Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Alicanto gave an amused snort, regretting the choice immediately as fresh pain flared through his head and skull again.
"I think we're kinda done for either way pal," he murmured, letting his head roll sideways to look at the hybrid. Exhaustion was slowly creeping back into his voice and his thoughts were starting to slur back together again.
"Maybe... Nah, forget it." He closed his eyes with another discouraged huff.
Vel woke with a start, tripping as she leapt to her feet, half yelping as tight muscles gave out.
Panicked, she shoved herself off the ground once again.
She steadied her limbs, her gaze tearing across the wide oasis. Her exclamation had woken Ajax, and she narrowed her eyes at the dragon, then dropped her head, stepping towards the motionless water.
She threw up what little food remained, spitting foam onto the coarse sand. There was blood in the spittle, and she openly winced. Mentally denying pain and sickness did not make it go away, no matter how hard she may try. She needed food. And so did the sleeping CloudWing, who lay dangerously limp against the sand, his mouth slightly agape.
Vel took a deep breath, then stumbled to the CloudWing's side, nuding his shoulder with a gentle, drowsy manner.
Her gut ached. Her scales were hot. Her throat was swollen.
Panic threatened to well over as realization encouraged reality, but Vel drowned the emotion with a vocal growl, leaving her to cough pathetically.
"Oh, Alicanto," her voice was raw, hoarse, and hurt too much for this to be worth it. She was upsetting herself. "Wake up, you dunce."

@Little Baby Bean
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Vel woke with a start, tripping as she leapt to her feet, half yelping as tight muscles gave out.
Panicked, she shoved herself off the ground once again.
She steadied her limbs, her gaze tearing across the wide oasis. Her exclamation had woken Ajax, and she narrowed her eyes at the dragon, then dropped her head, stepping towards the motionless water.
She threw up what little food remained, spitting foam onto the coarse sand. There was blood in the spittle, and she openly winced. Mentally denying pain and sickness did not make it go away, no matter how hard she may try. She needed food. And so did the sleeping CloudWing, who lay dangerously limp against the sand, his mouth slightly agape.
Vel took a deep breath, then stumbled to the CloudWing's side, nuding his shoulder with a gentle, drowsy manner.
Her gut ached. Her scales were hot. Her throat was swollen.
Panic threatened to well over, but Vel drowned the emotion with a vocal growl, leaving her to cough pathetically.
"Oh, Alicanto, wake up, you dunce."

@Little Baby Bean
Everything was a weird suffocating heat, the world pressing in thick and smothering his breath and mind like a damp, sunbaked blanket.
Sounds swirled around his slurred mind, his thoughts drifting in a humid ocean of nonsense.
His tongue felt dry and it burned slightly, his throat only magnifying the sensation as the dryness crept through his body, all of it dwarfed by the ever-present burning on his neck. Heat seemed to seep from the spot, swimming beneath his feathers and fueling the fevered haze.
Alicanto felt something touch his shoulder, the skin warming further from the touch and making his feathers feel sensitive and uncomfortable. He let out a slightly deeper breath, the end of it tainted with the faintest groan.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Little Baby Bean
(SORRY, my fam's been nagging me about everything all night)
Everything was a weird suffocating heat, the world pressing in thick and smothering his breath and mind like a damp, sunbaked blanket.
Sounds swirled around his slurred mind, his thoughts drifting in a humid ocean of nonsense.
His tongue felt dry and it burned slightly, his throat only magnifying the sensation as the dryness crept through his body, all of it dwarfed by the ever-present burning on his neck. Heat seemed to seep from the spot, swimming beneath his feathers and fueling the fevered haze.
Alicanto felt something touch his shoulder, the skin warming further from the touch and making his feathers feel sensitive and uncomfortable. He let out a slightly deeper breath, the end of it tainted with the faintest groan.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Free@Little Baby Bean
(SORRY, my fam's been nagging me about everything all night)
Vel pushed his head against the sand, her attention redirected towards the ever reddening wound scarring the CloudWing's neck. He was weak. So was she. His small jerk of confused protest left Vel fighting for her balance as her talons shifted to steady her hold.
The wound was infected. She gave a sigh of displeasure, too tired to think much of it. He would die anyway.
She swayed. The heat burned. It burned worse than the desert heat.
Vel placed a talon on the CloudWing's forehead.
No fever.
Or so she thought.
Oh, how her scales burned. Impulsively, she staggered towards the water. She fell in. It was cooler. She threw her head up against the damp sand, then retched, allowing the rest of her body to be submerged. Vel doubted she could move anymore if she tried. Too tired. But.. why? Why... was she tired...

