Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

“The Grebes Nest. It’s a village in the middle of a lake in the mountains. The Riverwings and us live peacefully there. Though once you’re well you can go wherever you like, there’s the Eagles nest, the Owls Nest, Ravens Nest and many more.” King said proudly.
"Sounds nice" Robin said. "Can you tell me more about it?"
If I were to rp another part again, would I be doing it too fast? I feel like maybe I'm going a lil too fast... If I'm not then I'd do another part I just don't want to do too much rn lol
"Sounds nice" Robin said. "Can you tell me more about it?"
King smiled and began talking more about it. “Well the Riverwings built the lower half and supports, they have their own village under ours in the depths of the lake. Ours is built atop it, it’s very beautiful. We move to the mountains in the rainy season, but it’s only for awhile. You’ll have to see it to really understand it’s beauty.”
King smiled and began talking more about it. “Well the Riverwings built the lower half and supports, they have their own village under ours in the depths of the lake. Ours is built atop it, it’s very beautiful. We move to the mountains in the rainy season, but it’s only for awhile. You’ll have to see it to really understand it’s beauty.”
The battle scene quickly came into view as Eclipse climbed higher into the air, above the Nightwing's range of fire. Her gaze raked over the group--eight total, three looked mildly touched, the other five were unscathed. More fun for me, she thought as she came upon the fighting ground. She let her mind wrap around the scene--sizing up the Nightwings and filing their inevitable deaths into steps of attack.
Be quick. Be silent. Strike first. That was the assassin's way. Two of them were hovering farther away, their backs turned to her. Quick work for the chakram. Three were circling higher up, watching their target intently. A few well-placed warping blades, no problem. Two were dipping in and out closer to the ground. She could use the surprise from their falling comrades to dive in with the dagger, and by then her chakram would have done its work as well.
As for the last one--
The biggest of the Nightwings--the one diving in from behind the targetted dragon--seemed familiar. He had a large jagged scar that twisted from the end of his snout across his right eye. The silver scales under his wings zig-zagged like lightning, and he was missing a claw and one of his front talons. Eclipse's wings faltered as recognition slammed into the forefront of her mind. Her eyes narrowed further into ice-like slits. Her train of thought was cut off as she felt the hunted dragon's eyes land on her and her gaze flicked down to the dragon.
She was a slightly small dragon, with no front talons and instead, two large fan-like wings. Her scales burned like fire, and the combination of the light reflecting off her wings and the glow from her scales was blinding. Several small black scales were splotches across her body and Eclipse could see her veins glowing brightly across her wings.
She was also staring right at her.
No, you idiot, Eclipse thought furiously. You're gonna blow my cover.
But the Nightwings were either too stupid or uninterested in whatever the Solarwing was looking at. Eclipse saw the dart bite into the dragon's neck right as she folded her silver wings inward, diving toward the hunting party. The Solarwing faltered and stumbled, her scales fading slightly. The largest Nightwing landed in the sand behind her, gripped her hind legs, and yanked them from beneath her. The little golden dragon hit the ground weakly, her eyes fluttering slightly before she went completely limp.
Eclipse let her chakram fly from her hands. It sliced across one of the hunter's throats and then carried on into the second one. They both let out strangled shrieks before faltering and then dropping from the sky, their riders screaming in fear as the ground shot toward them. The next closest three had barely begun to turn their heads before a spear of silver warping stabbed through each of their chests. The last three were now landed on the ground, and Eclipse snapped her wings wide, holding one talon out to catch her chakram as it curved through the air back to her. Her back talons struck one of the Nightwings, knocking her to the ground and Eclipse plunged the blade into her throat before hurling the chakram at the next hunter.
She locked gazes with the last and biggest Nightwing and she couldn't suppress a hiss of rage as she shot after him like a striking snake. He lept clumsily but quickly into the air just as Eclipse's dagger slashed through the empty spot where his throat had been. She ducked and rolled instinctively as his talons slashed at her from above. She whipped around ready to lunge again, but to her surprise, he was already winging away as fast as his massive wings could carry him, urged on by his panicked rider. Eclipse shot after him, but she was only half his size, and the distance between them quickly doubled.
"Come back here and fight you cowardice lizard!" she roared, rage burning through her veins so fiercely, she half expected smoke to start pouring out her nostrils and around her curled lips. She hovered in the air a moment longer, then, with a snarl of rage, turned and winged her way back to the battle scene. Despite her anger, she felt a small flicker of pride at the carnage she'd left in the sand.
7 Nightwing hunters dead, along with their spineless riders. She swooped down toward the ground and landed next to the Nightwing who still had her chakram wedged in his neck. She grabbed it and yanked it back. At that moment a scavenger scrambled from behind the dragon, aiming one of those annoying fire tubes at her head and shouting in what it must have thought was its most intimidating voice. Like a striking serpent, she snapped her head out at the human, snapping it in her jaws and letting it drop to the ground.
She flicked the blood off her chakram halfheartedly and sheathed it along with her dagger. Then she turned and stalked toward the Solarwing still lying in the sand.
"You're welcome." she snorted sarcastically to the unconscious dragon. But her thoughts were elsewhere. That Nightwing--she was certain she'd seen him before. The memories bubbled in her mind, flashing out like lighting across her vision, no matter how hard she tried to suppress them.
Rain pounded across the forest clearing, a shriek tearing across the glade as she floundered. The blurry image of a silver blade slashing up the black demon's snout. Lighting illuminating the blood-covered grass.
Eclipse jolted herself back to the present, glancing at the sky. The sun was still high in the sky--it was barely passed noon. Plenty of time for the hunter to come back with reinforcement, and find the Solarwing completely exposed by the light of day. She stood there for a while, her tail slowly swishing back and forth through the sand and sending small golden ripples across the ground. Finally, she let out an annoyed snort and padded toward the Solarwing. She jabbed a claw into her side, feeling to make sure her scales were cool enough to touch. She sighed.
"You owe me big time," she murmured, grasping the dragon's wing shoulders and hauling her into the air. She hovered for a moment, adjusting her grip with a grunt before winging away in the direction of the mysterious tunnel. She shot one last glance in the direction the Nightwing had fled.
This isn't over
Sunspot’s eyes opened groggily, her eyelids seeming to weigh a hundred pounds. She was dimly aware of the sun on her back, and wind in her ears. Her wings felt like they were being ripped out, telling her she was being carried.

