Odd habits your animals may have

my gray cat, penelope, sleeps with the rabbits and eats their food and their hay. the dogs and penelope eat hay and feed with the goats. oh and a couple of my rabbits drink milk with the cats when they get it. i have pictures somewhere.
Good idea for a thread! I'm enjoying reading the posts.
My potbellies lie about being fed, and they are pretty convincing. My husband and I always have to check with each other to make sure they don't get a double meal. If I'm in the barn they lie up a storm about not being fed, but if my husband has fed them and walks in they stop right away....lol.
I worked at a group home for developmentally disabled adults for 8 years. There was a very old dog that lived at the home. When we did our monthly fire drills she would walk outside to the meeting spot and just sit there until the drill was over.
oh, almost forgot.

Used to have a calico cat. Her nickname was Psycho! If she was setting on the arm of the couch when you walked by, she would swat you and then look the other way. "de dum, de, dum. Hmmm what? I didn't do nothing!"

The craziest thing she would do was if she wanted to go out when we were in bed, she would poke you in the side with her claws. If you didn't get up she would do it again. If you didn't get up with that, she would go a little further "south" and nail you right in the bumm!!
That got you up!
We used to have a cat that adopted us one day when my mom was cooking a turkey. It just waited on our doorstep until it was invited in. At dinner it begged my sister for some turkey and she pushed it down. Then it jumped up all fours on her plate. Turkey was his absolute favorite and he recognized the word.

He also tried to retrain my flute playing. I would sit at the piano to read from the music stand. He would sit on top of the keyboard cover and gently bite my nose any time I played a note higher than a high b flat.
I think that my husband and I cannot have a NORMAL animal, as all of our have issues.
Our Australian Shepard/Border Collie is terrified of storms. Even if just the power goes out she FREAKS! She will literally be on top of you if a storm moves in.
My Corgi, has a drinking problem LOL. She drinks her water, but she has to have her nose resting on the far edge of the bowl (pressed hard enough that her nose turns up), we laugh that she is trying to make sure she doesn't drown! Then, after she is done eating her food, she has to do three rounds of drinking water, each time going over the food dish with her wet tongue to wash it. It used to be just twice she would do it but she is apparently not getting it clean enough so she added a third.

Our calico cat is obsessed with tape, any clear tape and like to chew on it.

Our fat cat is obsessed with plastic. ANY plastic, plastic grocery sacks, plastic wrappers, bread bags, etc. He likes to lick it, endlessly. He also likes to rub against your legs, then stand on your feet or rub against you step on your feet and fall over and push against you with his back legs.
He also likes to be spun around in circles on the tile floor.
Our cat insists on covering his food bowl with anything and everything, from stolen underwear to his own kitty litter. He does it to the dogs' dinner if I leave it sitting long enough.

My husband calls my Lab mix a Labradork. She likes to style my hair by nibbling and grooming me, stalks us and barks suddenly because she thinks it's funny to make us jump, chases shadows and reflections whenever she gets the chance, and if you kiss her on her muzzle she will nudge you back with her nose. She also insists on laying beside the bath tub if i'm in it, pins other dogs down when they're playing by sitting on them, and tells our other dogs off if they are bad. She even tells tales on them if they are doing something they shouldn't by raising a ruckus. I wouldn't trade her for the world, even if she is a goody two-shoes!

My husband's dog loves the FSU fight song for no good reason. We don't even watch football on TV. Whenever he hears it starting he howls and sings along.
My parrots are hysterical!

I have a Quaker Parrot named Rima who LOVES to startle my Dad and flirt with my brother.

To startle my dad, she gets down on the bottom of her cage when she hears him walking around and hides. Then, when he goes to walk past she jumps out to the front really fast and yells "GACK!!"
Then she stands there and looks at him like "I got you GOOD!".
Sometimes it surprises him, sometimes he just indulges her and lets her think so. lol

Very often, when she sees my brother, she makes a very loud smoochy sound at him and hopes for him to smooch back at her, which he generally does. She only does this to him and a select few of my former boyfriends that she thought were cute.

