Off balance chick-help!

I would suggest some poultry Nutridrench if you can get some. Its a great, quick vitamin boost. It can be messy, and they don't always want to take it directly from the dropper, so I usually wipe my finger on the dropper, then wipe that onto the side of a chicks beak. Then follow with some clear water to wash it down. You can also add it to their water, but usually a straight drop or two will perk them right up!

She looks very beautiful. I hope she recovers!
Is she still not using her left leg or wing? When you stand her up, is she trying to take a step or does she fall over? It is a little early for signs of Mareks disease, but the slight possibility should be mentioned. Hopefully the vitamins and electrolytes and water will make a difference.
I would suggest some poultry Nutridrench if you can get some. Its a great, quick vitamin boost. It can be messy, and they don't always want to take it directly from the dropper, so I usually wipe my finger on the dropper, then wipe that onto the side of a chicks beak. Then follow with some clear water to wash it down. You can also add it to their water, but usually a straight drop or two will perk them right up!

She looks very beautiful. I hope she recovers!
I stopped and got some Polyvisol that was suggested. She is still alive. I just got home from work. How much of this should I give her?
I stopped and got some Polyvisol that was suggested. She is still alive. I just got home from work. How much of this should I give her?
I just gave her some Polyvisol in some electrolyte water. Her head is very wobbly now. But her feet are still working but sh cannot stand.
Is she still not using her left leg or wing? When you stand her up, is she trying to take a step or does she fall over? It is a little early for signs of Mareks disease, but the slight possibility should be mentioned. Hopefully the vitamins and electrolytes and water will make a difference.
She does not try and stand she just falls over. Her legs are no stiff or paralyzed. But her head is very wobbly...just roll as around. I gave her the vitamin drops and some water but she can't/won't eat. I don't want her to stay in this condition much longer. She is suffering.
Could be botulism, any wet or moldy feed around or maggots that fed on a carcass? I personally would put her down at this point.
Could be botulism, any wet or moldy feed around or maggots that fed on a carcass? I personally would put her down at this point.
No nothing moldy or wet. I have a hanging feeder and waterer in the brooder. They eat everything I put in there. And if they don't eat something I throw it away.
Sorry, sometimes you just never know why, or what. From my experiences most sick chickens don't improve, especially if they worsen, and are down.
I would send her refrigerated body off to your state vet or poultry lab for a necropsy to look for Mareks. We can give you contact info if needed. For what it's worth, I am always smelling and looking at my feed container because I have suddenly discovered greenish-blue mold here and there in my feed or scratch in summer. It has a very chemical odor., and can even happen 1/2 way through a bag in warm humid weather.

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