Office Work.......

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I'm channeling laree this morning. Woke up to toby the big geezer dog making barfy sounds. I jumped up and just missed getting him to the linoleum by a few seconds. Barf everywhere. So I put him in the dining room and go to get stuff to clean up.....and he starts peeing!


So I have been cleaning carpets this morning. Sigh. Good thing I have a big carpet cleaner.
MOrning Batty!

Woke up to another 7 peepers in the incubator.

So that makes 11 out of 12 eggs hatched, with one still unzipping.

Of the 12 eggs, 1 was an egg the DH accidentially pulled from under the super-broody.

The other 11 eggs are ALL SHIPPED EGGS. So if this last chick unzips, I will have a 100% hatch rate from shipped eggs.

....I should probably find out exactly what Cammy sent me. LOL!!
On a sad note: I had to have the DH cull two of my favorite roosters yesterday---they were super-crowers and I couldn't find them homes. Since I am in the middle of the city, I didn't want to push my luck.

And now, it is 5 AM, the chickens have noticed the lights are on in the house, and I have new crower trying out his paper-towel-roll-bugle for the first time. I am pretty sure it the BWA I hatched for Mahonri during the New Year's hatch.

He sounds so pathetic.

...every time he "Buuurp burthhh beeooowoooothhhhppppbbbbbrtttt"s, the turkey goodilieegoogiliees, telling him to shut up.
Hiya Laree!

I just finished feeding everyone. J has trashed the barn with his "man stuff" he's supposed to go to work today so maybe if I'm not passed out, I'll have the energy to clean it up. Kittens are being relocated to the barn.

I must get my chick shed set up too. I need minions....minions with strong backs and low pay scale. *le sigh*
Good morning!

lol, my post was before my bedtime last night, I believe you are 3 hours ahead of me, so it actually was a late night for me, not an early morning.

for beans

for laree

and then
for laree on the rooster thing,

and then
on the new crower, they do sound so funny when learning

yahoo for Friday, although its always very busy on Friday, I'll get worn out today, but I do every day, and then dr appt for my dad after work, and then yay, play with animals all weekend!

We had that warm spell, then t got cold again, and yesterday some places go t hit hard with hail, very very windy all day, I think we get a little more rain today, and then a nice weekend

I;m hoping to take the new chickies outside to play this weekend again.

And hopefully that power outage wegot had, was only equal to a broody emu getting off the nest for a bit to eat and drink and poo
and the egg is doing just fine.
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