Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

(Uhm. Welp. Here.)

Tobias entered the lot first, waving Shrike and Kapok back as they looked up from where they sat. He held a finger to his lips, motioning for the dragons to stay as he walked over to the side, opening the large garage door.
A pair of cages were brought into the room, one containing the LunarWing, the other containing Sol's limp form.

Tobias opened the cage door the moment the delivery crew left, kneeling down beside Sol and patting his neck.
It had been a long night. A very. Long. Night.
A night in which Sol's life was continually put at risk as poison was removed, antidotes were given, and Tobias mental state quickly deteriorated.
It was now eight in the morning and Tobias was finally able to rest.
That is- as best as he could rest with Shrike in the room.
"Kapok." He called quietly in dragon, laying down beside Sol, resting his head against the dragons neck, "go get our LunarWing friend some food from the freezer. The good stuff."
He closed his eyes, falling into rhythm with Sol's steady breathing- not fully asleep, but at least letting his body relax.
Kapok paced forward and bent his head toward Sol. At first, seeing the dragon had brought with it a bit of a grudge. His scales still stung from the Solarwings fire, and it was an experience he would never be able to forget and hoped never to endure again. But now, the champion looked all but defeated, and Tobias seemed as mentally battered as his dragon. Kapok couldn't help but feel bad for the both of them.
He turned and bounded toward the mysterious boxes again. He had grown fond of the chilly food storages since Tobias had been gone, and they had become to him almost like mystery boxes. Sometimes, the meat he pulled out was practically worthless, and he had begun mounting a small pile of it in the corner before Shrike mentioned it would thaw and begin to stink unless he put it back. It was always a bit of an adventure rummaging through the cold boxes to find "the good stuff" as Tobias had put it. He dragged a large frozen chunk out of the freezer and padded awkwardly to the other side of the lot, the meat hanging uncomfortably from the side of his mouth.
He dropped it in front of the new cage and glanced at Tobias expectantly.