Suddenly she remembered. She’d been captured. A surge of involuntary panic rippled over her, but she found she could not move. Not yet.

She eventually gathered all of her strength and motivation and looked up, fully expecting a NightWing to be the one carrying her. But no, the scales flashing above her were silver.

Sunspot was relieved, really. Even if this odd silver dragon had malicious intentions, Sunspot could fight her off if need be. But not whilst drugged. She let her head drop again, and decided to just go with the flow.
King flew the dragon up the hill, realizing just how many more dragons there were down there, they were already moving the remaining captive dragons into the solid metal and stone buildings that were dragon proof. “No,No,No…” he thought, thinking of the still captive dragons. He hid the cloudwing he carried in the underbrush and rushed back down, grabbing boulders from the mountainside while gliding down and throwing them hard into the glass, releasing two Seawings and a young Riverwing. Then something caught his eye. A bright white egg that seem to glow, it was being rushed into the holding buildings along with all the other eggs on the stand. The sliding door was closing quickly, but he felt the need, the urge, to try and grab it. He thrust his wings hard, speeding up and reaching a talon into the doorway that was sliding down. He closed his talons around an egg and pulled hard. He heard a small crack and his heart almost shattered. Had he broken it? He flew back to the spot he’d hidden the cloudwing and placed the egg in the dirt.

King nodded, his attention once again leaving the cloudwing for a moment. “Robin, gotcha.”
He looked around, spotting several of his team flying up the mountain. He held a wing up and motioned the others on with an odd swooping signal, before grabbing several vines and fastening together a sling, it took a couple of minutes but it felt like forever with the humans advancing. They were beginning to climb the mountain with their guns and their grenades, not stuff King wanted to deal with. He carefully picked up the egg and placed it in the sling which he had padded with dead leaves. “Yeah Let’s go Robin, can’t stay round much longer.” He said hurriedly, once again gripping robins wing shoulders and lifting off, king knew the drug would take forever to completely wear off so he would have to carry him. “Where ya from?” He shouted, the wind deafening his voice slightly.
Phoenix had been exploring a little farther from her usual territory, exploring a compound that seemed to contain dragons. She was mostly just curious, and she knew it was much too risky to try to get in, or cause a jailbreak, or anything ridiculous like that.

But apparently, these psychos didn’t know that. Dragons descended from the mountains, attacking the compound, opening cages. Soon the air was filled with a cacophony of roars, hisses, and wingbeats. But the most intriguing part was, the rescuers were CloudWings.

The dragons seemed to be working in coordinated groups, diving in and attacking simultaneously. Soon the air was filled with escaping dragons.

Phoenix hung back, away from the chaos. Should I go get Corvus? She wondered. No way am I going down there alone.

Besides, humans were swarming out in droves, waving their fire-sticks.

Curiosity and anxiety warred in Phoenix’s head. If she went down there, she could be killed.


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