Odd finding in the hen house WARNING photo included


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 6, 2014
San Juan Bautista , ca
My two year old buff hasn't laid an egg in months, I thought I was due to her molting, moving, then loosing her buddy and then today I find her in the hen house with this odd glob of clear stuff on the dropping board. She is eating, drinking & grumpy as always....her new buddies are supposed to go out in the coop today but I don't want anyone getting sick if she is sick....it was really thick & jelly like. Like an egg white. I'm wondering if her lack of laying isn't something internal.....:/

From what I can see, it looks like a shelless egg.

I have a buff about the same age as yours that had started laying shelless or soft shelled eggs. She has always had oyster shell available, but I've been giving her a calcium boost in the form of Tums (I have to hide the crushed tablets in bread treats - she hates the taste), along with a spoonful of canned salmon for vitamin D and phosphorous (the phosphorous is in the bones, so I make sure they're ground up all enough so she can't sort them out.) The vitamin D and phosphorous are to help her body use the calcium. My hen started laying normal eggs again within a few days.

Good luck!
From what I can see, it looks like a shelless egg.

I have a buff about the same age as yours that had started laying shelless or soft shelled eggs. She has always had oyster shell available, but I've been giving her a calcium boost in the form of Tums (I have to hide the crushed tablets in bread treats - she hates the taste), along with a spoonful of canned salmon for vitamin D and phosphorous (the phosphorous is in the bones, so I make sure they're ground up all enough so she can't sort them out.) The vitamin D and phosphorous are to help her body use the calcium. My hen started laying normal eggs again within a few days.

Good luck!


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