@Blue Raptor could you rp Shrike a little bit
@_-Captain BRM-_ I'm gonna write Eclipse's part real quick before you do Tobias again so hang on a sec
“A.. a LunarWing?” Shrike walked over near Tobias and Sol hesitantly, watching the silver dragon. His tone lowered as he stopped to stand near the man, closer than he’d ever dared to get. “I thought those didn’t exis- Sol?” Shrike gaped at the wounded red dragon for a split second before flattening his ears against his head and glowering. His eyes darted to Tobias in realization.
“No, no, no..” he griped, “this is the SolarWing you were talking about?” He growled, turning in an irritated circle.
@Nicole Taber- I'll respond to you and Matty once I get some more information on LunarWings.
Lol, okay, they are able to secrete a liquid metal from scales around their eyes/face/ and/or neck. The pattern of the scales varies from dragon to dragon. The metal is referred to as "warping" and can be controlled by their mind to harden into any shape they wish, usually into weapons. It is generally a difficult skill and takes lots of practice for them to master. I am not sure if the reabsorb the warping later or if it dissolves but I don't think it sticks around for very long after it's served i's purpose
Crest looked curiously at the at the solarwing. He was getting spoken to by the king of the solarwings. He composed himself and slowly bowed to the king. Well, as much as he could in his cramped cage. Everything around him began to twist and turn for a second and he shook his head to clear his vision. I need water...and soon. His head finally registered what the king had said to him. He went to answer but felt the cold steel against his mouth. With teeth clenched, he tried to mutter back to the giant dragon. "I'm not sure how far we are. But, I do know that we are near the place where they auction off dragons and have them face off against each other, your Majesty." He hoped the king could understand what he was saying. Barely moving your mouth creates interesting sounding dragonese, but he hoped it would work.
Helios watched the Seawing with fascination. “Must’ve been a royal guard or something, perhaps an advisor. Very respectful of titles apparently.” He noted and gave him a thankful nod.
An auction, that didn’t sound good. He turned to the others. “Neoma! Sunspot!” He shouted, getting their attention. Apparently he didn’t need a muzzle, the anti-fire shot was doing its job. “Where is Eclipse? How long have I been out for?!”
Lol, okay, they are able to secrete a liquid metal from scales around their eyes/face/ and/or neck. The pattern of the scales varies from dragon to dragon. The metal is referred to as "warping" and can be controlled by their mind to harden into any shape they wish, usually into weapons. It is generally a difficult skill and takes lots of practice for them to master. I am not sure if the reabsorb the warping later or if it dissolves but I don't think it sticks around for very long after it's served i's purpose
So- does Eclipse have this power? And does the vibrating band stop her?
Yah, we havin a party, mon.
Dred looked up from his gloomy state when a commotion began, blinking the sleep away. Sleeping had become a large portion of dreds to do list in his time at the Den, there was literally nothing else to do. He poked his head out of under his wings and was surprised to see The one and only, Sol. His master, Mr Tobias and a…..silver dragon. This Icewing must’ve been deformed in all the best ways or a new color strain the breeders had come up with. But then he realized it didn’t look exactly right, the scales were off and the spikes didn’t look all that…spiky. “A hybrid?” He thought.
Then Shrike said something about a lunarwing.
A Lunarwing?!?
The stands quickly filled, maxing out around five thousand.
Tobias sat near an exit, too worried to do much else but watch as people filed into their seats.
His hat was in his hands, his fingers tracing the lining absent mindedly.
Tobias licked his lips, dropping his gaze and running a hand through his hair. He was about to stand up and pace when he felt a hand on his shoulder. His head snapped up to see Gongll standing beside him, looking out at the arena, her thick, wavy hair restored to it's regular condition, no longer sopping wet, several twisted braids scattered throughout.
Tobias motioned to the seat beside him in surprise, and she sat, leaning in to say in a low tone, "August, I am sorry I could not thank you. Thank you."
"No! Yeah- of course, I mean.. what are you doing here? Are you alright?"
"I am fine. Sore, but.. if I do not show up, people will be suspicious."
Tobias struggled to hear her words over the crowd, her thick Spanish accent making matters worse.
Suddenly a small head popped out of Gongll's bag, a tiny RainWing dragonet, her eyes scanning wildly through the crowd.
Tobias laughed, and Gongll shook her head with a smile. The dragonet's bright scales flashed from green, to yellow, to pink as she tried to crawl from the bag.
"You bring her here? With the crowds?" Tobias asked, reaching out gently.
"Yes- I start young."
"She's hardly a month." Tobias laughed I'm disbelief, running a hand over her smooth scales as the dragonet scrambled onto Gongll's shoulder.
"Aye, yes, but she is outgoing. She loves this, but it is still a new experience." Gongll motioned to the dragonet's green scales as they slowly morphed into yellow. "Where is Sol?"
Tobias bit his lip, a sick feeling in his stomach, "He's competing tonight."
"And you are not with him?"
"No, uh, there's- there's an auction tonight I got to be involved in."
"An auction? Again? You are full of surprises, Tobias."
"Am I?" Tobias smiled. "I dunno. It's, uh... It's Sol's idea."
Gongll nodded. "I am glad to respect his opinion."
Tobias sighed. "Yeah, but.. his opinion might very well get him killed."
Suddenly the lights dimmed.
The massive screens lining the arena, which had previously been playing ads, showed a woman's face, a scoreboard beside her on the screen.
"Hello, folks, and welcome, welcome to this year's SandWing Rally." a few excited shouts rang out through the arena, but the woman didn't pause for cheering, "Some of you know we are starting early- auctioning of a, uh, a novelty." She waited, the crowd silent in anticipation. "A couple LunarWings were brought in last night." An incredible murmur spread throughout the arena. "We are auctioning off one tonight," the massive arena doors slid open, and every head turned to the entrance.

(OH, @Nicole Taber. TA. DA.

*Stuff is happening YAY*

Eclipse shrunk backwards as blinding white lights shot into the dark enclosure. A loud human voice seemed to echo from every corner of the arena and thousands of the creatures lined the seating areas. She wasn't sure what she was more afraid of. The thought of all of those countless eyes fixed on her, watching her, or the terror of what might happen next. She had no idea what dragons she might end up fighting, or if that was even the plan at all. She tried to back up, and one of the humans around her stabbed another of the rods into her side, forcing her forward. She stepped trembling out onto the light washed sand, ducking her head down and pulling her wings in close. She would have almost enjoyed finally having open space if she didn't feel so suffocated by the ocean of greedy spectators, and the metal clamps on her wing spokes that kept her from stretching her stiff wings. High-pitched sounds of admiration swept over the crowd and the loud human voice split the air again. Eclipse felt her chest tighten and her breath came in quick terrified gasps. Nothing in this place made sense. None of it was natural. It was all loud, and bright, and she couldn't be anywhere without the stupid creatures drooling over her silver scales. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breathing, wishing she could ignore the noise and lights. She could hardly remember being this scared in her life, and she wanted more than anything in that moment, to curl up into the cool gentle wings of the only refuge she'd ever known.

