Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—Favorite Fair Memories

My family always entered things in the county fair. I always did well in art and gardening. Did decent in cooking as it was Open Class.

Mom would sit down at the table with me and my younger brothers and we'd each make up the recipe as she'd read it.

The year I was 17, I was even more careful on the baking powder biscuits I was entering. The 4 entered were all perfect crumb, moisture, and size. I took 1st place, plus the award from the small Cooking School nearby. Beat out all the older ladies.

As an aside, one of my aunts has apparently wanted the recipe for those biscuits for years but for some reason thought it was a secret family recipe. Mom would make them up for family get togethers at Thanksgiving or Christmas. She brought up the time I won the fair award last Christmas and had said something along the lines of how my Mom would want to keep the secret recipe. Mom was baffled and replied "It's the Biscuit Supreme recipe out of my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. Nothing secret about it." Everyone had a good laugh and my aunt now makes them at home. I cant believe she thought it was a secret recipe for well over 30 years.
Wow. Those must have been absolutely PERFECT biscuits.

Had a lot to do with making the suckers almost every day for years at that point. I didn't even need the recipe. Taking extra care helped. Everyone likes good biscuits and many recipes suck. The biscuits supreme version just was better with the cream of tarter in it.

They were frequent after school snacks as well as at dinner. I've never actually met someone who didn't like them. I have however had horrible biscuits from restaurants and stores. It seems most places can't get them right. Hardee's is the only fast food place that has had some good ones. Most of the others are just ok at best.
My sweetheart was telling me when he grew up in rural Maine, school would start end of Aug, for about 3 weeks, then the elementary & high school actually closed for 3 weeks, so the kids could all help during harvesting.
That’s awesome! My town is less than an hour from a major city, so I guess there are enough kids to justify starting school, it was just always kind of fun to see your friends at the fair, and I was always a little bit jealous that they got to miss the first few days of school. 😂
Once there was a little girl, it was the first day of summer and she had just found out that her closest friend who we will call Jen was moving, she was heartbroken and decided she would go to the town fair maybe that would cheer her up, soon after she arrived she noticed she wasn't the only one feeling down Jen had gone to cheer up too. They spent the next hour having the time of their lives completely forgetting about everything that had happened earlier that day. After the sun went down the 2 girls sat down and watched the fireworks light up the sky at the end of the night we said goodbye for the last time and that was the last time I heard from her, I have made it a tradition to go to that fair the same day every year and carry on her legacy, as she will always have a place in my heart.:hit
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My best memory of the fair is going to the horse pulling contest with my father. I may have been 10-12 years old. It's the only time I got to go to the fair and that's all we did. I remember the smell of the huge horses. The noise of the clanging their hardware. The shiny metal on their bridles and yolks. I was amazed how a man could control not only one but sometimes 6 draft horses at a time. Just with words, they would back up to the pull, and stand there until he gave the command and a flick of the reins on their butts. I can still hear the pounding of the hooves and the rumbling of the ground. I was totally memorized!! And the time spent with my dad was precious to me.
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Only 4.5 hours until this contest closes, so get those last-minute entries in for a chance to win a great prize!

All 22 entries were entered into a spreadsheet in the order they were posted and given a number. To pick the winners, the random number generator was used.

First Place - #13, @picklestheduck
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I remember years back when I went to a fair for the first time. I was little and my grandparents took me. We walked around for a while looking at all he animals, and I cried when I saw the Guinea pigs because mine had just died. We went up to a food truck and got an elephant eat for me to try for the first time and it was an INCREDIBLE experience. Then there was this big swinging boat ride that my siblings wanted to do…. So I went on it…. Well it was the most terrifying thing I had ever done and the lap bar didn’t come super close to me because again I was little. Well I cried and cried afterwards, and my grandma took me on the pony ride which instantly made me stop crying. 😂

Second Place - #17, @Larafamilychickens
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I love the County Fair in my hometown. My church runs the ice cream booth, so it’s always fun to work the ice cream booth and see people come and go.

My funniest memory of the County dark is this: My hometown is kind of a small town, and it’s still pretty rural, so there are a lot of farm, FFA, 4-H kids, and the like. The county fair is always the first week of school, so a lot of students are obviously absent, but you know exactly where they are. Those of us unlucky few who had no reason to miss school were always in charge of telling teachers that classmates wouldn’t be in school because they were showing a horse, cow, pig, etc. It’s still like that today.
Third Place - #22, @getreal
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My best memory of the fair is going to the horse pulling contest with my father. I may have been 10-12 years old. It's the only time I got to go to the fair and that's all we did. I remember the smell of the huge horses. The noise of the clanging their hardware. The shiny metal on their bridles and yolks. I was amazed how a man could control not only one but sometimes 6 draft horses at a time. Just with words, they would back up to the pull, and stand there until he gave the command and a flick of the reins on their butts. I can still hear the pounding of the hooves and the rumbling of the ground. I was totally memorized!! And the time spent with my dad was precious to me.

Fourth Place - #3, @the_peanut_coop
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Once upon a time there was a young girl named Peanut who was horrified at the idea of roller coasters. She was scared because she had heard of people getting stuck on them and that sounds awful, so she would rather not. Then one day she got an opportunity to go to an amusement park with her nerd group and she took the offer. Her friends wanted to go on all the most scariest roller coasters. The line for the very most scariest one was very long and they never would've gotten on. The group then decided to go on the second most scariest one. Peanut was very nervous. Then Peanut yelled the entire time that she was bored because she had imagined rollercoasters much scarier. The End.

@picklestheduck, @Larafamilychickens, @getreal, @the_peanut_coop,
I will be sending you instructions on how to claim your prizes momentarily!
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A HUGE THANK YOU to all who participated, this wouldn't have been possible without all of you!!!! :bow :clap

Great job everyone, this was so much fun!! :wee

And THANK YOU to our BYC Sponsors (click to view & support them)
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