Whitestar reached out a wing to steady the human, his worry only increasing.
I could heal him. But should I? I've used my power so much already.
Another thought pulled at the edges of his mind, one he barely even dared to let in.
Besides, what do I owe to him? He's the one using Alyssia and us. Serves him right.
Whitestar pressed a talon to his head, trying to wrestle with his swirling thoughts. Was that really what he would think? Or had he used his power too much after all? Was it already starting to gnaw away the edges of his conscious?
I can't keep using it. But shouldn't I help Austin? I don't think I want to help him, but isn't it the right thing? After everything he did?
But he helped us get the files. He helped break us in here, and he got hurt doing it. Three moons, why do humans have to be so complicated.

"Let's hurry," Whitestar mumbled, still trying to grapple with his unruly thoughts. He angled his opened wing down for Austin to clamber up.
"The Nightwing's will already be after us, and we have to warn the others."
I'll figure out how bad his injuries are once we get back.

Austin was surprised to feel a wing steadying him. His mind was still spinning and he felt a headache settling in. Whitestar seemed to be thinking about something but eventually lowered his wing to let Austin climb up. Bracing his injured shoulder against his chest, he grabbed the wing and climbed up onto the dragons back, his shoulder feeling on fire with every movement. He scooted onto the dragon's back and he grabbed ahold of the icy dragon. "Agreed, let's go."
They took off and cut to the building they were staying in for the time being. All around the city the sound of alarms and sirens could be heard. Bursting through the front door, he raced to the stairs and made his way up to the floor they were staying one. His body screamed at him, but he gritted his teeth and pushed forward. They had to get out. There wouldn't be much time after the guards started sweeping the whole Den.
Coming to Alyssia's door, he knocked.
After an excruciating moment, the door finally creaked open slightly and then flew open all the way when she saw who it was. "You made it!" she exclaimed. "I thought you'd both been captured or killed!"
Alyssia's eyes went wide when she saw the blood on Austin's shoulder. She hurried them in and shut the door quickly. "What on earth happened to you?"
Austin smiled slightly, "We were completing the mission."
She looked at Whitestar and gasped as well. Several bullet marks made their way onto Whitestar's scales and blood seeped out. She grabbed a wash bin and a cloth and brought it over.
"No," Austin said pushing away the bin, "We don't have time for this. We have to go, now."

Alyssia noticed the look in his eyes. The seriousness in them. The worry in them. The fear in them.
She put the cloth to the side and began gathering some things together. "I take it this means that you found the files."
"Yeah, we did," Austin replied and gestured to his vest. "They're in the vest."
Awkwardly, Alyssia reached into the bloodied vest and pulled out the files. The files also had blood on them, but the words were still legible. She threw open one and her fingers slid over the words, trying to find the spot she was looking for.
"Buyer: August Tobias"
She took a breath and read aloud. "It looks like the one named 'Eclipse' was bought by someone named 'August Tobias.'" She glanced up and saw Austin's face drop. "Is that a problem?"
He sighed. "Kind of, yes. I overheard one of the guards talking and apparently Tobias was a part of the rebellion. They're most likely out of the Scorpion Den."
She nodded and closed that file. She snatched up the other one and tore it open.
"Buyer: The Scientist Labs"
Looking at Austin for another reaction, she saw one that she wasn't expecting. His eyes went wide and his face seemed to pale slightly. Unease began inside Alyssia from just seeing Austin's reaction to the name. "Austin...what's wrong?"
He closed his eyes and took a breath. "The Scientist Labs are where dragons are taken to be experimented upon."
Confusion showed on her face, "Experimented...like how?"
"Like...taking dragons and merging them with other kinds of dragons. Changing structure of the dragon and even biological changes. I've also heard some news of even higher experiments going on. Many of the experiments go to another dragon who I've never seen. They call him Vulture."
Fear started creeping into Alyssia. "Experiments...."

Austin turned towards Whitestar and changed from the English he had been speaking into dragon. "Whitestar, Eclipse was bought by the one named Tobias. He was a part of the rebellion so I'm assuming that she got out with him." Austin stood, nursing his arm against his chest, "We need to leave like now."

@Bella the Chicken Lover
Austin was surprised to feel a wing steadying him. His mind was still spinning and he felt a headache settling in. Whitestar seemed to be thinking about something but eventually lowered his wing to let Austin climb up. Bracing his injured shoulder against his chest, he grabbed the wing and climbed up onto the dragons back, his shoulder feeling on fire with every movement. He scooted onto the dragon's back and he grabbed ahold of the icy dragon. "Agreed, let's go."
They took off and cut to the building they were staying in for the time being. All around the city the sound of alarms and sirens could be heard. Bursting through the front door, he raced to the stairs and made his way up to the floor they were staying one. His body screamed at him, but he gritted his teeth and pushed forward. They had to get out. There wouldn't be much time after the guards started sweeping the whole Den.
Coming to Alyssia's door, he knocked.
After an excruciating moment, the door finally creaked open slightly and then flew open all the way when she saw who it was. "You made it!" she exclaimed. "I thought you'd both been captured or killed!"
Alyssia's eyes went wide when she saw the blood on Austin's shoulder. She hurried them in and shut the door quickly. "What on earth happened to you?"
Austin smiled slightly, "We were completing the mission."
She looked at Whitestar and gasped as well. Several bullet marks made their way onto Whitestar's scales and blood seeped out. She grabbed a wash bin and a cloth and brought it over.
"No," Austin said pushing away the bin, "We don't have time for this. We have to go, now."