Oof, I am so bad at envisioning HUMAN activity and structure--why

Tobias shook his head. Gosh, she was terrified.
A few handlers prodded the LunarWing along, and Tobias looked away, pulling out his phone as it buzzed, the link to the bid automatically notifying him. He accessed the link, signing in, his name appearing on the board.
The woman continued talking about the LunarWing as the handlers forced the dragon to stand.
"She is not violent." Gongll whispered.
"Yet." Tobias murmered, "She's in shock, probably half drugged, too."
"You are fortunate if you are buying on Sol's behalf. She would not make a good fighter."
Tobias shrugged, "She might yet, they just brought her in yesterday, and like I said, all drugged up, nothing's through yet."
"Tobias, Tobias!" The woman suddenly called his name, and Tobias half smiled, giving a short wave as his face appeared on the screen. "I guess the great Sol isn't enough for you, eh?" She joked, and Tobias rolled his eyes with a half smile, shrugging slightly. A few laughs echoed through the noisy crowd, and the auctioneer quickly moved onto a few other popular names entering the bid.
Gongll sat back, smiling as she crossed her legs, resting her head on her hand.
"Bidding starts at ten mill."
It escalated unbelievably fast.
Before Tobias knew it, he was putting over fifty million on this dragon, blindly increasing his bid the moment it was passed.
Gongll stared at the screen, occasionally moving the dragonet back onto her lap, who was actively trying to steal a man's popcorn, as the bids increased, shocked at how high they went for such a timid creature.
"Going once-"
Tobias slouched in his seat, his finger hovering over the phone, ready to increase his bid.
"Going twice-"
He sat up a little.
" Sold, to August Tobias for seventy-five million dollars."
It was like a punch to the gut. Tobias scrambled to sit up, swearing quite loudly as his face appeared on the screen again.
The crowd cheered and Tobias laughed, somewhat hysterically as he saluted, shoving his hat down onto this head and turning to Gongll, who offered him a high five. He half heartedly obliged. "I'm an idiot."
Gongll chucked, shaking her head. "You will make double with Sol competing tonight."
"Yeah!" Tobias exclaimed, "If he survives! Yay!"
The announcer was saying something else, but Tobias wasn't listening. He slouched back in his seat, rubbing a hand wearily across his face.

Sorry- I was writing and getting distracted and stuff.
We could do that! The only reason I didn't have Neoma being sold, is because I thought she was Kiwi's and Kiwi hasn't been super active, which is fine, I just wanted to keep moving everything along. 💀

Love you, Kiwi :D✌️🤣

Eclipse saw the faces of several different humans appear on the large, flat windows that surrounded the arena, as well as another one that had what looked like writing on it. She glanced around at the weird images and noticed the human she had seen with Sol earlier that day displayed one of them. The next few moments passed uneventfully, but disturbing all the same. The loud voice continued shouting excitedly over the area, often repeating itself and the writing on the window shifted. She wasn't sure what the humans were watching more by this point--her or the displays. Finally, the loud voice gave one last excited shout and the screens all shifted again. The scavengers around Eclipse barked something harsh and began prodding her back the way she'd come. She glared viciously at one of the closer ones. What was the point of all that? She thought bitterly at the haughty little creature. Just drag me out here, put me on display, and yell at me? I would almost have rather fought. Another human jabbed her in the side, sending more pain shooting through her already aching body.
That does it. Fear aside, Eclipse lunged at one of the creatures with a loud snarl. The human scrambled backwards with a yelp, waving its metal prod at her uselessly. She swatted the metal rod away and slashed, her claws catching the thing in the leg and sending it tumbling over the ground. She was about to pounce on it and prepare to tear it to shreds when more of the jolting pain tore through her body, and she stumbled and collapsed with a yelp. One of the humans grabbed ahold of one of her horns and yanked her head sideways back towards the door, stabbing the rod into her side over and over. Her mind blurred from the pain, Eclipse was hardly even aware of the short trip back to the enclosure and then into her cage again, once more on the back of one of the transports. She curled on the hard metal floor exhausted.
Why are these creatures even the way they are? All this useless moving around and stabbing and yelling. They must have sand for brains.
The transport rolled out again to the somewhat open air of the rest of the Den. The sky was much darker now, painted with brilliant streaks of indigo and gold. Eclipse glanced back at the arena, where she could still hear the loud voice echoing and the excited cheering of the crowd. She closed her eyes and tucked her snout beneath the fold of her wing, her mind drifting once again back to the island. She wondered if, between all the short events, she would ever think about anything else in this horrid place. It was a sobering thought--that she might be here forever, always remembering the one thing that she truly cared about. It wasn't even until that moment, while she ran through all the possible other things she might have to think--such as the others--that she realized she had finally killed the Nightwing who had haunted her life for so long. Now, without that mission constantly taking her all over the continent, she would have more time to maybe spend on the island, and maybe even explore further, all of it with the dragon she loved most right by her side. But she couldn't. Because she had spent all this time chasing one stupid Nightwing, only to end up here. It felt like a waste.
Eclipse curled up tighter, sinking deeper into these thoughts as the transport continued through the twisting streets of the Scorpion Den, which would soon become her only home.

