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Did those, and Pretty in Pink, too...

It's hard to believe that the guy who plays Johnny in the Dead Zone is the same kid who played the blonde hair geek with braces in Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles!!

The gods must have thought he was picked on enough as a kid and made him a hunk when he grew up!!!
About Last Night & St Elmo's Fire are a bit mature yet, as is Animal House.
We're still doing teen type flicks, or oldies.

We will watch Footloose soon.

In Pretty in Pink I laughed to see John Cryer as Duckie. He now plays Charlie Sheen's brother in Two and a Half Men. I love that sitcom! It's the only one we watch...

Watching Weird Science was good too, and seeing Bill Paxton in his younger days.
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I forgot about Weird Science. I liked that movie. My brothers and I loved Top Gun. We were teenagers when it came out. My mom was a little bothered by all the cussing; she said if they took it out, it would be a silent movie!
I think everyone should see Schindler's List once in their life, too.

Here are two more all time great movies on my list: The Shawshank Redemption, and The Green Mile. (Very weird to me that both are Stephen King prison movies.)
Can you tell I'm more a drama person, than a comedy person?

Hey, speaking of manly voices, I'm gonna leave y'all now, and go put on my Trace Atkins CD at a good high volume, since my husband is not home. He's down south huntin' gators! Now, that's manly!
Yep he really is.. but I seen him in an interview a few years ago and he didnt seem that personable.. but I guess if you look like that you dont have to have a great personality all of the time..
I'm not gonna say hes cute but I think he is the guy that got shot by his now EX, but he never pressed charges because she is the momma to his children NOW THAT IS COOL,,I personally woud have taken that gun away and shot my soon to be widow if it had been me
I think that was way back years ago when he was alot younger before his fame and fortune... he remarried a few years ago and they now at least one child that I know of.. and I think I prob would have shot back too.. (but that wouldnt be the right thing to do)

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