Odd Behavior


8 Years
Jun 29, 2011
Tennessee Plateau
I've got 6 RIRs. The dominant one started laying about 6 weeks ago. She doesn't make much noise at all... just a little grumbling. Number 2 hen started laying about a week ago and is very loud... Before, during and after laying. The strange part is, she won't let anyone else in the coop while she's laying. If she sees another hen coming up the ramp she promptly runs them off. All the others have learned not to enter the coop while she's laying. I'm not new to chickens but never have encountered this behavior before. Anyone else?
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She is just bossy. She doesn't want the other hens "pestering" her. I wouldn't worry about it.

I have a Dark Cornish hen, Autumn, when she lays and egg she never "sings the egg song" like the other girls do. Other hens I have will cackle on and on for hours, and then the roosters will join in and pretty soon everyone is screaming bloody murder and they don't even know why!!

~ Aspen
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I have a Dark Cornish hen, Autumn, when she lays and egg she never "sings the egg song" like the other girls do. Other hens I have will cackle on and on for hours, and then the roosters will join in and pretty soon everyone is screaming bloody murder and they don't even know why!!

~ Aspen

Oh, I thought all that racket WAS the egg song. LOL I have one hen that growls whenever someone gets near.​

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