Offering Calcium to Mixed Layers and Young?


Feb 2, 2023
New Orleans, LA
I have 5 teenagers ~16 weeks old and 2 mature 3 yr olds. I've read a lot of places saying offer calcium separate from their feed for the layers so I have a hanging bucket of crushed eggshells. I have also read too much calcium is bad for younger birds. I've noticed the younger hens eating the eggshells lately. Should I be concerned or do they know what they are doing?
I wouldn't worry about them eating it at 16 weeks. They are probably gearing up to lay. You may want to offer oyster shell as well. The egg shells have only as much calcium as the hens can put into them, so it is good to offer both egg shells and oyster shell.
CHickens expolre the world with their beaks. Not uncommon to see even adult roosters pick at egg shells or oyster shells when they first go down. Typically, they quickly decide its "not for them" and start ignoring it.

Don't panic. What you have described is normal behavior.

Calcium toxicity itself is a progressive pathology - age, time, and dosage all have significant influence. Individual genetics, much less so.

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