chicks, and three black of the 5 that have hatched out. Looks like #6 will be out in a few minutes. Thanks again ChooksChick!

Thanks!! I don't know if I did this right, but hopefully there's a picture attached of our 1:10 AM arrival. My son and daughter even came downstairs (after I told them we were hatching!!) and watched Numbers 2 and 3 pop out in the early morning. The temp and humidity stayed rock solid just the way we set them the whole time. Now if I can just keep the ones already hatched from blocking the reading on my hydrometer.......
Couple of questions... what did you use to monitor the humidity? and did you remove the egg separators before the lockdown?
Nice job!
Steve- We just used one of those digital $6.95 thermometer/hydrometers from WalMart. I put it outside a few hours and compared the relative humidity with what it should have read according to the Weather Channel, and it was right on so we more or less trusted it. The thermometer matched our outside thermometer perfectly, and was within a degree of the thermometer included in the ECO. To be honest with you, I tried the egg separators for the first few days, and didn't really care for them. We placed the eggs in halved cardboard egg cartons, 6 and 6. We left them there just like that through lockdown and the hatch. By the way, we now have 7 chicks out and healthy looking, with two more working at it.

We filled the water channels at lockdown, and placed a sponge right under the top vent hole. When the humidity dropped, I used a little plastic syringe and just injected warm water through the hole on to the sponge until it rose to where we wanted it. We never had to lift the top. Our fingers are crossed that our other four remaining eggs will come out healthy and happy. Any way about it, this has been a great percentage for first timers.

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