Alyssia noticed the look in his eyes. The seriousness in them. The worry in them. The fear in them.
She put the cloth to the side and began gathering some things together. "I take it this means that you found the files."
"Yeah, we did," Austin replied and gestured to his vest. "They're in the vest."
Awkwardly, Alyssia reached into the bloodied vest and pulled out the files. The files also had blood on them, but the words were still legible. She threw open one and her fingers slid over the words, trying to find the spot she was looking for.
"Buyer: August Tobias"
She took a breath and read aloud. "It looks like the one named 'Eclipse' was bought by someone named 'August Tobias.'" She glanced up and saw Austin's face drop. "Is that a problem?"
He sighed. "Kind of, yes. I overheard one of the guards talking and apparently Tobias was a part of the rebellion. They're most likely out of the Scorpion Den."
She nodded and closed that file. She snatched up the other one and tore it open.
"Buyer: The Scientist Labs"
Looking at Austin for another reaction, she saw one that she wasn't expecting. His eyes went wide and his face seemed to pale slightly. Unease began inside Alyssia from just seeing Austin's reaction to the name. "Austin...what's wrong?"
He closed his eyes and took a breath. "The Scientist Labs are where dragons are taken to be experimented upon."
Confusion showed on her face, "Experimented...like how?"
"Like...taking dragons and merging them with other kinds of dragons. Changing structure of the dragon and even biological changes. I've also heard some news of even higher experiments going on. Many of the experiments go to another dragon who I've never seen. They call him Vulture."
Fear started creeping into Alyssia. "Experiments...."

Austin turned towards Whitestar and changed from the English he had been speaking into dragon. "Whitestar, Eclipse was bought by the one named Tobias. He was a part of the rebellion so I'm assuming that she got out with him." Austin stood, nursing his arm against his chest, "We need to leave like now."

@Bella the Chicken Lover
Whitestar was only half listening anxiously to the chittering between the two humans, his ears perked in the direction of the door.
The sound of blaring alarms could be heard faintly across the Den and Whitestar's nerves were still on edge from the flight back to the room, every little noise making his head swivel.
He glanced back at Alyssia and Austin, shifting anxiously at the looks that kept crossing the hunters face as Alyssia read the papers he'd brought back. Blood stained the small files and the human's shoulder was still slick with the thick liquid.
I should heal him, the Icewing thought, looking away. Why don't I just do it? I did it for Alyssia.
But Alyssia was also dying, Austin is fine. For the most part.
But he's still hurt.
But he used her.
And helped us in the end anyway.

Whitestar let out a low growl as his thoughts tussled mercilessly through his mind, his shifting becoming more agitated the longer he sat there listening, thinking.
He jumped, his head snapping around at Austin's voice.
"Eclipse was bought by the one named Tobias. He was a part of the rebellion so I'm assuming that she got out with him."
Whitestar felt his shoulders droop with relief, his wings brushing the ground.
She escaped.
He let out a long breath, feeling as if he had been holding it for days.
She's safe.
Three moons, she's safe.

"We need to leave like now."
Whitestar looked down at the human and gaze a firm nod, glancing back up at the other dragons. HIs gaze settled on Blackout.
"I know you want to find the other Lunarwing, but I don't think it's safe. We might be able to come back for her, but for now, we have to leave."

@Bella the Chicken Lover
Vel pushed his head against the sand, her attention redirected towards the ever reddening wound scarring the CloudWing's neck. He was weak. So was she. His small jerk of confused protest left Vel fighting for her balance as her talons shifted to steady her hold.
The wound was infected. She gave a sigh of displeasure, too tired to think much of it. He would die anyway.
She swayed. The heat burned. It burned worse than the desert heat.
Vel placed a talon on the CloudWing's forehead.
No fever.
Or so she thought.
Oh, how her scales burned. Impulsively, she staggered towards the water. She fell in. It was cooler. She threw her head up against the damp sand, then retched, allowing the rest of her body to be submerged. Vel doubted she could move anymore if she tried. Too tired. But.. why? Why... was she tired...

@Little Baby Bean
(Yeah, Vel and Ali are kinda dying, not much more I can do with my boy rn, so...)

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