Ended Official BYC 12th Annual 2021 New Year's Day Hatch-Along! - Meet My Fur Baby Contest!

Not an entry - already posted the other dogs.

This is Syri our lab/pitbull mix. She was named before Siri on the iPhone was even a thing. She’s 15 years old, but doesn’t show her age externally. She will run around the field for an hour chewing on sticks and tossing them into the air. But she can’t hear for squat and is slowly losing her eyesight. Still love her 🤗

I would have to say that the raw food has kept them all lean and healthy. The vet one time commented on Syri’s weight and teeth for her age, then I told her we feed the dogs raw 😈 no vet likes to hear that! I have been “warned” for years how bad it is for the dogs (to eat what their body is designed to consume?).
This is Beau, Bubz or Bubby. Registered name is Beau. He’s a Cane Corso (pronounced “kah nay” not like candy cane) also known as an Italian Mastiff. He’s a people dog, but only for HIS people. Guarding comes naturally to this breed, I dare someone to come visit our property uninvited!

We spent a year researching a good guard dog, wanted it to be a mastiff and wanted it to live longer than 7 years. Cane Corso was a perfect fit as they live 9 to 11 years and are an active breed. All 4 of our dogs are raw fed and with 2 being mastiffs the food bill is over $400 a month :oops:
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This is Mallace. She’s a Dogo Argentino also known as an Argentinian Mastiff. They were originally bred to hunt and take down wild boar, but we have her just because 🤗

We thought oh well, what’s another dog... She is very nervous and anxious. We can’t really take her anywhere, which is fine but she WAS going to be my hiking buddy. Where some people would just “get rid of the problem”, she’s here to stay with us until she dies. We did learn a good lesson though... don’t take the last dog from a litter. She was expensive and well bred, just is a nervous wreck! The others from her litter are a much better representation of a Dogo, a fearless go getter.
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This is Sir Bungilous Noodilous or Bungie. I actually had Bungilous Noodilous engraved on his collar lol

He’s a miniature Dachshund and is about 5 years old. Fearless squir (squirrel) hunter and killer of the bouncing land squirs (rabbits). We had 8 rats in the Ratinator trap a couple months ago. We let one out at a time and he quickly killed each one. No cruel drowning or shooting. Quick shake, dead.

He is one of the naughtiest weenies... he tip toes into the kitchen so you can’t hear him. He watches when you turn your back to your food and will help himself when you’re not looking. He also sneaks into the bed, and the photo below is me exposing his naughtiness.
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Not an entry - already posted the other dogs.

This is Syri our lab/pitbull mix. She was named before Siri on the iPhone was even a thing. She’s 15 years old, but doesn’t show her age externally. She will run around the field for an hour chewing on sticks and tossing them into the air. But she can’t hear for squat and is slowly losing her eyesight. Still love her 🤗

I would have to say that the raw food has kept them all lean and healthy. The vet one time commented on Syri’s weight and teeth for her age, then I told her we feed the dogs raw 😈 no vet likes to hear that! I have been “warned” for years how bad it is for the dogs (to eat what their body is designed to consume?).
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Look at those healthy babies and their shiny coats! That's quite the food bill, lol. We used to supplement our dogs with raw chicken feet because it was supposed to be good for their hips while they aged (I admit, it was gross to watch them eat them though, lol!). I also gave the eggs (but I did cook them).
Look at those healthy babies and their shiny coats! That's quite the food bill, lol. We used to supplement our dogs with raw chicken feet because it was supposed to be good for their hips while they aged (I admit, it was gross to watch them eat them though, lol!). I also gave the eggs (but I did cook them).

Some is better than none! The crunching sound of the bones is so gross lol. Beau will swallow a drum stick whole, no chewing 🤢

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