OEGB's (Aggressive Roo)


12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Grenada, MS
I have a BB Red pair and I estimate their age at maybe 6 mo. The hen just started to lay regularly, every other day. The roo does not have spurs yet, only nubs where the spurs will be. He has suddenly started to be more aggressive toward me. They are in a coop/tractor and I move it around for them every few days. When I go in to feed them he normally just gets to the back of the coop. Does not really like me fooling with him much. My DH will get him and hold him while I pet him. But yesterday, he was holding him and I was rubbing his neck on the back and then went to move and I guess my hand was on the side more and he turned and nipped me. Then he nipped DH too. And when we put him back in, he started scratching like crazy and acting silly like he was trying to show off. Any hints on things I can do to nip that behavior in the bud. Something I should try differently? I plan to keep his spurs cut off so he cant hurt anyone. I have read that some OEGB roos can be very aggressive. Should I go with a different breed in the future? These were bought by someone at work and put in with her full size chickens and they were being attacked so she asked me to take them. So I did. Not my first choice but I do love the hen. I have some silkies in the bator and hoping some will make it. Thanks for any suggestions. I use a spray bottle on my male goats to curb aggression? Anyone try that on roos?

the more you hold them the more they'll stop. also the placement of your hand can make them nip at you.

i've had 2 oegb roosters and both have been very flighty but very docile when i hold them. but i played/petted them alot.
Well, I have not had them very long, a few weeks. And they were not held or loved on as babies, I can promise you that. They were bought at a sale and the guy had tons of chickens. So I will try to pet him but now I am afraid of him. I don't want him to hurt me or the kids. Maybe I will just not have a rooster in that particular breed. I don't really plan to have very many. The eggs are very small and are good to eat but not sure I want to raise very many. I like the silkies and cochins and such much better. But we will see. He is a pretty little thing and the hen is great. Thanks for the info.

if you're afraid he'll nip you, pet him with leather gloves, garden gloves, eventually, he'll come around....

but i understand what you mean.

every barred rock i've owned (and i've had about 10) has nipped me. and nipped me HARD. doesn't matter if its a hen or roo. and so now i have a prejudice against them. i'm sure it's a mental thing but there's so many types of chickens, why keep breeds that you don't enjoy....
I "had" two BB Red hens myself. One showed up unexpectedly, the other I adopted. They both became so nasty and surly, I finally had enough. They would bite, pull and twist. No pecking about it. They were horrible to my other girls. Constantly picked on the rest of the flock. They didn't lay well, and when they did, the eggs were very small. They and their nasty "old bitty" attitudes went to live with another flock.

It's my belief that if you are afraid of this rooster now, he's going to pick up on and take full advantage of that. I really think it would be best to send him packing (either down the road, or to the stewpot - lobbing his head off will nip his behavior) and hope a silkie roo hatches from your bator. I love mine!
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Don't kill him just because he is acting on his internal instincts...It is the time of year for roos to be a little surly, with baby making and all, and if he has been neglected human attention, he just may not know how to act otherwise. Try by handling him at night. Every night. The more the better. As he comes around you will be able to handle him easier, and soon can handle him in the day as well. Don't think that your chickens are gonna act like a cat or a dog and all, they are usually preyed on by anything that can catch them in the wild, so being a little mean, a little flighty or a little aggressive is only the way mother nature programed em to survive. But if thats too much for ya, I'm sure you can find someone on here that would be happy to have him...
I have several OEGB roos-- all different personalities! A couple were nasty to start with, but NOT aggressive. I say let them settle in more. Once they get to know you, things will get better. Try feeding him treats, and he'll learn to trust you. Sounds like he's just protecting his hen.

I LOVE my OEGB roos & hens! I wouldn't be without them!




I love them both and I think he is just protecting his hen. I moved the coop/tractor out of the goat pen. I think the goats rubbing on the sides of the coop, they do that this time of year to get the winter coat out, is stirring him up. He seemed much happier last night when I went to check on them. She has three eggs, and I am leaving them, since it is cool out, and see what she does with them. I am going to put on some gloves and just conquer my fears and hold him like you said. I guess I have just read and heard all the stories about being flogged and so forth. But he has no spurs yet. So I don't guess he could hurt me too much. Is there a way to trim his toenails. They seem to be pretty long. He is on the ground and scratches a lot. But the ground is not hard, it is where the garden use to be. Lots of wild vegetation coming up from years past. Figured they would like that. And it is under a peach tree for shade. Can they eat figs, I have a huge fig bush that makes tons of figs each year and the birds eat them all. I don't really care for them? Anyway, thanks for your suggestions. No stew pots for my chickens. I don't have a problem with others doing it, I just could not. I hope I do get one silkie roo?? And the rest hens. But who knows. Thanks again.

What do you mean Carol? What worse luck? Do you mean getting them to hatch or what? I don't have any silkies yet, only hatching eggs. So I am curious to know what you mean. I have heard the silkies are great pets and that the roos are usually pretty laid back. What is your experience.


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