My Umbrella Cockatoo, Angelo, is a real comedian too. He does all kinds of big, loud, hysterical things including calling the cats(he is obsessed with cats) "HEY Kitty!".
One of mine does that, too. He will drag whatever he can find to cover it up.

He's also hiding thumbs...because he can get into every cabinet we have, and he's even open a window...ripped a screen open and our landlord found him in the backyard having a staredown with his rooster. See, we rent half of a duplex. Our two cats are both indoor babies, and the backyard is for the birds. Mostly, it's for his chickens and pigeons.

Anyway, he's probably the smartest, most social and ridiculously curious cat in existence. Oh, and we absolutely cannot have beef jerky anywhere in the house without locking it up super tight. If I have a some in my grocery bag, I cannot set it down, because all I have to do is turn my back for a split second and he's will grab the whole thing and take off under the bed where he will rip the thing open and eat it all. I don't even open the package...but he jus KNOWS if I buy some. And I can't just put in it a plastic container...because he will figure out how to get the lid off, or lose his teeth trying to chew into it. He's got an amazing nose and is a true hunter. His favorite thing to do is sit at the door and chitter at crickets, waiting for one to get close under the door, and he manages to get them. In fact, we can't even say the word "cricket" without him hearing us and running in the room chittering all excited to hunt down a treat.

The other cat we have is quite possibly the dumbest cat to ever live. Okay, he's not dumb, really...but I do thinks he's a bit mentally challenged somehow. He's a big, lumbering orange tabby and even though he weighs a ton, the vet says he's all muscle and just a big kitty cat. Yeah, tell the vet that when all 23 pounds of him decides to jump on your chest at night. He's extremely leery of noises and strangers...which makes me think he was abused as a new kitten. We got him when he was 12 weeks old, and he'd already been in 4 homes, including a dorm room at Stanford.

He's an adorable, sweet boy who loves to cuddle. And boy, does he love to cuddle. He likes to be held like a baby, too. He's big enough, that's for sure. He's also got the loudest purr of any cat I've ever known. He likes routines, and if we're off his routine by even a few minutes, he starts howling.
I think he eats too much, but the vet swears he's fine.

But, he's adorable. He also drools and plays fetch like a dog. In fact, sometimes his vocalizations sound like he's barking at us.
I had a LARGE Rottweiler, Cruiser, that loved to hide and jump out at you and bark one time. It was un-nerving, especially if he did it at night.
When you jumped, he would wiggle so much and so fast he would almost fall down! You could see it in his eyes that he thought it sooo funny. If you didn't jump, he would walk away with his head down and go pout for a long time.

He also loved to be vacuumed with the brush attachment. Whenever I turned the vacuum cleaner on, he came and leaned on me and would start to rub his side on me. I would have to stop and vacuum him before I could do the floor.
I sure miss him.

Cruiser, Tammy ( a mini Dachshund dog) and my granddaughter used to hunt frogs in the summer evenings. GD would say "Find the frog!", and the two dogs would tear the backyard apart hunting for them. When Cruiser found one, he would bark for Tammy and she would crawl under whatever the frog was hiding under and flush it out. Then Cruiser would put his paw on it, and wait for my GD to come and get it.
The real funny part was that my GD would put the frogs and toads into a bucket, and Tammy would go and tip the bucket over and let them all out again so they could hunt some more!

I also had a horse that would look off to the right and then step on my son's foot with his left hoof. He would act like he didn't have a clue why he was pushing and yelling at him!! Then he would turn his head back to my son and look at him as if to say "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see your foot there, let me move my hoof for you!" My son had a permanent dent in his boots that wouldn't come out! He only did this to my son and I'm sure he enjoyed doing it.

There are more, cause my animals never have been "ordinary". I may post more later.

I clean out my birds' water trough real well esp after the ducks have been playing in it. I fill it with fresh water and stand back and what do the chickens do? They all drink out of the mud puddle!!! Sometimes I think they do it on purpose to see how crazy they can make me!

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