Odd growth on hen's foot - removed - hole in foot now....

Well, it's hard to tell with June. She has a wide legged gait anyway, so it's sometimes difficult to tell if she's actually limping. Hers was only slightly raw on the edges-it depends how long it's been that way. Because it was on the top of the foot and June isn't one who likes to be caught, I didn't see it when it started up. Felt bad for that, but with the number of birds I had at the time, I just missed it.

Yours could have been something else, certainly, but bumblefoot presents in several ways. June also had a dark callous thing on the bottom of the foot, which is where the infection started, as is the usual case with bumblefoot. It just pushed up through the top rather than swell up on the bottom.
Thanks, Cyn - that sounds EXACTLY like what my gal had - it was a hard, dark, callousy thing on the bottom, but what I first noticed was the "growth" on top of the foot, in the webbing.
I haven't taken pics, but I have some girls, only the ones with the wrinkley feet, like they have extra skin.
They have a black crudball get stuck in the cracks, looks like a small marble. Doesn't seem to bother them, I pick them out whenever I check their feet. I think it's just dirt, it's not attached, or part of the foot.
Stoopid, that sounds like what charsbird mentioned on page 1. I have never noticed this before!
oops, didn't see that, sorry...
or maybe I needed another score on the meter....
Wyn--I am doing a bumble foot surgery today and I have help! Maybe I can get some pics. I think it is only painful (as in this guy's case) when it doesnt encapsulate like yours did, but goes further into the tissues of the foot. I have read that it can travel up into the birds body and make a systemic infection! I guess you lose the bird if that happens.
I had a hen that was just like yours and I never could ID her again...she healed so well. I am praying for the same result with my LF cochin this afternoon! Terri O

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