Neoma cried softly into her talons. Her head was buried in her talons, and they blocked out the bright light around her. The strange buzzing had subsided just enough for her head not to hurt as badly, but she still felt light head pain.
Neoma lifted her head quickly as Eclipse was yanked out of her cell. Scrambling to her feet, Neoma growled loudly through her muzzle. Were they taking her to kill her? What was going on?
Neoma slammed her body against the bars, and began whacking her tail on the floor, causing a loud commotion as Eclipse was dragged out of sight.
Humans passing by with long metal prods began shoving them in at her, and she trapped a couple beneath her talons. She hit her snout gently against the bars, enough to scare the humans. The long sharp prods now laid on her cell floor, and she quickly shuffled so that she was covering them more. The humans ran off, yelling something she couldn't understand. As they disappeared and didn't return, Neoma grinned slightly.
No human can recover these things now, she thought smugly.
Her wings, strapped to her sides, were cramping from the lack of use. Propping one of the spears in her talons, Neoma began rubbing the sharp edge against the straps.
All of a sudden, a distant but loud roar broke into the air. It sounded like a huge amount of humans, and it made Neoma jump. She poked herself gently with the sharp prods, and winced. They hurt a bit more than she wished.
Another few humans passed by, and Neoma stopped, dropping the spears and shuffling to hide them from sight again. A few of the humans looked at her suspiciously, and she looked blankly back at them.
Nothing to see here, she thought viciously. Just another stupid unthinking animal, hmm? Yeah, that's right. I'm stupid and have no idea what's going on.
She wished she could whack them with her tail as one squeaked something and then flapped his noodle-like arms, imitating a roar. The other two laughed.
You want a roar? I would give you one if it wasn't for this stupid muzzle!
Neoma settled herself with another angry growl. The humans all yelped and began scurrying away, Neoma watching them with light satisfaction.

Eclipse peeked an eye out from behind her wing, blinking sleep away at the sound of the humans voice. He apparently could also speak dragon, even better than the human Eclipse had met in the desert. She glanced up to see who he was talking to. The new room they were in was large and secure, with more of the bright white lights embedded in the ceiling. There were four other cages in the room. Two of them were open and empty and another had a large grey Mudwing curled inside. A small Cloudwing was watching the scene skeptically from across the room, and a large brown Leafwing bounded clumsily across the space with a large chunk of frozen meat hanging from his jaws.
The last cage was open as well, but the dragon still lay inside. Eclipse lifted her head in shock when she recognize the bright red scales of Sol. The Solarwing looked horrible. A large wound was torn in the side of his leg, neatly stitched together with tough black thread, and there was a long slice torn in the membrane on his wing. The Leafwing dropped the meat beside her and then turned toward Sol's human, who was kneeling in the cage with the red dragon, his head rested on Sol's neck.
Eclipse glanced at the food sitting on the ground outside her cage and felt her stomach growl. In the stress of her first day in the Den, she had completely forgotten to even feel hungry. She reached a talon through the bars and clawed at the solid meat, managing to pull off a small strip of the frozen flesh. But as she pulled it into the cage with her, she remembered with a dejected huff that she couldn't eat because of the vibrating band closed over her snout, and she sighed, glancing back at Sol's human.

@_-Captain BRM-_

Thank the sun I have no one to see and nowhere to be, thought Sunspot sarcastically. She rested her head on the cold metal bars, looking out at the scene through half closed eyes. No long lost sons, no mysterious dragons to meet… even Neoma seems a little attached to Eclipse. I’m the perfect candidate for this death pit.

Speaking of Eclipse, Sunspot had no clue where she was. Possibly dead. The silver dragon had been hauled away roughly and hadn’t returned.

Humans occasionally scurried through. At one point Neoma lunged at them. Kudos to her.

Helios seemed deeply distressed.

Sunspot sighed, wishing to be anywhere but here.

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