Odd stuff in Rooster's eyes

Liz Birdlover

Crossing the Road
6 Years
Jan 6, 2018
Delaware, USA
So I have Rocky my Rooster, he's an old man now, 7 or 8 yrs old Barred Rock.
He's a little slower, a little stiff, but he still likes to put on his Rooster show for the ladies.
I saw something white, inner corner of his eye, so I checked him over. It looked like a little piece of rubber...weird! I got it out, then checked his other eye & found a smaller one. So...not rubber, but I guess hardening mucous? It resembles a sliver of cottage cheese curd. I put on a piece of bark here to get a photo.
Rocky has no respiratory issues, Crows great, inside beak is healthy looking, his nares are clear, eyes look fine, his weight is great, so I just don't know what this is...no one else has anything like this.
Anyone ever see this kind of thing before?

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Looks like pus. I would flush the eyes with sterile saline or eye wash really well, make sure there is no more pus in there. Then use terramycin eye ointment (many feed stores and tractor supply stores carry it) or plain neosporin in they eyes 2-3 times a day. Could be just some debris got in there and caused infection. I would keep an eye on him to make sure no respiratory symptoms show up.
So I have Rocky my Rooster, he's an old man now, 7 or 8 yrs old Barred Rock.
He's a little slower, a little stiff, but he still likes to put on his Rooster show for the ladies.
I saw something white, inner corner of his eye, so I checked him over. It looked like a little piece of rubber...weird! I got it out, then checked his other eye & found a smaller one. So...not rubber, but I guess hardening mucous? It resembles a sliver of cottage cheese curd. I put on a piece of bark here to get a photo.
Rocky has no respiratory issues, Crows great, inside beak is healthy looking, his nares are clear, eyes look fine, his weight is great, so I just don't know what this is...no one else has anything like this.
Anyone ever see this kind of thing before?

Hi, I think my rooster might have a similar eye condition. How did you get the white stuff out? Did you apply any medication afterward? Did your rooster's eye look like this?

Any other details you could share about your experience would help me a lot! What ended up happening?
Thank you!
Well, I really don't know exactly what it was. It happened twice. I can hold him on my lap & he will let me tend to him, so I was able to put saline eye wash drops in his eyes, gently lightly rub with my pinky finger to work the white piece over to where I could see more of it, then gently touched it with a dry finger & it stuck to my finger & came right out. The 2nd time it wasn't so easy as they were smaller, so I used q-tips moistened with the saline, & got them out that way. The 1st couple times he saw a q-tip coming at him, he'd promptly nip off the end & spit it out. 🤣 He always thinks everything is a game, funny boy. I had to talk gently & tell him to stop, I'm trying get that thing out of your eye. Honestly I really don't know if he understands, but it sure seems he does. Whatever he is doing, when I talk calmly & ask him to stop, he does. Hope your Roo is as cooperative. I did put some teremyacin eye ointment in both eyes. There have been no other symptoms at all. He is a very old Roo, though, my 1st Roo. He is 8 yrs old not as spry as he used to be. Maybe it was some kind of respiratory, but he never displayed any other symptoms & his eyes are fine now. I've never seen anything like that before in any of my birds. Weird.

Here's my Rocky, old man loves to crow & is still King of Stink Eye. I love ya lots, my ornery boy!


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What a beautiful rooster! And a fantastic run! Thank you for sharing all the details. Here's my update: I went back to clean his eye later in the day and the debris was gone! I don't know what to make of it. I debated putting some ointment but decided against doing anything to his eye at this time, since it seems perfectly fine. There is no evidence that there ever was anything there! It's good I got pictures of it. Weird is definitely the word I would use. I'm still glad I posted here because I know what I will do if it comes back. I'll be checking his eyes often.

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