October/Halloween Gift Swap - Names sent out

loved it
post 149 on page 15.
I posted pictures

sorry. I missed that one... I though pg 15 was done!! YAY I am glad you like the goodies, I was worried I didn't put enough in my parcel.
I love Ross can always find a get deal. Glad you are enjoying your socks the chickenchick. I bought myself a pair and plan on wearing them to work tommorrow. Should look funny with my angle costume.
I know ya'll are anxious, and I'm sure you're disappointed that you might not get your packages before Halloween..

I still haven't sent my box (however I let my swap partner know) .. so my box is all full of FALL stuff and not Halloween .. maybe yours will be the same..

be patient .. it should come.
I am being patient but my little ones helped pick and pack the gift I sent and they are the ones really excited about it. Beleive me I have ran behind schedule before I know just how busy things can get.

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